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[bongo-patches] Extract `bongo-seek-status-string' from `bongo-seek-redi

From: Daniel Brockman
Subject: [bongo-patches] Extract `bongo-seek-status-string' from `bongo-seek-redisplay'
Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 13:29:28 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.92 (gnu/linux)

Extract `bongo-seek-status-string' from `bongo-seek-redisplay'.

diff -rN -u old-bongo/bongo.el new-bongo/bongo.el
--- old-bongo/bongo.el  2007-05-24 13:29:24.000000000 +0200
+++ new-bongo/bongo.el  2007-05-24 13:29:24.000000000 +0200
@@ -7580,6 +7580,64 @@
 (defvar bongo-seek-redisplaying nil
   "Non-nil in the dynamic scope of `bongo-seek-redisplay'.")
+(defun bongo-seek-status-string (width)
+  "Return string of length WIDTH indicating the current track position."
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (when (and (bongo-playing-p)
+               (bongo-elapsed-time))
+      (insert (bongo-format-seconds (bongo-elapsed-time)))
+      (insert " "))
+    (let* ((end-string (when (and (bongo-playing-p)
+                                  (bongo-remaining-time))
+                         (concat " -" (bongo-format-seconds
+                                       (bongo-remaining-time)))))
+           (bar-start (point))
+           (available-width (- width bar-start (length end-string)))
+           (bar-width (if (and (bongo-playing-p)
+                               (bongo-elapsed-time)
+                               (bongo-total-time))
+                          (round
+                           (* (min 1 (/ (float (bongo-elapsed-time))
+                                        (bongo-total-time)))
+                              available-width))
+                        available-width))
+           (label (if (and (bongo-playing-p)
+                           (bongo-elapsed-time)
+                           (bongo-total-time))
+                      (format " %d%% %s"
+                              (/ (* (bongo-elapsed-time) 100.0)
+                                 (bongo-total-time))
+                              (if (bongo-paused-p) "(paused) " ""))
+                    (cond ((not (bongo-playing-p))
+                           " (no currently playing track) ")
+                          ((null (bongo-total-time))
+                           " (track length not available) ")
+                          ((null (bongo-elapsed-time))
+                           " (elapsed time not available) "))))
+           (label-width (length label)))
+      (insert-char ?\  available-width)
+      (goto-char
+       (+ bar-start
+          (if (< bar-width label-width)
+              (1+ bar-width)
+            (/ (1+ (- bar-width label-width)) 2))))
+      (delete-char label-width)
+      (insert label)
+      (put-text-property bar-start (+ bar-start bar-width)
+                         'face (if (and (bongo-playing-p)
+                                        (bongo-elapsed-time)
+                                        (bongo-total-time))
+                                   'bongo-filled-seek-bar
+                                 'bongo-seek-message))
+      (put-text-property (+ bar-start bar-width)
+                         (+ bar-start available-width)
+                         'face 'bongo-unfilled-seek-bar)
+      (when end-string
+        (goto-char (point-max))
+        (insert end-string))
+      (goto-char (+ bar-start bar-width)))
+    (buffer-string)))
 (defun bongo-seek-redisplay ()
   "Update the Bongo Seek buffer to reflect the current track position."
@@ -7592,61 +7650,7 @@
           (sit-for 2)
           (message nil))
         (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
-        (when (and (bongo-playing-p)
-                   (bongo-elapsed-time))
-          (insert " ")
-          (insert (bongo-format-seconds (bongo-elapsed-time)))
-          (insert " "))
-        (let* ((end-string (when (and (bongo-playing-p)
-                                      (bongo-remaining-time))
-                             (concat " -" (bongo-format-seconds
-                                           (bongo-remaining-time)))))
-               (bar-start (point))
-               (available-width (- (window-width)
-                                   bar-start
-                                   (length end-string)))
-               (bar-width (if (and (bongo-playing-p)
-                                   (bongo-elapsed-time)
-                                   (bongo-total-time))
-                              (round
-                               (* (min 1 (/ (float (bongo-elapsed-time))
-                                            (bongo-total-time)))
-                                  available-width))
-                            available-width))
-               (label (if (and (bongo-playing-p)
-                               (bongo-elapsed-time)
-                               (bongo-total-time))
-                          (format " %d%% "
-                                  (/ (* (bongo-elapsed-time) 100.0)
-                                     (bongo-total-time)))
-                        (cond ((not (bongo-playing-p))
-                               " (no currently playing track) ")
-                              ((null (bongo-total-time))
-                               " (track length not available) ")
-                              ((null (bongo-elapsed-time))
-                               " (elapsed time not available) "))))
-               (label-width (length label)))
-          (insert-char ?\  available-width)
-          (goto-char
-           (+ bar-start
-              (if (< bar-width label-width)
-                  (1+ bar-width)
-                (/ (1+ (- bar-width label-width)) 2))))
-          (delete-char label-width)
-          (insert label)
-          (put-text-property bar-start (+ bar-start bar-width)
-                             'face (if (and (bongo-playing-p)
-                                            (bongo-elapsed-time)
-                                            (bongo-total-time))
-                                       'bongo-filled-seek-bar
-                                     'bongo-seek-message))
-          (put-text-property (+ bar-start bar-width)
-                             (+ bar-start available-width)
-                             'face 'bongo-unfilled-seek-bar)
-          (when end-string
-            (goto-char (point-max))
-            (insert end-string))
-          (goto-char (+ bar-start bar-width)))))))
+        (insert (bongo-seek-status-string (window-width)))))))
 ;; This function was based on the function `calculator' from
 ;; calculator.el, which is copyrighted by the FSF.
Daniel Brockman <address@hidden>

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