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Re: [off-topic] flex/bison compatibility issues using C++

From: Josh Shinavier
Subject: Re: [off-topic] flex/bison compatibility issues using C++
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 2004 23:33:02 +0000

That helps, thanks (we were using Bison 3.5). I got our network admin to install 1.875 but am encountering the same errors (yylex and yyerror undeclared in [filename].tab.c). If I add the following to my Bison header, gcc doesn't complain about yylex or yyerror but reports a parse error before the "goto yyerrlab2;" statement in [filename].tab.c:

typedef struct yy_buffer_state *YY_BUFFER_STATE;

extern "C" {
 YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_string( const char * );
 void            yy_delete_buffer( YY_BUFFER_STATE );
       int yyerror(const char *);
       int yyparse(void);
       int yylex(void);
       int yywrap()
               return 1;

Now at least I know it's definitely something about my input files which is causing failure...

Josh Shinavier

Recent versions of bison no longer have a bison.simple; they have a
yacc.c.  If you don't want to worry about growing the stack when it
overflows, and if your %union contains objects that don't need
destructors, then it should just work "out of the box".  You can try
it yourself wwith the latest test version:


There is also a C++ skeleton called lalr1.cc that is also supposed to
work, though it hasn't been tested as much.

> I need my instructor to be able to compile the parser on his
> machine.

I'm afraid that there's no single set of instructions that will work
with C++ for all versions of Bison and/or Yacc.

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