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[Bug-AUCTeX] 11.84; preview: LaTeX found no preview images

From: Sebastian Niehaus
Subject: [Bug-AUCTeX] 11.84; preview: LaTeX found no preview images
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2011 11:02:25 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110009 (No Gnus v0.9) XEmacs/21.4.22 (linux)

Hi, folks, 

I use LaTex and AucTeX from Debain Squeeze writing a scrlttr2 document
(which is attached).

I cannot get preview working (and I am nearly sure
there is no bug but a lack of understanding - sorry).

After trying to generate a preview I get an error message: 

| Error in process sentinel: (error LaTeX found no preview images)

Could you give me a hint where I do something wrong?  Feel free to ask
for more debug info.

Thank you very much, 



Emacs  : XEmacs 21.4 (patch 22) "Instant Classic" [Lucid] (i486-linux-gnu, 
Mule) of Fri Jul 30 2010 on biber
Package: 11.84

current state:
 AUCTeX-date "2007-01-12"
 window-system 'x
 LaTeX-version "2e"
 TeX-style-path '("style" "auto" 
 TeX-auto-save t
 TeX-parse-self t
 TeX-master nil
 TeX-command-list '(("TeX" "%(PDF)%(tex) %`%S%(PDFout)%(mode)%' %t" TeX-run-TeX 
nil (plain-tex-mode ams-tex-mode texinfo-mode) :help
                     "Run plain TeX")
                    ("LaTeX" "%`%l%(mode)%' %t" TeX-run-TeX nil (latex-mode 
doctex-mode) :help "Run LaTeX")
                    ("Makeinfo" "makeinfo %t" TeX-run-compile nil 
(texinfo-mode) :help "Run Makeinfo with Info output")
                    ("Makeinfo HTML" "makeinfo --html %t" TeX-run-compile nil 
(texinfo-mode) :help "Run Makeinfo with HTML output")
                    ("AmSTeX" "%(PDF)amstex %`%S%(PDFout)%(mode)%' %t" 
TeX-run-TeX nil (ams-tex-mode) :help "Run AMSTeX")
                    ("ConTeXt" "texexec --once --texutil %(execopts)%t" 
TeX-run-TeX nil (context-mode) :help "Run ConTeXt once")
                    ("ConTeXt Full" "texexec %(execopts)%t" TeX-run-TeX nil 
(context-mode) :help "Run ConTeXt until completion")
                    ("BibTeX" "bibtex %s" TeX-run-BibTeX nil t :help "Run 
BibTeX") ("View" "%V" TeX-run-discard t t :help "Run Viewer")
                    ("Print" "%p" TeX-run-command t t :help "Print the file")
                    ("Queue" "%q" TeX-run-background nil t :help "View the 
printer queue" :visible TeX-queue-command)
                    ("File" "%(o?)dvips %d -o %f " TeX-run-command t t :help 
"Generate PostScript file")
                    ("Index" "makeindex %s" TeX-run-command nil t :help "Create 
index file")
                    ("Check" "lacheck %s" TeX-run-compile nil (latex-mode) 
:help "Check LaTeX file for correctness")
                    ("Spell" "(TeX-ispell-document \"\")" TeX-run-function nil 
t :help "Spell-check the document")
                    ("Clean" "TeX-clean" TeX-run-function nil t :help "Delete 
generated intermediate files")
                    ("Clean All" "(TeX-clean t)" TeX-run-function nil t :help 
"Delete generated intermediate and output files")
                    ("Other" "" TeX-run-command t t :help "Run an arbitrary 


\setkomavar{fromname}{Sebastian L. Niehaus}
\setkomavar{fromphone}{0000 111 dead beef}

\setkomavar{signature}{Sebastian Niehaus}

\setkomavar{subject}{This is Foobar}


  {Foo \\

\opening{Sehr geehrte Anrede,}


\closing{Mit freundlichem Gruß,}



Attachment: debug.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: debug.aux
Description: Binary data

Attachment: pgpXw5QdWPfcM.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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