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gnats/443: gnatsd protocol inconsistency in CHEK initial

From: mike
Subject: gnats/443: gnatsd protocol inconsistency in CHEK initial
Date: Wed, 04 Dec 2002 15:32:32 -0500

>Number:         443
>Category:       gnats
>Synopsis:       gnatsd protocol inconsistency in CHEK initial
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       high
>Responsible:    unassigned
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Dec 04 15:32:32 -0500 2002
>Originator:     mike hoolehan
>Release:        4.0-beta 1


With the CHEK initial command, gnatsd will response with something like:

411 There is a bad value `foo' for the field `Category'.
403 Errors found checking PR text.

when an invalid field is supplied.  However, according to the gnatsd 
description in the documentation, the first error message should have a hyphen 
after the 411.  

The code in cmds.c which handles the printing of the 411 error will put hyphen 
on the first n-1 411 errors messages (there may be multiple) but not on the nth 
message.  In other words, it doesn't seem to expect that 403 error to bring up 
the rear.  

Here is the part of the gnatsd documentation I referred to earlier.

Codes 400-599
An error occurred, usually because of invalid command parameters or invalid 
input from the client, missing arguments to the command, or a command was 
issued out of sequence. The human-readable message associated with the response 
line describes the general problem encountered with the command.
Multiple error messages may be returned from a command; in this case the `-' 
continuation character is used on all but the last response line. 

There are two solutions, I suppose:  Drop that last 403 error (line 726 of 
cmds.c in 3.999.1) or always put a hypen in those 411 errors (line 86 of same). 

I don't think that final 403 error is very handy since it's clear from the 
existence of the previous 411 lines that errors were found.  But I may not be 
aware of other circumstances which account for its presence.  

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