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RE: Win32 Conditional support

From: Scott Stanton
Subject: RE: Win32 Conditional support
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 13:29:31 -0700

> From: David Sugar [mailto:address@hidden

> The question that remains is if the behavior is the same.  Since the
> pthread-win32 port already has different behavior than some pthread
> implimentations, there is no clear win here either.  Common C++ also
> maintains consistent behavior at the abstract level above the native
> threading, and so applications built on a win32 native target do where
> we can make it behave the same as those built for some of the MANY
> pthread implimentations found in the posix world, many of which are
> in subtle ways broken or incomplete.  I fully agree we need
> support to be consistent between the win32 and posix platforms, and I
> think we should see if this can be done by the native calls directly.
> would presume it can be done if the pthread-win32 port can do this.

I know the pthread-win32 port has experimental support for exception
handling, but if you stick with the basic C implementation, is it
substantially different from unix implementations?

In any case, I have no problem with a win32 native implementation of
Common C++ as long as the behavior is predictable and consistent across
platforms.  I would argue for preserving the pthreads condition variable
semantics, though, as I think they are easier to use correctly than
Windows Event objects.

Since the pthread-win32 sources are LGPL, it seems reasonable to copy
the condition variable algorithms if possible, even if they are
reimplemented in terms of the Common C++/Win32 API instead of

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