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Bad leaks file fd to child processes

From: ??????
Subject: Bad leaks file fd to child processes
Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2022 18:05:30 +0800

I find that the file descriptor leaks when I execute the command pvs in bash 
5.2, The abnormal scenario is similar to the bug which reported by 
When I execute pvs in the terminal opened through xshell??it??s ok 
PV         VG      Fmt  Attr PSize    PFree 
/dev/sda2  euleros lvm2 a--  <126.00g    0 
But when I execute pvs in the terminal opened through vscode??use Remote-SHH to 
connect linux??, the File descriptor was leaked 
File descriptor 19 (/dev/ptmx) leaked on pvs invocation. Parent PID 3789: 
File descriptor 20 (/dev/ptmx) leaked on pvs invocation. Parent PID 3789: 
File descriptor 21 (/dev/ptmx) leaked on pvs invocation. Parent PID 3789: 
File descriptor 99 
 leaked on pvs invocation. Parent PID 3789: /usr/bin/bash 
  PV         VG      Fmt  Attr PSize    PFree 
  /dev/sda2  euleros lvm2 a--  <126.00g    0 
I found that the leaked file descriptor was created in subst.c 
/* Pipe the output of executing STRING into the current shell. */ 
if (pipe(fildes) < 0) 
    sys_error("%s", _("cannot make pipe for command substitution")); 
    goto error_exit; 
add it leaked in  
if (--bufn <= 0) 
    bufn = zread(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); 
    if (bufn <= 0) 
    bufp = buf; 
I try to add SET_CLOSE_ON_EXEC (fd) before zread, but it doesn't seem to work.

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