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Re: find . -wholename ’./src/emacs’ -prune -o -print

From: Reza Roboubi
Subject: Re: find . -wholename ’./src/emacs’ -prune -o -print
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 23:42:47 -0800
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)

James Youngman wrote:
I just pushed the attached patch to deal with -name better.


Free software amazes me! "Commercial" companies, for all the headache they cause, never respond this quickly, I don't think.

For what it's worth, I never had trouble with -name.

I was pretty tired and Perl scripting. The find man page said "wholename, pattern, match" and my brain just confused the whole thing with "regex patterns".

Very frequently, all I need for documentation is several good solid examples. The rest of the man pages is often a lot of noise.
man pages lack examples, and that's a big void specially for newcomers.

In this case, the man page had _exactly_ the right example, and I was totally confused... my own fault, entirely.


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