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Re: [Bug-AUCTeX] Problem with spaces in file names

From: Ralf Angeli
Subject: Re: [Bug-AUCTeX] Problem with spaces in file names
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2009 18:14:24 +0200

* Peter PICHLER (2009-09-10) writes:

> - It seems that MiKTeX 2.8 doesn't use quotation marks when there is no 
> blank in the full file name (see output_2.8_nospace)
> - Using --file-line-error as option for LaTeX doesn't help much 
> (output_2.8_file-line-error_space). It leads to an other error:
>   TeX-help-error: Search failed: "^l\\."
>   (from the message file)

I think this has been fixed in CVS since April.

> - I then installed MiKTeX 2.7 instead of the 2.8 version. It appears 
> that MiKTeX 2.7 prints only the file name without path. With this, 
> AucTeX is able to point its cursor to the error position when there is a 
> blank anywhere in the path (output_2.7_space_in_path).

Okay, so the quotation marks are new in MiKTeX 2.8.

The problem should be fixed in CVS now.  I'd be grateful if you could
check if the new code works with MiKTeX 2.7 and 2.8.

And thanks very much for including the content of the output buffers.
This was really useful for the debugging work.

> - I then tried a space in the file name for a path without a blank. In 
> this case, AucTeX isn't able to correctly call LaTeX even for a test 
> example without error. A call of LaTeX by
>   latex  -interaction=nonstopmode "\input" "x x.tex"
>   instead of (output_2.7_space_in_name)
>   latex  -interaction=nonstopmode "\input" "\"x x.tex\""
>   works flawlessly, though.

Hm, I think I saw this before on Windows but I cannot reproduce it on
GNU/Linux.  And I'm a bit reluctant to boot into Windows. (c:


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