Thanks Domingo. I was going to say that MAX should be on its own line
All the best
Dr. J. A. Julian Hall, Reader, School of Mathematics,
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From: Domingo Alvarez Duarte
Sent: Sat May 14 16:38:12 GMT+01:00 2022
To: ""
Subject: Re: MPS files for maximization lack OBJSENSE
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Hello Julian !
I did a mistake on implementing the OBJSENSE for freemps format and fixed it now the binaries are available here and here is the generated freemps:
* Problem: simple_max * Class: LP * Rows: 3 * Columns: 2 * Non-zeros: 6 * Format: Free MPS * NAME simple_max OBJSENSE MAX ROWS L Constraint1 L Constraint2 N Objective COLUMNS x Constraint1 1 Constraint2 3 x Objective 1 y Constraint1 2 Constraint2 1 y Objective 1 RHS RHS1 Constraint1 15 Constraint2 20 ENDATA
Cheers !
On 14/5/22 16:13, Domingo Alvarez Duarte wrote:
Hello Julian !
Meanwhile I implemented read/write OBJSENSE for freemps format on my fork of GLPK with several extensions and here you can find the binaries built with github actions to try.
With your proposed example the solution is the same on both, and here is the generated freemps:
* Problem: simple_max * Class: LP * Rows: 3 * Columns: 2 * Non-zeros: 6 * Format: Free MPS * NAME simple_max OBJSENSE MAX ROWS L Constraint1 L Constraint2 N Objective COLUMNS x Constraint1 1 Constraint2 3 x Objective 1 y Constraint1 2 Constraint2 1 y Objective 1 RHS RHS1 Constraint1 15 Constraint2 20 ENDATA
Cheers !
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