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Re: [Dlang] Internationalisation WIP

From: Akim Demaille
Subject: Re: [Dlang] Internationalisation WIP
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2020 07:07:58 +0100

Hi Adela,

> Le 2 déc. 2020 à 01:33, Adela Vais <> a écrit :
> Hello!
> I never worked with gettext (as a bash command) before, and I have some
> trouble understanding how I automatically generate the .mo files and put
> them into /usr/local/share/locale (where the code from the
> examples/c/bisthromatic hints they should be found).

I would not bother with this.  The Makefile machinery is there for us
not to have to think about that.  You will find the po files in po/
and in runtime-po/.

Let "make install" do its job.

> My understanding is
> that from the .po files I have to generate .mo files, and these are used by
> the programs generated with Bison.

Yes.  But you should not have to do that by hand.  Just install Bison.

> If I try to run "sudo make install" in the po directory I get this error:
>    [...]
>    /usr/bin/install: cannot stat './': No such file or directory
>    installing ./ as /usr/local/share/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/
>    [...]
> and so on for each language file. After the command, no files exist in the
> LC_MESSAGES directories.

I need more details, your logs are too short.  What do you have in po/?
and in runtime-po?  Did you properly run "./bootstrap"?

> If I run make update-po or update-gmo, I also get errors for missing files.

I need logs.

> The second problem is that I expected dgettext to receive the argument
> "bison-runtime", like in C, not "bison", as it happens now in D. If I use
> "bison-runtime" the messages remain in English.

Did you check whether the PO files in bison-runtime do contain the
translations you depend upon?

I don't know what you mean here.  The reason the C skeleton uses
bison-runtime is because it does so explicitly:

#   include <libintl.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
#   define YY_(Msgid) dgettext ("bison-runtime", Msgid)
#  endif

So all the messages generated by *bison* use YY_, i.e., translations
from the bison-runtime catalogue.  While *user* messages are translated
as follows (from c/bistromathic):

  #if defined ENABLE_NLS && ENABLE_NLS
  # define _(Msgid)  gettext (Msgid)
  # define _(Msgid)  (Msgid)

static const char *
yysymbol_name (yysymbol_kind_t yysymbol)
  static const char *const yy_sname[] =
  N_("end of file"), N_("error"), N_("invalid token"), "+", "-", "*", "/",
  "^", "(", ")", "=", "exit", N_("number"), N_("function"), N_("variable"),
  "NEG", "$accept", "input", "exp", YY_NULLPTR
     internationalizable.  */
  static yytype_int8 yytranslatable[] =
       1,     1,     1,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
       0,     0,     1,     1,     1,     0
  return (yysymbol < YYNTOKENS && yytranslatable[yysymbol]
          ? _(yy_sname[yysymbol])  <========================
          : yy_sname[yysymbol]);

That means, of course, that both catalogues must be loaded.  In the
bistromathic you'll see

#if defined ENABLE_NLS && ENABLE_NLS
  // Set up internationalization.
  setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
  // Use Bison's standard translation catalogue for error messages
  // (the generated messages).
  bindtextdomain ("bison-runtime", BISON_LOCALEDIR);
  // The translation catalogue of bistromathic is actually included in
  // Bison's.  In your own project, use the name of your project.
  bindtextdomain ("bison", LOCALEDIR);
  textdomain ("bison");

But you know all this, since you did it properly in your branch.

> Here [1] (and also as attachments) is a work in progress for this task,
> with the mention that examples/d/c/calc/calc.y is modified just for testing
> reasons, it will not be changed in the official commit.

Let's address your issues one at a time.  First, let's see why
make install fails for you.


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