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Re: Something is definitely askew in Unicode handling...

From: Christian Robert
Subject: Re: Something is definitely askew in Unicode handling...
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2023 03:08:14 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.12.0

Even in a standard function your code crash. Definitely a problem somewhere.


[xtian@fedora:/home/xtian] $ apl

                    ______ _   __ __  __    ___     ____   __
                   / ____// | / // / / /   /   |   / __ \ / /
                  / / __ /  |/ // / / /   / /| |  / /_/ // /
                 / /_/ // /|  // /_/ /   / ___ | / ____// /___
                 \____//_/ |_/ \____/   /_/  |_|/_/    /_____/

                  Welcome to GNU APL version 1.8 / SVN: 1708M

                 Copyright © 2008-2023  Dr. Jürgen Sauermann
                       Banner by FIGlet: www.figlet.org

                This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
                          for details run: apl --gpl.

     This program is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
         according to the GNU Public License (GPL) version 3 or later.

SAVED 2023-06-05 02:37:18 (GMT-4)
      ∇z←bar Omega;v;m
[1] z←(+/(,(v⍴(1,Omega ⍴O))-m+.×⌹m←(v←2⍴ Omega)⍴(2*Omega)?Omega)*2)*÷2
[2] ∇

      ⎕cr 'bar'
z←bar Omega;v;m
z←(+/(,(v⍴(1,Omega ⍴O))-m+.×⌹m←(v←2⍴ Omega)⍴(2*Omega)?Omega)*2)*÷2

      bar 3
bar[1]  z←(+/(,(v⍴(1,Omega⍴O))-m+.×⌹m←(v←2⍴O
                                                  ^                   ^
Depth:      1
Exec:       0x1e06f20
Safe exec:  0
Pmode:      ∇ bar[1]
PC:         14 (50) ⍴
Stat:       z←(+/(,(v⍴(1,Omega ⍴O))-m+.×⌹m←(v←2⍴ Omega)⍴(2*Omega)?Omega)*2)*÷2
err_code:   0x50004
thrown at:  ScalarFunction.cc:1034
e_msg_1:    'DOMAIN ERROR'
e_msg_2:    'bar[1]  z←(+/(,(v⍴(1,Omega⍴O))-m+.×⌹m←(v←2⍴O'
e_msg_3:    '                                                  ^                

Depth:      0
Exec:       0x1de2ee0
Safe exec:  0
Pmode:      ◊  bar 3
PC:         3 (4) RETURN_STATS
Stat:       bar 3
err_code:   0x0



On 2023-06-08 02:22, Emmanuel Charpentier wrote:
 From *SVN 1708*, used throug emacs' |gnu-apl| inferior mode :

|This is the gnu-apl-mode interactive buffer. To toggle keyboard help, call M-x gnu-apl-show-keyboard (C-c C-k by default). APL symbols are bound to the standard keys with the Super key. You can also activate the APL-Z input method (M-x toggle-input-method or C-\) which allows you to input APL symbols by prefixing the key with a "." (period). There are several customisation options that can be set. Click the link or run M-x customize-group RET gnu-apl to set up. To disable this message, set gnu-apl-show-tips-on-start to nil. Network listener started. Connection information: mode:tcp addr:46345 ______ _ __ __ __ ___ ____ __ / ____// | / // / / / / | / __ \ / / / / __ / |/ // / / / / /| | / /_/ // / / /_/ // /| // /_/ / / ___ | / ____// /___ \____//_/ |_/ \____/ /_/ |_|/_/ /_____/ Welcome to GNU APL version 1.8 / SVN: Unversioned directory Copyright © 2008-2023 Dr. Jürgen Sauermann Banner by FIGlet: www.figlet.org This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details run: /usr/bin/apl --gpl. This program is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it according to the GNU Public License (GPL) version 3 or later. Illegal : in immediate execution+ ⍝ Pasted from a buffer bar←{(+/(,(v⍴(1,⍵⍴O))-m+.×⌹m←(v←2⍴⍵)⍴(2*⍵)?⍵)*2)*÷2} ⎕CR 'bar' λ←λ1 ⍵ λ←(+/(,(v⍴(1,⍵⍴O))-m+.×⌹m←(v←2⍴⍵)⍴(2*⍵)?⍵)*2)*÷2 ⍝ The functin seems to have been correctly defined. ⍝ Test it bar 3 DOMAIN ERROR bar[1] λ←(+/(,(v⍴(1,⍵⍴O))-m+.×⌹m←(v←2⍴􀃢􀂍\0 ^ ^ ]si Depth: 1 Exec: 0x564d4ce54700 Safe exec: 0 Pmode: ∇ bar[1] PC: 14 (51) ⍴ Stat: λ←(+/(,(v⍴(1,⍵⍴O))-m+.×⌹m←(v←2⍴⍵)⍴(2*⍵)?⍵)*2)*÷2 err_code: 0x50004 thrown at: ScalarFunction.cc:1034 e_msg_1: 'DOMAIN ERROR' e_msg_2: 'bar[1] λ←(+/(,(v⍴(1,⍵⍴O))-m+.×⌹m←(v←2⍴􀃢􀂍\0' e_msg_3: ' ^ ^' Depth: 0 Exec: 0x564d4ce52c90 Safe exec: 0 Pmode: ◊ bar 3 PC: 3 (4) RETURN_STATS Stat: bar 3 err_code: 0x0 |

Version information :

|charpent@zen-book-flip:~/Dev/apl/trunk$ svn info Chemin : . Chemin racine de 
la copie de travail : /home/charpent/Dev/apl/trunk URL : 
http://svn.savannah.gnu.org/svn/apl/trunk Relative URL: ^/trunk Racine du dépôt 
: http://svn.savannah.gnu.org/svn/apl UUID du dépôt : 
bd74f7bd-1a55-4bac-9fab-68015b139e80 Révision : 1708 Type de nœud : répertoire 
Tâche programmée : normale Auteur de la dernière modification : j_sauermann 
Révision de la dernière modification : 1708 Date de la dernière modification: 
2023-06-05 20:08:38 +0200 (lun. 05 juin 2023) |

Configuration and compilation logs attached : Debian package installed via 
|dpkg| + manual copy of Python libraries.


-- Emmanuel Charpentier

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