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Re: [bug-gawk] Gawk compile error Mingw32

From: Vincent Belaïche
Subject: Re: [bug-gawk] Gawk compile error Mingw32
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2016 14:38:40 +0200

Answers embedded below...

Le 27/10/2016 à 09:04, address@hidden a écrit :
> Hi.
>> However please note that there is some warning given by
>> bison :
>>  $ make awkgram.c
>> -| bison -o awkgram.c ../awkgram.y
>> -| ../awkgram.y: conflicts: 36 shift/reduce
> This is normal. The awk grammar is weird; I don't think it can be
> written without shift/reduce conflicts.
>> My problem is that I would like to test existence of a file FILE in an
>> AWK script I would like to write something like
>>  if(system("test -f FILE") == 0)
>>     ... file exists processing ...
>>  else
>>     ... file does not exist processing ...
> See 
> https://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/manual/html_node/File-Checking.html#File-Checking
> You can do it portably with
>       if ((getline junk < "FILE") < 0)
>               ... file does not exist processing (or can't be accessed)
>       else {
>               close("FILE")
>               ... files does exist processing
>       }

OK, I have tried this and it makes the job. Thank you !

> Can you use the MinGW binary that Eli builds?  Do you have to
> compile gawk yourself?  (See https://sourceforge.net/projects/ezwinports/)

No, I don't have to compile gawk myself, I would be quite happy to have
a binary. I have downloaded Eli's gawk binary, but it is a native MSW
application, not an MSYS application. It is easy to test that it outputs
CRLF EOLs, not LF EOL's, and that the the 'system(...)'  function calls
cmd.exe, not sh.

I am currently using MSYS as some *nixy environment to develop a LaTeX
package (http://gna.org/projects/lettre_observatoire) named
lettre. There are makefiles and M4 scripts to build the .dtx archive, to
generate the deliverables zips, to make the non-regression tests,
etc... I don't want to use any MSW specific tools, because they are not
portable, not guaranteed to be maintained over time, and I would like to
remain free to continue developing this package under any platform in
the future.

So, under MSW I have two choices :

1) either use MSYS, and the cost for that is that it means that I need
  utilities (like awk) compiled for MSYS. The latest MSYS awk is 3.1.7
  which is quite fustrating to use when you know all the goodies of

2) either use DJPP, then I can use native MSW utilities, but the cost
   for using DJPP is I must pay attention not to use any explicit ':'
   file separators.

Using DJPP would be quite fine for lettre because anyway there aren't
any abosolute paths or filename separators in all the scripts which I am
using. However for historical reasons I am using MSYS.

Maybe this use of MSYS which I do is not so good an idea as the primary
objective of MSYS is to use automake tools under MSW, for which a good
old 3.1.7 AWK is far enough, and it is time for me to install DJPP on my
machine --- so using Eli's port would be the final answer. Many people
tell me why don't I simply go to Linux, but that would be another pages
long email to explain.

On the other hand, I like that MSYS puts more contrains on one to use
only LF EOL's.

Currently I have just overwritten my MSYS awk (3.1.7) by the just built
MSW native awk (4.1.1). It is fine for lettre development, and currently
I don't have any example that this could raise a problem to me, but in
theory it breaks MSYS, ie there certainly exists some SW build using AWK
for which my MSYS won't work any longer (OK, when I get to that point,
I'll just need overwrite awk.exe by gawk-3.1.7.exe).

> Thanks,
> Arnold

Thank you so much for all, and sorry for the lengthy email, it was just
to give a clue why I am bothering you again.


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