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auto-inserting COPYING

From: Karl Berry
Subject: auto-inserting COPYING
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 16:59:45 -0600

I just learned that in some circumstances automake will insert a COPYING
file if it's missing (albeit with a warning), e.g., at make dist?  (I
didn't look into the precise details.)

I expect there's probably been plenty of discussion about it that I'm
unaware of, but to my naive eyes, this is simply a mistake.  It seems to
me that the license file of whatever sort should always be included in
the sources: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#WhyMustIInclude.

Having automake insert it tempts people to treat it as an auto-generated

If there are significant arguments for auto-inclusion of COPYING, we
should probably ask rms about it explicitly.  Unless he's already given
his blessing, in which case forget this whole thing.


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