/* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 1.875. */ /* Skeleton parser for Yacc-like parsing with Bison, Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990, 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* As a special exception, when this file is copied by Bison into a Bison output file, you may use that output file without restriction. This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in version 1.24 of Bison. */ /* Tokens. */ #ifndef YYTOKENTYPE # define YYTOKENTYPE /* Put the tokens into the symbol table, so that GDB and other debuggers know about them. */ enum yytokentype { TTINT = 258, NUM = 259, STR = 260, ID = 261, FNCT = 262, TINT = 263, TRANGE = 264, TINC = 265, TFORALL = 266, TIN = 267, TWHILE = 268, TIF = 269, TELSE = 270, TRETURN = 271, TTHIS = 272, TSET = 273, TVOID = 274, TFLOAT = 275, BUILTIN = 276, TMOVE = 277, TSUM = 278, TPROD = 279, TCLASS = 280, TNATIVE = 281, TIMPORT = 282, TINCLUDE = 283, TBREAK = 284, TCONTINUE = 285, TUNION = 286, TINTER = 287, TSETMINUS = 288, TSTRING = 289, TSELECT = 290, TMAXIMIZING = 291, TMINIMIZING = 292, TMAX = 293, TINTERFACE = 294, TIMPLEMENTS = 295, TEXTENDS = 296, TNEW = 297, TFUNCTION = 298, TEXPR = 299, TFCEXPR = 300, TAND = 301, TOR = 302, TSELECTMIN = 303, TSELECTMAX = 304, TSELECTFIRST = 305, TSELECTCIRCULAR = 306, TSETOF = 307, TTABS = 308, TTFLOOR = 309, TTCEIL = 310, TTROUND = 311, TARGMAX = 312, TTLOOKAHEAD = 313, TTINTTOSTRING = 314, TTONCHANGE = 315, TARGMIN = 316, TMIN = 317, TTCARD = 318, TTUPLE = 319, TCROSS = 320, TTARRAYDECL = 321, TTMATRIXDECL = 322, TATOMIC = 323, TLOGGING = 324, TCLOSURE = 325, TTCLOSURE = 326, TTWHEN = 327, TTWHENEVER = 328, TTREACHES = 329, TTCHANGES = 330, TCOUNTER = 331, TTNEIGHBOR = 332, TTINTEGER = 333, TTFLOATW = 334, TTABSTRACT = 335, TSELECTRANDOM = 336, TCONTINUATION = 337, TTCONTINUATION = 338, TCALL = 339, TINSTANCEOF = 340, TTRY = 341, TCATCH = 342, TTHROW = 343, TCAST = 344, TREF = 345, TDO = 346, TTSWITCH = 347, TTCASE = 348, TTDEFAULT = 349, TTNULL = 350, TTOBJECT = 351, TTBOOLEAN = 352, TTTRUE = 353, TTFALSE = 354, TTEVENT = 355, TTNOTIFY = 356, TTCLEAREVENTS = 357, TTKEYEVENT = 358, TTPCLOSURE = 359, TTWITH = 360, TTINTERVAL = 361, TTMEMBER = 362, TTASSERT = 363, TASSIGN = 364, TSWAP = 365, TOUTPUT = 366, ARROW = 367, LONGARROW = 368, PARROW = 369, TEQUAL = 370, TGREATEREQ = 371, TSMALLEREQ = 372, TNOTEQUAL = 373, TDOTDOT = 374, TDOTDOTDOT = 375, TCOLCOL = 376, TTOR = 377, TTAND = 378, TTNOT = 379, TPREINCR = 380, TPREDECR = 381, TORPREC = 382, TANDPREC = 383, TSUMPREC = 384, TPRODPREC = 385, NEG = 386, PPAREN = 387 }; #endif #define TTINT 258 #define NUM 259 #define STR 260 #define ID 261 #define FNCT 262 #define TINT 263 #define TRANGE 264 #define TINC 265 #define TFORALL 266 #define TIN 267 #define TWHILE 268 #define TIF 269 #define TELSE 270 #define TRETURN 271 #define TTHIS 272 #define TSET 273 #define TVOID 274 #define TFLOAT 275 #define BUILTIN 276 #define TMOVE 277 #define TSUM 278 #define TPROD 279 #define TCLASS 280 #define TNATIVE 281 #define TIMPORT 282 #define TINCLUDE 