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date validator

From: jidanni
Subject: date validator
Date: Sat, 30 Aug 2008 10:32:03 +0800

Regarding some RISKS postings that bear not so standard Dates, causing
some browsing systems to read them as Jan 1 1970, etc.,

>>>>> "R" == RISKS List Owner <address@hidden> writes:

R> How do we address this?  We need to get every mailer in the world
R> compliant...

Well, we could pump all dates thru the very tolerant date --rfc-2822 -f
to standardize them, but that would lose the colorful original
timezone flavor.

We could write a regexp to see if they match RFC 2822, etc. A web
search shows some "date validator" matches...

I know, let's forget the issue, but suggest to (CC'd) coreutils that
they add a date --validate or --check functionality, like sort --check.

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