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[Bug-glpk] big M constraint problem
From: |
Ercasta |
Subject: |
[Bug-glpk] big M constraint problem |
Date: |
Sun, 31 Oct 2004 00:03:11 +0200 |
I have defined a model and a data file as follows:
-------------------------MODEL FILE--------------------
param stazioni;
param p1{i in 1..stazioni};
param p2{i in 1..stazioni};
param costoatt{i in 1..stazioni};
param costopertonn{i in 1..stazioni};
param min1;
param min2;
param M;
var attivazione{1..stazioni} binary;
var quantita{1..stazioni} >=0;
minimize costototale: sum{i in 1..stazioni} (costoatt[i]*attivazione[i] +
#Minima depurazione richiesta
subject to minimadepurazione1: sum {i in 1..stazioni} quantita[i]*p1[i] >= min1;
subject to minimadepurazione2: sum {i in 1..stazioni} quantita[i]*p2[i] >= min2;
#Vincolo paesaggistico
subject to paesaggio: attivazione[1]+attivazione[2]<=1;
#Vincoli di M grande
subject to mgrande{i in 1..stazioni}: quantita[i]<=M*attivazione[i];
display {i in 1..stazioni} : attivazione[i],quantita[i];
display costototale;
-----------------------DATA FILE-------------------------
param stazioni := 4;
param min1 := 80;
param min2 := 50;
param M := 100000;
param p1:=
1 0.4
2 0.25
3 0.30
4 0.15;
param p2:=
1 0.35
2 0.25
3 0.20
4 0.22;
param costoatt:=
1 100000
2 70000
3 80000
4 40000;
param costopertonn:=
1 20
2 30
3 30
4 35;
When i run glpsol, the output is:
glpsol -m stazionidepurazione.mod -d stazionidepurazione.dat
Reading model section from stazionidepurazione.mod...
stazionidepurazione.mod:27: warning: final NL missing before end of file
stazionidepurazione.mod:27: warning: unexpected end of file; missing end
statement inserted
27 lines were read
Reading data section from stazionidepurazione.dat...
stazionidepurazione.dat:29: warning: unexpected end of file; missing end
statement inserted
29 lines were read
Generating costototale...
Generating minimadepurazione1...
Generating minimadepurazione2...
Generating paesaggio...
Generating mgrande...
Model has been successfully generated
lpx_simplex: original LP has 8 rows, 8 columns, 26 non-zeros
lpx_simplex: presolved LP has 7 rows, 8 columns, 18 non-zeros
lpx_adv_basis: size of triangular part = 7
0: objval = 0.000000000e+00 infeas = 1.000000000e-00 (0)
3: objval = 6.000000000e+03 infeas = 0.000000000e+00 (0)
Integer optimization begins...
+ 3: ip_obj = not found yet >= -inf (1; 0)
+ 7: ip_obj = 8.800000000e+04 >= 6.000000000e+03 (3; 0)
+ 11: ip_obj = 5.866666667e+04 >= 1.184000000e+04 (3; 2)
+ 12: ip_obj = 5.866666667e+04 >= tree is empty (0; 9)
Time used: 0.0 secs
Memory used: 0.2M (166651 bytes)
Display statement at line 26
attivazione[1] = 0
quantita[1] = 0
attivazione[2] = 0
quantita[2] = 0
attivazione[3] = 0
quantita[3] = 0
attivazione[4] = 1
quantita[4] = 533.333333333333
Display statement at line 27
20 quantita[1]
100000 attivazione[1]
30 quantita[2]
70000 attivazione[2]
30 quantita[3]
80000 attivazione[3]
35 quantita[4]
40000 attivazione[4]
Model has been successfully processed
Compilation finished at Sat Oct 30 23:44:45
I don't know if this solution is correct. What i know for sure is that if i
change the value of parameter M to
param M := 100000000000;
I get an obviously wrong solution:
glpsol -m stazionidepurazione.mod -d stazionidepurazione.dat
Reading model section from stazionidepurazione.mod...
stazionidepurazione.mod:27: warning: final NL missing before end of file
stazionidepurazione.mod:27: warning: unexpected end of file; missing end
statement inserted
27 lines were read
Reading data section from stazionidepurazione.dat...
stazionidepurazione.dat:29: warning: unexpected end of file; missing end
statement inserted
29 lines were read
Generating costototale...
Generating minimadepurazione1...
Generating minimadepurazione2...
Generating paesaggio...
Generating mgrande...
Model has been successfully generated
lpx_simplex: original LP has 8 rows, 8 columns, 26 non-zeros
lpx_simplex: presolved LP has 7 rows, 8 columns, 18 non-zeros
lpx_adv_basis: size of triangular part = 7
0: objval = 0.000000000e+00 infeas = 1.000000000e-00 (0)
2: objval = 4.000000000e+03 infeas = 5.833333333e-16 (0)
Integer optimization begins...
+ 2: ip_obj = not found yet >= -inf (1; 0)
+ 3: ip_obj = 4.000000000e+03 >= 4.000000000e+03 (1; 0)
+ 3: ip_obj = 4.000000000e+03 >= tree is empty (0; 1)
Time used: 0.0 secs
Memory used: 0.2M (166651 bytes)
Display statement at line 26
attivazione[1] = 0
quantita[1] = 200
attivazione[2] = 0
quantita[2] = 0
attivazione[3] = 0
quantita[3] = 0
attivazione[4] = 0
quantita[4] = 0
Display statement at line 27
20 quantita[1]
100000 attivazione[1]
30 quantita[2]
70000 attivazione[2]
30 quantita[3]
80000 attivazione[3]
35 quantita[4]
40000 attivazione[4]
Model has been successfully processed
Compilation finished at Sat Oct 30 23:57:47
Here quantita[1]=200, attivazione[1] = 0, but i had a constraint
Is this because a used a value for M which is too big?
- [Bug-glpk] big M constraint problem,
Ercasta <=