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Non blocking Process::spawn, Process::join

From: Robert Kling
Subject: Non blocking Process::spawn, Process::join
Date: 28 Aug 2003 18:24:43 +0200


I dont know how "active" the patch manager is on savannah.gnu.org so I
post this patch here as well. This code enables both blocking and
non-blocking Process::spawn functions. In case of blocking (the default
behaviour, wait = true) the spawned process' return code is returned. In
nonblocking (wait = false) the spawned process' pid is returned. You can
join a spawned process by Process::join. 

Patch is against commoncpp2-1.0.13 and only tested on linux (but should
work on WIN32 as well).


Add to include/cc++/process.h: NOTE! Code not tested for WIN32

         * Spawn a process and optionally wait for it's exit code.  In win32
         * this is done with the spawn system call.  In posix,
         * this is done with a fork, execvp and waitpid.
         * @warning The implementation differences between posix and
         * win32 systems may cause side effects.
         * @return if 'wait' is true return process' exit code, otherwise pid 
of newly spawned process.
         * @param exec name of executable.
         * @param argv list of command arguments.
         * @param wait wait for process' exit code.
        static int spawn(const char *exec, const char **argv, bool wait = true);

         * Join a previously spawned process.
         * @return exit code from joined process.
         * @param pid pid of joinable process.
        static int join(int pid);

Add to src/process.cpp: NOTE! Code not tested for WIN32

#ifdef  WIN32
int Process::spawn(const char *exename, const char **args, bool wait)
        if (wait)
                return ::spawnvp(P_WAIT, (char *)exename, (char **)args);
        return ::spawnvp(P_NOWAIT, (char *)exename, (char **)args);
int Process::spawn(const char *exename, const char **args, bool wait)
        int pid, status;

        pid = vfork();

        if(pid == -1)
                return -1;

                execvp((char *)exename, (char **)args);

        if (wait)
#ifdef  __FreeBSD__
                wait4(pid, &status, WUNTRACED, NULL);
                waitpid(pid, &status, WUNTRACED);

                return WEXITSTATUS(status);
                return status;

        return pid;

#ifdef  WIN32
int Process::join(int pid)
        int status;

        waitpid(pid, &status);

        return status;
int Process::join(int pid)
        int status;

#ifdef  __FreeBSD__
        wait4(pid, &status, WUNTRACED, NULL);
        waitpid(pid, &status, WUNTRACED);

        return WEXITSTATUS(status);
        return status;

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