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Re: [Bug-apl] ⎕plot focus

From: enztec
Subject: Re: [Bug-apl] ⎕plot focus
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2019 10:52:33 -0600

i'm assuming you are using apl in an xterm

depending on your 'desperation' or if there isn't a real other fix :)

a workaround might be using wmctrl to focus the window using apl to execute 
wmctrl after your ⎕plot line - i have various fluxbox hot keys (in the 
~/.fluxbox/keys file) to focus an irssi window or mplayer window and see no 
reason it can't focus the apl xterm - but you have to give the xterm a title 
you can identify with   wmctrl -l    either as fluxbox hot key   or   in apl 

wmctrl -l
parse out for window want  - for example   0x02c0000d
wmctrl -i -a  0x02c0000d

i don't use gnome but i recall there is a gconf-editor that might have some pref
i don't think xdotool can do what wmctrl can do here

On Mon, 8 Apr 2019 13:12:44 -0300
Hudson Flavio Meneses Lacerda <address@hidden> wrote:

> Hi.
> The ⎕plot window, just after being drawn, jumps to the background
> (minimized). Is there any way to control its focus from GNU APL?
> (I do not have GNOME; it looks like FluxBox is not 100% compatible with
> new GNOME versions.)
> (My workaround is to memorize the layer as the top.)
> Hudson

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