In order to not significantly degrade performance, this patch adopts
a hybrid approach: first, a comparison of reduced costs is attempted
using floating-point numbers. If the floating-point number is zero,
the reduced costs are compared as rational numbers instead.
I could not figure out where I should put a test case to make sure we
don't regress. Can you please point me in the right direction?
src/draft/glpssx01.c | 21 +++++++++++++++++----
1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/draft/glpssx01.c b/src/draft/glpssx01.c
index 9b70444..063671c 100644
--- a/src/draft/glpssx01.c
+++ b/src/draft/glpssx01.c
@@ -461,10 +461,14 @@ void ssx_chuzc(SSX *ssx)
int *Q_col = ssx->Q_col;
int *stat = ssx->stat;
mpq_t *cbar = ssx->cbar;
+ mpq_t abs_best; mpq_init(abs_best);
+ mpq_t abs_cur; mpq_init(abs_cur);
int j, k, s, q, q_dir;
double best, temp;
/* nothing is chosen so far */
- q = 0, q_dir = 0, best = 0.0;
+ q = 0, q_dir = 0;
/* look through the list of non-basic variables */
for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
{ k = Q_col[m+j]; /* x[k] = xN[j] */
@@ -474,12 +478,21 @@ void ssx_chuzc(SSX *ssx)
{ /* reduced cost of xN[j] indicates possible improving of
the objective function */
temp = fabs(mpq_get_d(cbar[j]));
- xassert(temp != 0.0);
- if (q == 0 || best < temp)
- q = j, q_dir = - s, best = temp;
+ xassert(temp >= 0.0 && best >= 0.0);
+ if (temp == 0.0 && (q > 0 && best == 0.0)) {
+ mpq_abs(abs_cur, cbar[j]);
+ mpq_abs(abs_best, cbar[q]);
+ if (q == 0 || mpq_cmp(abs_best, abs_cur) < 0)
+ q = j, q_dir = - s, best = temp;
+ } else {
+ if (q == 0 || best < temp)
+ q = j, q_dir = - s, best = temp;
+ }
ssx->q = q, ssx->q_dir = q_dir;
+ mpq_clear(abs_best);
+ mpq_clear(abs_cur);