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Re: extract hash for stand-alone use

From: Peng Yu
Subject: Re: extract hash for stand-alone use
Date: Thu, 20 May 2021 08:37:05 -0500

> assuming you mean the hash for associative arrays...


> look in str_array.c for awk_hash

I see these functions defined in str_array.c. What functions are
relevant? (I assume env_* are not relevant.)

Is there any minimal working example on how to use the hash related functions?

$ grep str_array tags  | awk -v FS='\t' -e '$4 == "f"'
awk_hash        str_array.c     /^awk_hash(const char *s, size_t len, unsigned
long hsize, size_t *code)$/;"   f       typeref:typename:unsigned long  file:
env_clear       str_array.c     /^env_clear(NODE *symbol, NODE
*subs)$/;"      f       typeref:typename:NODE **        file:
env_remove      str_array.c     /^env_remove(NODE *symbol, NODE
*subs)$/;"      f       typeref:typename:NODE **        file:
env_store       str_array.c     /^env_store(NODE *symbol, NODE
*subs)$/;"      f       typeref:typename:NODE **        file:
fnv1a_hash_string       str_array.c     /^fnv1a_hash_string(const char *str,
size_t len, unsigned long hsize, size_t
*code)$/;"      f       typeref:typename:unsigned long  file:
grow_table      str_array.c     /^grow_table(NODE
*symbol)$/;"    f       typeref:typename:void   file:
gst_hash_string str_array.c     /^gst_hash_string(const char *str, size_t
len, unsigned long hsize, size_t
*code)$/;"      f       typeref:typename:unsigned long  file:
init_env_array  str_array.c     /^init_env_array(NODE
*env_node)$/;"  f       typeref:typename:void
scramble        str_array.c     /^scramble(unsigned long
x)$/;"  f       typeref:typename:unsigned long  file:
str_array_init  str_array.c     /^str_array_init(NODE *symbol
ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)$/;"   f       typeref:typename:NODE **        file:
str_clear       str_array.c     /^str_clear(NODE *symbol, NODE *subs
ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)$/;"   f       typeref:typename:NODE **        file:
str_copy        str_array.c     /^str_copy(NODE *symbol, NODE
*newsymb)$/;"   f       typeref:typename:NODE **        file:
str_dump        str_array.c     /^str_dump(NODE *symbol, NODE
*ndump)$/;"     f       typeref:typename:NODE **        file:
str_exists      str_array.c     /^str_exists(NODE *symbol, NODE
*subs)$/;"      f       typeref:typename:NODE **        file:
str_find        str_array.c     /^str_find(NODE *symbol, NODE *s1, size_t code1,
unsigned long hash1)$/;"        f       typeref:typename:NODE **        file:
str_kilobytes   str_array.c     /^str_kilobytes(NODE
*symbol)$/;"    f       typeref:typename:AWKNUM
str_list        str_array.c     /^str_list(NODE *symbol, NODE
*t)$/;" f       typeref:typename:NODE **        file:
str_lookup      str_array.c     /^str_lookup(NODE *symbol, NODE
*subs)$/;"      f       typeref:typename:NODE **        file:
str_remove      str_array.c     /^str_remove(NODE *symbol, NODE
*subs)$/;"      f       typeref:typename:NODE **        file:


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