Hello !
Looking through the code and changing "glp_double" by
"glp_long_double" in my GLPK fork I found an unitialized variable in
npp_reduce_ineq_coef in "src/npp/npp4.c":
int npp_reduce_ineq_coef(NPP *npp, NPPROW *row)
{ /* reduce inequality constraint coefficients */
NPPROW *copy;
NPPAIJ *aij;
struct elem *ptr, *e;
int kase, count[2];
glp_double b; //***********!!!!!!!!! here not initialized
/* the row must be inequality constraint */
xassert(row->lb < row->ub);
count[0] = count[1] = 0;
for (kase = 0; kase <= 1; kase++)
{ if (kase == 0)
{ /* process row lower bound */
if (row->lb == -GLP_DBL_MAX) continue;
#ifdef GLP_DEBUG
ptr = copy_form(npp, row, +1.0);
b = + row->lb; ////****!!!!!! if it enter here when kase
== 0 then we are using "b" uninitialized
Cheers !