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how to get current function?

From: Skip Montanaro
Subject: how to get current function?
Date: 8 Jun 2001 13:16:02 -0700

I'm using gdb to debug Python code.  From within gdb I'd like to print a
representation of the Python stack.  To do this I have to be able to walk up
the C stack, and any time I am in Python's eval_code2 function print out the 
current file, line number and Python function.  If I'm in eval_code2 I know
where all these bits are.  What I can't tell is if I'm in eval_code2.  Is there 
gdb magic
a variable I can check to see if I'm in eval_code2?  Failing that, I suppose
I can compare $pc with eval_code2 and see if I'm "close enough" to it.  Any
suggestions appreciated.



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