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linking probs with ccext2 and cmdlineopt using w32 msys/mingw

From: Wolfgang
Subject: linking probs with ccext2 and cmdlineopt using w32 msys/mingw
Date: Thu, 1 Jan 2004 17:11:23 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.5.4

first of all a happy new year!!!

i have some problems when using the cmdline class within w32, but only during 
linking. the other stuff links fine.
i have to admit that i am no expert with msys and mingw.
however, the rest of the demo apps compile and link without any problem.

also i have to place my self compiled commonc++ dll's within the ./mytest dir, 
otherwise it does not link at all. however, the dll's should be at the right 

p.s. i do not refer to the "deprecated or antiquated..." warnung but to 
"Info: resolving __ZN3ost24defaultCommandOptionListE by linking to 
__imp___ZN3ost24defaultCommandOptionListE (auto-import)"

//this looks not ok

address@hidden ~/mytest
$ make cmdlineopt
mingw32-c++ -g -O2 -mthreads -I. -I/mingw/include/cc++2 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H 
-D_GNU_SOURCE -L. -L/mingw/dll -L/mingw/lib -lccgnu2 -lccext2 -lws2_32  
cmdlineopt.cpp   -o cmdlineopt
In file included from D:/APPS/DEVEL/MinGW/include/c++/3.2.3/backward/
                 from cmdlineopt.cpp:164:
warning: #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated 
header. Please consider using one of the 32 headers found in section 
of the C++ standard. Examples include substituting the <X> header for the 
<X.h> header for C++ includes, or <sstream> instead of the deprecated header 
<strstream.h>. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated.
Info: resolving __ZN3ost24defaultCommandOptionListE by linking to 
__imp___ZN3ost24defaultCommandOptionListE (auto-import)
address@hidden ~/mytest$ 

//this looks ok 

address@hidden ~/mytest
$ make tcp
mingw32-c++ -g -O2 -mthreads -I. -I/mingw/include/cc++2 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H 
-D_GNU_SOURCE -L. -L/mingw/dll -L/mingw/lib -lccgnu2 -lccext2 -lws2_32  
tcp.cpp   -o tcp

//this looks ok 

address@hidden ~/mytest
$ make crc32
mingw32-c++ -g -O2 -mthreads -I. -I/mingw/include/cc++2 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H 
-D_GNU_SOURCE -L. -L/mingw/dll -L/mingw/lib -lccgnu2 -lccext2 -lws2_32  
crc32.cpp   -o crc32

creation of dll's:
$ make -f Makefile.tst
dllwrap --export-all-symbols --output-def ccgnu2.def --implib libccgnu2.a 
--driver-name mingw32-c++ -o ccgnu2.dll \
thread.o mutex.o semaphore.o threadkey.o friends.o event.o slog.o dir.o file.o 
inaddr.o peer.o port.o socket.o network.o serial.o mempager.o keydata.o dso.o 
exception.o process.o urlstring.o libgnu2.o -L/mingw/dll -lws2_32
D:\APPS\DEVEL\MinGW\bin\dllwrap.exe: no export definition file provided.
Creating one, but that may not be what you want
dllwrap --export-all-symbols --output-def ccext2.def --implib libccext2.a 
--driver-name mingw32-c++ -o ccext2.dll \
buffer.o fifo.o pipe.o numbers.o cmdoptns.o url.o persist.o engine.o digest.o 
sha.o date.o groups.o md5.o unix.o ftp.o libgnu2.o -L. -L/mingw/dll -lccgnu2  
-liberty -lws2_32
D:\APPS\DEVEL\MinGW\bin\dllwrap.exe: no export definition file provided.
Creating one, but that may not be what you want

make install
address@hidden ~/commoncpp2-1.0.13/win32
$ make -f Makefile.tst install
mkdir -p /mingw/include/cc++2/cc++
mkdir -p /mingw/dll
cp -af cc++/config.h ../include/cc++/thread.h ../include/cc++/socket.h ../
include/cc++/exception.h ../include/cc++/cmdoptns.h ../include/cc++/
digest.h ../include/cc++/export.h ../include/cc++/file.h ../include/cc++/
groups.h ../include/cc++/misc.h ../include/cc++/numbers.h ../include/cc++/
persist.h ../include/cc++/slog.h ../include/cc++/url.h ../include/cc++/
urlstring.h ../include/cc++/xml.h ../include/cc++/serial.h ../include/cc++/
strchar.h ../include/cc++/network.h /mingw/include/cc++2/cc++
cp -af libccgnu2.a ccgnu2.dll libccext2.a ccext2.dll /mingw/dll
cp -af libccgnu2.a /mingw/lib/libccgnu2dll.a
cp -af libccext2.a /mingw/lib/libccext2dll.a
strip /mingw/dll/ccgnu2.dll /mingw/dll/ccext2.dll
ar -rs /mingw/lib/libccgnu2.a thread.o mutex.o semaphore.o threadkey.o 
friends.o event.o slog.o dir.o file.o inaddr.o peer.o port.o socket.o 
network.o serial.o mempager.o keydata.o dso.o exception.o process.o 
ar -rs /mingw/lib/libccext2.a buffer.o fifo.o pipe.o numbers.o cmdoptns.o 
url.o persist.o engine.o digest.o sha.o date.o groups.o md5.o unix.o ftp.o

address@hidden ~/commoncpp2-1.0.13/win32

and the files:
address@hidden ~/commoncpp2-1.0.13/win32
$ ls /mingw/lib/libcc* -la
-rw-r--r--    1 wolfgang Administ 13103364 Jan  1 15:57 /mingw/lib/libccext2.a
-rw-r--r--    1 wolfgang Administ   569388 Jan  1 15:53 /mingw/lib/
-rw-r--r--    1 wolfgang Administ 17491450 Jan  1 15:57 /mingw/lib/libccgnu2.a
-rw-r--r--    1 wolfgang Administ   632530 Jan  1 15:53 /mingw/lib/

address@hidden ~/commoncpp2-1.0.13/win32
$ ls /mingw/dll -la
-rwxr-xr-x    1 wolfgang Administ   390656 Jan  1 15:57 ccext2.dll
-rwxr-xr-x    1 wolfgang Administ   368128 Jan  1 15:57 ccgnu2.dll
-rw-r--r--    1 wolfgang Administ   569388 Jan  1 15:53 libccext2.a
-rw-r--r--    1 wolfgang Administ   632530 Jan  1 15:53 libccgnu2.a

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