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bug#8749: mkdir: feature request --reference

From: Shaun Jackman
Subject: bug#8749: mkdir: feature request --reference
Date: Tue, 31 May 2011 16:10:11 -0700

On Tue, 2011-05-31 at 15:49 -0700, Bob Proulx wrote:
> Shaun Jackman wrote:
> > My use case is working in a directory shared amongst a group of users.
> > My umask is 022. I run
> If you are working among a group of users then you should set your
> umask to be 02 instead of 022.  That is probably the point where you
> diverged from common practice and started to have these problems with
> mkdir.
> Have you looked at the any of the User Private Group documentation
> yet?  If not then please do so.  Good stuff there.
> > mkdir -pm775 project/subproject
> > and I'd like both project and project/subproject to be group-writable.
> If you set your umask to be 02 then you no longer need to explicitly
> set the mode bits to ug=rwx,o=rx anymore.
> Bob

Hi Bob,

It looks like User Private Groups and setgid directories would solve
most of my issues except for one. I'd like directories to be
group-writable (775) by default and files to group-read-only (644) by
default. Andreas suggested using ACL (setfacl -m d:g::rwx), but my file
system sadly does not support ACL. Any suggestions?

I'm using the following alias for directories that are created
alias mkdir='mkdir -m $(stat -c%a .)'


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