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bug#8880: [PATCH] add pgcc support to depcomp

From: Daily, Jeff A
Subject: bug#8880: [PATCH] add pgcc support to depcomp
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2012 15:44:23 -0800

> > we'll need a proper disclaimer from *all* the people who have written
> > this code before incorporating it in the automake repository.  So I ask:
> >
> >  Would you and the other people that have written this code be willing
> > to assign the copyright to the Free Software Foundation, so that we
> > could install it in package?
> >
> > or, this is not possible or undesired for some reason,
> >
> >  Would you and the other people that have written this code be willing
> > to sign a copyright disclaimer to put this change in the public
> > domain,  so that we can install it in package?
> Either option is fine with me, with a slight preference towards the latter.  
> If
> one or the other is more compatible with Jeff's situation, then we can do
> that.
> -Dave

The latter option is fine with me.


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