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Re: [Bino-list] bino on E6700

From: Martin Lambers
Subject: Re: [Bino-list] bino on E6700
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2011 06:58:36 +0200
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On 12/09/11 22:24, Robert Pliszko wrote:
>> - Does ffplay work? (The ffplay version that comes with the ffmpeg
>> version that you use with Bino).
> That's impossible to find out. I've compiled bino with static libraries
> of ffmpeg via ppa.

Doesn't the PPA provide ffplay as part of ffmpeg? And if not, you might
try to build ffmpeg yourself; it is really just "./configure; make; make
install" just like most other packages (FFmpeg only requires yasm to
build but all external libraries are optional, so you don't have to
install any dependencies).

>> - Does Bino work in a "normal" environment (i.e. with a proper window
>> manager)?
> No. It doesn't. I've checked it on fluxbox on new HTPC (on the laptop
> everything is ok with fluxbox, and without).

So this means there is some specialty in your HTPC setup that exposes
this problem...

>> - Which version was the last that worked? Which is the first that fails?
>> (Ideally, you could even use git bisect to identify the single patch
>> that breaks your use case).
> I've playing on my laptop earlier, and as I wrote it was working
> perfectly. The problem has started when I built new HTPC.

Well, that does not exactly answer the question... Did a previous
version of Bino work for you on your HTPC? Which one? We have to somehow
narrow the problem down.


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