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bug#19273: 11.88; compile error with auctex.el

From: Mosè Giordano
Subject: bug#19273: 11.88; compile error with auctex.el
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2014 22:56:54 +0100

2014-12-04 22:26 GMT+01:00 Alexandre René <address@hidden>:
> I've attached a copy of auctex.el. The change is on line 32.

Thanks.  Instead of "~/.emacs.d/elpa/auctex-11.88/style" did you have
"style"?  In this case, I cannot see why you should need to do that
manual change.  Do you have customization related to AUCTeX in your
init file?  Could you please try to remove the package and then
reinstall it in a clean Emacs session?

To me, it looks more an Emacs bug than an AUCTeX one, if it's really a bug.

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