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RE: alloca function use discouraged

From: Conrad T. Pino
Subject: RE: alloca function use discouraged
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2004 12:50:20 -0700

Hi Derek,

> From: Conrad T. Pino
> > From: Derek Robert Price [mailto:derek@ximbiot.com]
> > 
> > It does look like the GNULIB alloca_.h is trying to use the MSC
> > version of _alloca, however:
> > 
> > #  ifdef _MSC_VER
> > #   include <malloc.h>
> > #   define alloca _alloca
> > #  endif
> > 
> > This should mean that the alloca.c module is not required to be
> > compile on Windows, so I don't know why you had to add it to get
> > fnmatch to compile, if you want to look into this and fix it.  Perhaps
> > HAVE_ALLOCA_H needs be defined in windows-NT/config.h.in?
> I was using "grep" to locate "alloca" references and spotted that too.
> I'll look into (1) if "_MSC_VER" is defined and (2) if so which module
> missed the boat.
Your suggestion for HAVE_ALLOCA_H is right on.
The short answer to your question:

Defining "HAVE_ALLOCA_H" in "windows-NT/config.h.in" will work.

Consider adding "-D ..." option to .dsp files which mimics behavior
of "configure" script customizing "Makefile".
The long answer to your question with evidence:
I hacked "alloca_.h" to read:

        #  ifdef _MSC_VER
        #   include <malloc.h>
        #   define alloca _alloca
->      #error Have _MSC_VER
        #  else

and only 1 error popped out:

        .\lib\alloca.h(45) : fatal error C1189: #error :  Have _MSC_VER

and the reason is "vasnprintf.c" includes unconditionally"

        File lib\vasnprintf.c:
        26      # include <config.h>
        29      # include <alloca.h>
I found 2 other files include conditionally:

        File lib\fnmatch.c:
        19      # include <config.h>
        31      # if defined HAVE_ALLOCA_H || defined _LIBC
        32      #  include <alloca.h>

        File lib\regex.c:
        32      # include <config.h>
        281     #    if HAVE_ALLOCA_H
        282     #     include <alloca.h>
        283     #    endif /* HAVE_ALLOCA_H */

and "config.h" includes preceding the "alloca.h" include
conditioned upon "HAVE_ALLOCA_H" in both cases.
File "alloca.h" appears to include itself:

        File lib\alloca.h:
        47      #   if HAVE_ALLOCA_H
        48      #    include <alloca.h>

but this won't affect Windows build because these lines
are nested within other conditional compiles:

        # ifdef __GNUC__
        # else
        #  ifdef _MSC_VER
        #  else
        #   if HAVE_ALLOCA_H
        #    include <alloca.h>
        #   else
        #   endif
        #  endif
        # endif

that say compiler isn't gcc and isn't MSC/VC.
Here's the issue list:

1. "HAVE_ALLOCA_H" is undefined.

2. "lib/vasnprintf.c" includes unconditionally.

3. "lib/alloca.c" drop from "lib/lib.dsp".

4. "HAVE_ALLOCA_H" can be defined 2 ways.

5. Regenerate & commit .dep/.mak files.

How do you want you/us/I to move forward?

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