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Re: linking probs with ccext2 and cmdlineopt using w32 msys/mingw

From: Federico Montesino Pouzols
Subject: Re: linking probs with ccext2 and cmdlineopt using w32 msys/mingw
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2004 19:52:42 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

        I think your summary would be very interesting. The mingw
makefile currently included with CC++ was developed and tested on
GNU/Linux with gcc/mingw as cross-compiler.

        There is a INSTALL.win32 to which we should add the quick
instructions/tricks, and if there is the need to include more detailed
explanations, these could be added to the documentation.

On Sun, Jan 04, 2004 at 09:17:08PM +0100, Wolfgang Alper wrote:
> p.s. it someone is interested , i would put together a simple summary of what 
> i changed for:
> -getting commonc++ compiled on win32(using mingw/msys)
> -changing mingw (libs /include) on win32  to get other apps compiled outside 
> the commonc++ src dir.
> -creating a makefile for a 3th party up to work with mingw/msys and commonc.
> it might be that i did things that i should not have done. but as i stated 
> before, these were my first steps on win32 mingw/msys and now i can compile 
> the same source from the same dir for both linux and w32 :-)

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