I noticed that with a simple non-empty problem, glp_interior() can return GLP_EFAIL. For example:
glp_prob* const prob = glp_create_prob();
const int x = 1;
glp_add_cols(prob, 1);
glp_set_col_name(prob, x, "x");
glp_set_col_bnds(prob, x, GLP_FX, 0.0, 0.0);
glp_set_obj_coef(prob, x, 2.0);
glp_set_obj_coef(prob, 0, 4.0);
glp_set_obj_dir(prob, GLP_MAX);
glp_iptcp parameters;
parameters.msg_lev = GLP_MSG_ALL;
const int rc = glp_interior(prob, ¶meters);
switch (rc) {
case 0:
printf("glp_interior() succeeded\n");
printf("glp_interior() failed with GLP_EFAIL\n");
printf("glp_interior() failed with %d\n", rc);
The logs explains why I think:
> Original LP has 0 row(s), 1 column(s), and 0 non-zero(s)
> Working LP has 0 row(s), 0 column(s), and 0 non-zero(s)
> glp_interior: unable to solve empty problem
> glp_interior() failed with GLP_EFAIL
If the problem is changed to something less trivial by changing the bounds:
glp_set_col_bnds(prob, x, GLP_DB, -1.0, 2.0);
Then glp_interior() does not fail:
> Original LP has 0 row(s), 1 column(s), and 0 non-zero(s)
> Working LP has 1 row(s), 2 column(s), and 2 non-zero(s)
> Matrix A has 2 non-zeros
> Matrix S = A*A' has 1 non-zeros (upper triangle)
> Approximate minimum degree ordering (AMD)...
> Computing Cholesky factorization S = L*L'...
> Matrix L has 1 non-zeros
> Guessing initial point...
> Optimization begins...
> 0: obj = -1.100000000e+01; rpi = 1.5e+00; rdi = 1.1e+00; gap = 6.0e-01
> 1: obj = -7.120987654e+00; rpi = 1.5e-01; rdi = 1.1e-01; gap = 2.3e-01
> 2: obj = -7.863749904e+00; rpi = 1.5e-02; rdi = 1.5e-02; gap = 2.3e-02
> 3: obj = -7.986378558e+00; rpi = 1.5e-03; rdi = 1.5e-03; gap = 2.2e-03
> 4: obj = -7.998637862e+00; rpi = 1.5e-04; rdi = 1.5e-04; gap = 2.2e-04
> 5: obj = -7.999863786e+00; rpi = 1.5e-05; rdi = 1.5e-05; gap = 2.2e-05
> 6: obj = -7.999986379e+00; rpi = 1.5e-06; rdi = 1.5e-06; gap = 2.2e-06
> 7: obj = -7.999998638e+00; rpi = 1.5e-07; rdi = 1.5e-07; gap = 2.2e-07
> 8: obj = -7.999999864e+00; rpi = 1.5e-08; rdi = 1.5e-08; gap = 2.2e-08
> 9: obj = -7.999999986e+00; rpi = 1.5e-09; rdi = 1.5e-09; gap = 2.2e-09
> glp_interior() succeeded
Is this a bug though? Or is this intended?
The documentation of glp_interior() only mentions:
> GLP_EFAIL The problem has no rows/columns.
but this is not the original problem that has no rows/columns here, but the pre-processed one.