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[Axiom-math] Re: [Aldor-l] Type equivalence of domains in Axiom and Aldo

From: Ralf Hemmecke
Subject: [Axiom-math] Re: [Aldor-l] Type equivalence of domains in Axiom and Aldor
Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2007 00:07:03 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070728)

Dear Saul,

      Your questions have definite answers in category theory and
since Aldor is *almost* doing category theory, it's tempting to think
that the categorical answers to your questions are really what should
naturally fit into the language.  I wrote up something trying this out
for the 2001 workshop

I still think that this is a good way to look for flaws in the
language - implement category theory and see what goes wrong.

I quite like what you wrote. But I somehow fear that the compiler does not accept your code. Could you provide the compilable sources of this paper?

Furthermore, you do quite a lot of high-level constructions. To me it seems that they are OK to do category theory, but have you any comment how these constructions could be used to reduce the amount of programming work, i.e. code reuse?



Page 5:
Id(Obj:Category):Category == with
    id: (A:Obj) -> (A->A)
    id(A: Obj):(A->A) == (a:A):A +-> a --rhx: I changed this line.

Page 10:

homList(A:Categorify P,B:Categorify P):SingleInteger == add

should probably read

homList(A:Categorify P,B:Categorify P):List(A->B) ==

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