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Bug in GNUchess 5 engine

From: Gert Winderlich
Subject: Bug in GNUchess 5 engine
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2003 22:28:46 +0200

Hello programmers,
I found a bug in GNUchess 5.0 engine
Winboard 4.2.6 + GNUChess v5.02+
running on PC, Win2000
- Mode > Edit Position
- right click > Clear Board
- set black king to e8
- set white king to e6
- set white pawn to d6
- Mode > Edit Game
- move Kf6
- Mode > Machine black
after 9 seconds a Windows message box pops up:
Fatal error
Error: first chess program (GNUChes5 xboard) exites unexpectedly.
- after clicking OK, the program crashs
- there are no problems in GNUChess 4.0 when doing the same actions
Can you reproduce this?
Gert Winderlich

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