His body yelling for Novril. Miss Wilkes, who had been studying, rushed onto the third-floor landing and saw Miss Saint James lying on the landing below, "sprawled in a very unnatural position".
"Cover the windows, then! She drew in breath in one great convulsive gulp, re-starting her own heart, it seemed. Part of him the part that listened to even the best, fairest editorial suggestions with ill-grace protested that the woman was crazy, that there was no way to tell what she might or might not accept; that anything he tried would be only a crapshoot. After all, this was the woman who, although shed gotten her cap in 1966, had told him only minutes ago that she had been a nurse for ten years.
The whole thing was meaningless.
But the problem was the same as the old Novril-in-the-ice-cream trick: in both cases neither was sure enough. It ran down the sides, tasted the fluid that had pooled along the outer edge of the paper-pile, and shot up yellow.