283 #define TBREAK 284 #define TCONTINUE 285 #define TUNION 286 #define TINTER 287 #define TSETMINUS 288 #define TSTRING 289 #define TSELECT 290 #define TMAXIMIZING 291 #define TMINIMIZING 292 #define TMAX 293 #define TINTERFACE 294 #define TIMPLEMENTS 295 #define TEXTENDS 296 #define TNEW 297 #define TFUNCTION 298 #define TEXPR 299 #define TFCEXPR 300 #define TAND 301 #define TOR 302 #define TSELECTMIN 303 #define TSELECTMAX 304 #define TSELECTFIRST 305 #define TSELECTCIRCULAR 306 #define TSETOF 307 #define TTABS 308 #define TTFLOOR 309 #define TTCEIL 310 #define TTROUND 311 #define TARGMAX 312 #define TTLOOKAHEAD 313 #define TTINTTOSTRING 314 #define TTONCHANGE 315 #define TARGMIN 316 #define TMIN 317 #define TTCARD 318 #define TTUPLE 319 #define TCROSS 320 #define TTARRAYDECL 321 #define TTMATRIXDECL 322 #define TATOMIC 323 #define TLOGGING 324 #define TCLOSURE 325 #define TTCLOSURE 326 #define TTWHEN 327 #define TTWHENEVER 328 #define TTREACHES 329 #define TTCHANGES 330 #define TCOUNTER 331 #define TTNEIGHBOR 332 #define TTINTEGER 333 #define TTFLOATW 334 #define TTABSTRACT 335 #define TSELECTRANDOM 336 #define TCONTINUATION 337 #define TTCONTINUATION 338 #define TCALL 339 #define TINSTANCEOF 340 #define TTRY 341 #define TCATCH 342 #define TTHROW 343 #define TCAST 344 #define TREF 345 #define TDO 346 #define TTSWITCH 347 #define TTCASE 348 #define TTDEFAULT 349 #define TTNULL 350 #define TTOBJECT 351 #define TTBOOLEAN 352 #define TTTRUE 353 #define TTFALSE 354 #define TTEVENT 355 #define TTNOTIFY 356 #define TTCLEAREVENTS 357 #define TTKEYEVENT 358 #define TTPCLOSURE 359 #define TTWITH 360 #define TTINTERVAL 361 #define TTMEMBER 362 #define TTASSERT 363 #define TASSIGN 364 #define TSWAP 365 #define TOUTPUT 366 #define ARROW 367 #define LONGARROW 368 #define PARROW 369 #define TEQUAL 370 #define TGREATEREQ 371 #define TSMALLEREQ 372 #define TNOTEQUAL 373 #define TDOTDOT 374 #define TDOTDOTDOT 375 #define TCOLCOL 376 #define TTOR 377 #define TTAND 378 #define TTNOT 379 #define TPREINCR 380 #define TPREDECR 381 #define TORPREC 382 #define TANDPREC 383 #define TSUMPREC 384 #define TPRODPREC 385 #define NEG 386 #define PPAREN 387 #if ! defined (YYSTYPE) && ! defined (YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED) #line 11 "grammar.y" typedef union YYSTYPE { LocASTNode* tnode; int intval; double val; LocSymbol* smb; } YYSTYPE; /* Line 1248 of yacc.c. */ #line 307 "/tmp/tmpParserldm.h" # define yystype YYSTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */ # define YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED 1 # define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1 #endif #if ! defined (YYLTYPE) && ! defined (YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) typedef struct YYLTYPE { int first_line; int first_column; int last_line; int last_column; } YYLTYPE; # define yyltype YYLTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */ # define YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED 1 # define YYLTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1 #endif