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Issue in --from-here option in global for Win32. Problem with backslash

From: Angelo Calafato
Subject: Issue in --from-here option in global for Win32. Problem with backslash
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 12:18:26 +0100

Dear Gnu Global team,

I am using the Windows version of GNU Global, version 6.3.3.
I am using gvim under windows and I have found that the gtags.vim script has problems in the --from-here option.
It seems that in windows, gtags generates the database using the unix file separator '/', hence when I use global with the windows file separator '\', global fails when using the --from-here option.

One example:

[failing case: use windows back slash]
> global --from-here="654:D:\LUFA\LUFA\Drivers\USB\Core\StdDescriptors.h" -e "USB_Descriptor_Endpoint_t"
global: 'D:\LUFA\LUFA\Drivers\USB\Core\StdDescriptors.h' is out of the source project.

[good case: use unix forward slash]
> global --from-here="654:D:/LUFA/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Core/StdDescriptors.h" -e "USB_Descriptor_Endpoint_t"

My question is: would not be better that global handles any type of separators when evaluating the --from-here option?


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