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RE: bug in my view: temp directory hard-coded in cvs binary comes from t

From: Jim.Hyslop
Subject: RE: bug in my view: temp directory hard-coded in cvs binary comes from the user that built the exe
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2004 12:00:30 -0400

Derek Robert Price wrote:
> Ruben Diez wrote:
> >Hi guys:
> >
> >I'm a CVS newbie, I'm not sure this is the right place to send this
> question
> >/ bug report.
> >
> >I just found out to my cost that the temp directory 
> hard-coded in the cvs
> >binary comes from the user that built the exe. That's bad 
> practice, and I
> >think it should be considered as a bug. (I built under Linux 
> using the
> >default makefile).
> >
> >I have implemented the -T work-around in xinetd.d/ etc. etc. 
> , but it's
> >still a bug in my view!
> >
> >Cheers,
> >  Ruben
> How else would you expect CVS to determine the temp directory 
> to use at
> run time, aside from the -T option or the $TMPDIR environment 
> variable?
If I understand Ruben's message correctly, I think what he is complaining
about is that the binary does not use "$TMPDIR", but rather the Linux
makefile expands the current value of $TMPDIR and hard-codes that path in
the binary as the temp path.

In other words, if your $TMPDIR is set to /foo/bar and you build the binary,
then the binary does not expand $TMPDIR, but instead uses /foo/bar as the
temporary directory.

At least, that's how I read his message - Ruben, please correct me if I've
misinterpreted you.

Jim Hyslop
Senior Software Designer
Leitch Technology International Inc. (http://www.leitch.com)
Columnist, C/C++ Users Journal (http://www.cuj.com/experts)

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