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Cash-In on Homeland Security by Owning this Company!

From: Learnmore23e
Subject: Cash-In on Homeland Security by Owning this Company!
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 0102 03:48:50 -0200

Do you think that National Security, Protection of Our US Borders and Natural Resources is a high priority?


Where do you think the $BILLIONS of dollars being released by the government are going?

¤ Do you think they are interested in Intruder Detection for thousands of miles of unmanned, unmonitored US and Canadian borders?
¤ Would you agree that the early detection of our National forest fires and our ability to immediately respond to it at the precise moment it begins could save lives and billions of dollars annually?
¤ Would you like to own shares in a pre-IPO company where over the last 2 years the existing shareholders received a cash dividend averaging between 18% and 37%?


If you answered YES to any of these questions then you need to own Private Stock in the company that provides all of these features and more!


Minimum Investment $10,000


Patented technology already being used in over 650 municipalities nationwide and many major US Airports such as JFK and LAX.


Please fill out the form below for more information
Required fields are denoted with a *. You must be 21 years of age or older.
Minimum Investment $10,000
Bus Tel:

If you prefer you may contact us at:
954-857-5380 or regdprofits@yahoo.com


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