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Re: gmp 2.0.2 test buglet

From: der Mouse
Subject: Re: gmp 2.0.2 test buglet
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 11:30:14 -0500 (EST)

>> I've been using GMP 2.0.2 [...]
> GMP 2 is obolete.  Please upgrade to GMP 3.1.1.

2.0.2 is known to work with the programs I use it with.  If and when I
encounter a *functionality* lack, I may upgrade.  Until then, "if it
ain't broke, don't fix it".

But maybe 3.1.1 does fix some of the problems I've had with 2.0.2.
Does it fix the t-get_d problem I mentioned?  Or any of these:

- Missing manpages?

- Botches on systems that define both _BIG_ENDIAN and _LITTLE_ENDIAN
  (NetBSD 1.4T defines those and _PDP_ENDIAN, and then defines
  _BYTE_ORDER as one of the three)?

- Including <gmp.h> before <stdio.h> causes all the stdio-interface
  functions to disappear, rather than <gmp.h> itself including
  <stdio.h> so as to be able to declare them?

- s/ll/__ll/ in the VAX sdiv_qrnnd() definition?

- Missing #include of <strings.h> in mpf/out_str.c and mpz/set_str.c?

- Handling of "macppc" output from uname -m in config.sub?  (It's not
  recognized; when I treated it as equivalent to ppc, it worked.)

- All the advertised types are really arrays(!), thereby making it
  impossible to, for example, assign a variable of type mpz_t to
  another such(!!), and this being completely undocumented(!!!)?

                                        der Mouse

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