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[Bug-ddrescue] Advice on rescuing LaCie Big Disk (this is not a bug repo

From: Manca Weeks
Subject: [Bug-ddrescue] Advice on rescuing LaCie Big Disk (this is not a bug report nor contribution, respond only if willing)
Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2009 21:52:01 -0400


first and foremost - THANK YOU - for creating ddrescue. Me and many of my customers are eternally indebted to you.
Let me know if there is a way for us to donate funds to the project.

I have a LaCie Big Disk with one drive working (I believe the RAID scheme is striped and hardware based). I will try to swap the drive board (don't know the proper handle -the chip that interfaces between the drive hardware and the ATA interface) from the working drive to the non-working drive after I have made an image of the one that works since the drives are identical. It sounds (from my other drive rescuing experiences) like a drive with a power issue, not a mechanical problem. So I hope switching the board will allow me to grab the data from the other drive without too much trouble.

I have successfully recovered many drives using ddrescue before, but all were on single drives, so the process was quite simple. I operate mainly in the GUI of OS X so I am only familiar with basic unix concepts and commands.

I have another suitable healthy drive I may be able to use to attach to the BigDIsk hardware in place of the damaged one, but I am uncertain about how to properly duplicate the RAIDed data to the replacement drive. The model is only slightly different and the manufacturing date is merely months apart, same size. I would like to figure out a way to fool the RAID hardware to not notice the drive swap.

Right now I am imaging the Apple HFS part of the healthy drive in the RAID, I am uncertain where the RAID data is kept - I assume within the HFS partition, but I realize I could be completely wrong.

If you are willing to help, please respond and I will provide whatever additional details you need to help me figure this out.

If there is an existing thread, forum or any other resource detailing a case like this, please direct me to it. This is a bit deeper than my usual web searches, so I am not at home finding the information.

I am eternally grateful for ddrescue as is and will not be offended if you have better things to do than help a newbie.

Thanks for your hard work.

Manca Weeks


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