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Function editing and line editing have inconsistencies.

From: Hans-Peter Sorge
Subject: Function editing and line editing have inconsistencies.
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2020 15:40:25 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/68.5.0


There are two inconsistencies (and slightly annoying) when editing:

1 - is a small inconsistency when deleting lines in editor mode.

[0]   X
[1]   a
[2]   b
[3]   c
[4]   d
[5]   e
[6]   f
[7] [∆1-3]   the editor only deletes lines 1 and 2
[6] [⎕]
[0]   X
[3]   c
[4]   d
[5]   e
[6]   f
[7] [∆4-7]   but the editor complains, if I want to delete the last line
∇-command failed: Bad line number N in [M∆N]
[7] [∆4-6]  again last line is being excluded from delete
[6] [⎕]
[0]   X
[3]   c
[6]   f
[7] [∆6]    need to delete last line in an additional step.
[7] [⎕]
[0]   X
[3]   c

Expected: delete lines x to y including line y in [∆x-y]

2 - moving cursor to previous line(s) skips most recent entry


cursor up - display entry line 456
cursor up - display entry line 123
cursor down - display entry line 123
cursor down - display current entry line
cursor up - display line 123  - should be line 456

In general:
after ENTER, the cursor moves one line up
after a CURSOR move up/down, the cursor moves two lines up.
This is also true during function editing.

Expected: cursor move should be line by line.

Best Regards,

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