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Re: [Bug-apl] Version control

From: Juergen Sauermann
Subject: Re: [Bug-apl] Version control
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 16:52:15 +0200
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Hi Elias,

yes, you have a point there. My first guess would be GNU savannah where
GNU APL lives. We would have to figure a few things like how to change SVN permissions,
paperwork for contributors (as per http://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain/maintain.html) and so
on, but that is doable.

Another point is packaging and testing if all works together. Normally I test the core GNU APL automatically
before committing into the SVN at savannah. Something similar should happen for those sub-projects that we
see as essential; we can be a bit more relaxed for demo projects.

/// Jürgen

On 04/13/2014 03:55 PM, Elias Mårtenson wrote:
There are now a few separate side-projects that all depend on and integrate with GNU APL:
  • Emacs mode
  • Thomas' _javascript_ port
  • Possible Android port?
These ports are spread over different source repositories (I'm not even sure where I can find the _javascript_ port) it's getting a bit messy, and I can only imagine the pain if Jürgen decides to actually integrate this port into the mainline.

As for myself, keeping my github-based repository in sync with the mainline is manageable, but not as smooth as it could be.

Because of this, would it make sense to migrate the repository to a distributed system? I personally don't care which one, but being able to work with the same repository as Jürgen would be very nice.


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