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[bug-gettext] javascript-format fails to recognize string reordering

From: Sean Burke
Subject: [bug-gettext] javascript-format fails to recognize string reordering
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2015 16:29:38 -0600

Given a string "%s foo %s", the gjs _javascript_ implementation allows these to be reordered in a fashion similar to C, that is "%2$s foo %1$s". However, `msgfmt -vc' will error on encountering this in a translation when the msgid is marked _javascript_-format, giving the following:

'msgstr' is not a valid _javascript_ format string, unlike 'msgid'. Reason: In the directive number 1, the character '$' is not a valid conversion specifier.

_javascript_-format should be made to understand this form of string formatting, as c-format does.

Seán de Búrca

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