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Re: [Bug-apl] Android features

From: Juergen Sauermann
Subject: Re: [Bug-apl] Android features
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 15:56:45 +0200
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Hi Peter,

the question where some code is hosted depends on a number of questions.
There is no general rule for that, just some considerations.

1. the decision where some code shall be hosted is first of all a decision of the
person that has written the code (assuming that she also has the copyright).

2. If the decision is to include it in the GNU APL distribution than some additional
questions need to be addressed (who maintains it, how well does it fit into the distribution, etc.)

Some of these questions have canonical answers (eg. GPL or LGPL license) and others don't.
When it comes to Android, for example, then I have no device (and not much time either)
that I could test the stuff, and it could be better to compile it separately.

The intended mechanism for that is normally native functions, but there could be cases
where that does not work.

Regarding Output and similar, I normally try to modularize GNU APL as much as it makes
sense in order to support different environments.

/// Jürgen

On 06/16/2014 10:28 PM, Peter Teeson wrote:
Hi Jürgen:
Thanks for responding to my proposal.
Yes I understand and didn't take static into account.
I do like your cleaner and simple proposal.

Where would the source for all these Class XyzInput files be hosted?
Part of the distribution? Or would the end user supply them at build time?
I would hope that they must also be GNU licensed like the rest?

Also would we allow just one Android, one OS X, etc?

And how do you feel about Output? Does it make sense to do the same thing there?



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