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Re: Please revert all the changes that you made for "may be uninitialise

From: Dr . Jürgen Sauermann
Subject: Re: Please revert all the changes that you made for "may be uninitialised"
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2020 13:04:48 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/68.8.0

Hi Christian,

I believe I did revert the changes already (at least the commit message for
SVN 1283 (file Shape.hh) says so.

One more trick regarding -Wuninitialized: if you svn up from sub-directory src rather
than from the top-level directory then in most cases you do not need to ./configure
again but can just run make; sudo make install. A new ./configure is normally only
needed if the file structure changes (as opposed to changes in individual files).

Best regards,

On 6/30/20 11:28 AM, Christian Robert wrote:
I ran a couple tests and it is obvious that your changes to satisfy the compiler, made the software something like 3 times slower.

[xtian@FC-Local:/home/xtian] $ apl

                    ______ _   __ __  __    ___     ____   __
                   / ____// | / // / / /   /   |   / __ \ / /
                  / / __ /  |/ // / / /   / /| |  / /_/ // /
                 / /_/ // /|  // /_/ /   / ___ | / ____// /___
                 \____//_/ |_/ \____/   /_/  |_|/_/    /_____/

                    Welcome to GNU APL version 1.8 / 1250M

                Copyright (C) 2008-2019  Dr. Jürgen Sauermann
                       Banner by FIGlet: www.figlet.org

                This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
                          for details run: apl --gpl.

     This program is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
         according to the GNU Public License (GPL) version 3 or later.

WARNING: this workspace was )SAVEd with SVN version  1258
          but is now being )LOADed with a SVN version  1161 or greater
Expect problems, in particular when the )SI was not clear.
In case of problems, please try )COPY instead of )LOAD.
SAVED 2020-06-30 04:45:30 (GMT-4)
      time '+/[1]10 random 10000'
54795 54426 54695 55022 54726 55126 55018 55732 55331 55129


that was at svn 1250M, 37.7 seconds was the elaps time.

[xtian@FC-Local:/home/xtian] $ apl

                    ______ _   __ __  __    ___     ____   __
                   / ____// | / // / / /   /   |   / __ \ / /
                  / / __ /  |/ // / / /   / /| |  / /_/ // /
                 / /_/ // /|  // /_/ /   / ___ | / ____// /___
                 \____//_/ |_/ \____/   /_/  |_|/_/    /_____/

                    Welcome to GNU APL version 1.8 / 1302M

                Copyright (C) 2008-2020  Dr. Jürgen Sauermann
                       Banner by FIGlet: www.figlet.org

                This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
                          for details run: apl --gpl.

     This program is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
         according to the GNU Public License (GPL) version 3 or later.

SAVED 2020-06-30 04:45:30 (GMT-4)
      time '+/[1]10 random 10000'
54782 55019 54916 54460 55265 55394 55139 54538 55229 55258

this is at svn 1302M

same program (a trivial 4 lines one)

the thing is, it run 3 to 4 times slower since you try to fix the -Wno-maybe-uninitialized thing

hope you revert all thoses changes since we all compile with -Wno-maybe-uninitialized


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