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Re: make command error

From: Simon Waters
Subject: Re: make command error
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 12:10:47 +0100

 > I am trying to install the GNU Chess and I got error with
> the make command. Could you please help. I have not found
> the FAQ for it.
> My system is : PC, Pentum III 500Mz, 128RAM, 7GB HDD with
> CD; Redhat 6.2, Perl, Apache 1.3.12, Mysql installed
> I am looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you in
> advance !

Looks like a compiler bug to me - I'd try "-O2", I never had
this trouble with Redhat 6.1, but I always had a recent GCC
installed for reasons related to building Linux kernels.

What version of GCC? What version of GNUChess?

Also you can use "script report.txt" before you start an
install and "ctrl-D", when finished to create a file
tracking what happened, if a recent GCC doesn't help.


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