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Re: convert-standard-filename documentation is insufficient

From: Luc Teirlinck
Subject: Re: convert-standard-filename documentation is insufficient
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 15:58:22 -0600 (CST)

Alternately, we could just put in a link to the Elisp manual.  All the
user has to do is click mouse-2 or press RETURN on the link.

Also the first line needs to be shortened since it is 72 characters, 5
longer than the maximum allowed 67.  I first suggested doing this by
replacing `something' by `one'.  An alternative is to delete "current"
in front of OS.  It is redundant.  Which _other_ operating system
could be meant?

That would give:

  "Convert a standard file's name to something suitable for the OS.
  This means to guarantee valid names and perhaps to canonicalize
  certain patterns.

  This function's standard definition is trivial; it just returns
  the argument.  However, on Windows and DOS, replace invalid
  characters.  On DOS, make sure to obey the 8.3 limitations.  On
  Windows, turn Cygwin names into native names, and also turn
  slashes into backslashes if the shell requires it (see

  See `(elisp)Standard File Names' for more details."



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