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[Axiom-developer] 20090417.01.tpd.patch (bookvol10.4, 10.2 document bino

From: daly
Subject: [Axiom-developer] 20090417.01.tpd.patch (bookvol10.4, 10.2 document binomial)
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 06:42:57 -0500

The binomial function was documented in 1 category and 2 domains.

Help and regression files, and binomial examples were added for 

Help and regression files, and binomial examples were added for 
CombinatorialFunctionCategory as well as additional code cleanup.

diff --git a/books/bookvol10.2.pamphlet b/books/bookvol10.2.pamphlet
index 88c7428..24ea0fe 100644
--- a/books/bookvol10.2.pamphlet
+++ b/books/bookvol10.2.pamphlet
@@ -872,6 +872,8 @@ CombinatorialFunctionCategory(): Category == with
       ++ binomial(n,r) returns the \spad{(n,r)} binomial coefficient
       ++ (often denoted in the literature by \spad{C(n,r)}).
       ++ Note: \spad{C(n,r) = n!/(r!(n-r)!)} where \spad{n >= r >= 0}.
+      ++
+      ++X [binomial(5,i) for i in 0..5]
     factorial  : $ -> $
       ++ factorial(n) computes the factorial of n
       ++ (denoted in the literature by \spad{n!})
diff --git a/books/bookvol10.4.pamphlet b/books/bookvol10.4.pamphlet
index b603e5b..4537e98 100644
--- a/books/bookvol10.4.pamphlet
+++ b/books/bookvol10.4.pamphlet
@@ -6326,6 +6326,145 @@ CoerceVectorMatrixPackage(R : CommutativeRing): public 
== private where
 \section{package COMBF CombinatorialFunction}
+)set break resume
+)sys rm -f CombinatorialFunction.output
+)spool CombinatorialFunction.output
+)set message test on
+)set message auto off
+)clear all
+--S 1 of 6
+f := operator 'f
+--R   (1)  f
+--R                                                          Type: 
+--E 1
+--S 2 of 6
+--R          m           m    f  (i,x)
+--R        ++-++        --+    ,2
+--R   (2)   | |   f(i,x)>     --------
+--R         | |         --+    f(i,x)
+--R        i= 1         i= 1
+--R                                                     Type: Expression 
+--E 2
+--S 3 of 6
+)set expose add constructor OutputForm
+--I   OutputForm is already explicitly exposed in frame frame0 
+--E 3
+--S 4 of 6
+pascalRow(n) == [right(binomial(n,i),4) for i in 0..n]
+--R                                                                   Type: 
+--E 4
+--S 5 of 6
+displayRow(n)==output center blankSeparate pascalRow(n)
+--R                                                                   Type: 
+--E 5
+--S 6 of 6
+for i in 0..7 repeat displayRow i
+--R   Compiling function pascalRow with type NonNegativeInteger -> List 
+--R      OutputForm 
+--R   Compiling function displayRow with type NonNegativeInteger -> Void 
+--R                                     1
+--R                                  1    1
+--R                                1    2    1
+--R                             1    3    3    1
+--R                           1    4    6    4    1
+--R                        1    5   10   10    5    1
+--R                      1    6   15   20   15    6    1
+--R                   1    7   21   35   35   21    7    1
+--R                                                                   Type: 
+--E 6
+)lisp (bye)
+CombinatorialFunction examples
+f := operator 'f
+   (1)  f
+                                                          Type: BasicOperator
+          m           m    f  (i,x)
+        ++-++        --+    ,2
+   (2)   | |   f(i,x)>     --------
+         | |         --+    f(i,x)
+        i= 1         i= 1
+                                                     Type: Expression Integer
+The binomial(n, r) returns the number of subsets of r objects
+taken among n objects, i.e. n!/(r! * (n-r)!)
+The binomial coefficients are the coefficients of the series expansion
+of a power of a binomial, that is
+    n
+   --+    / n \   k             n
+   >     |     | x    =  (1 + x)
+   --+    \ k /
+   k= 0
+This leads to the famous pascal triangle. First we expose the OutputForm
+domain, which is normally hidden, so we can use it to format the lines.
+  )set expose add constructor OutputForm
+Next we define a function that will output the list of binomial coefficients
+right justified with proper spacing:
+  pascalRow(n) == [right(binomial(n,i),4) for i in 0..n]
+and now we format the whole line so that it looks centered:
+  displayRow(n)==output center blankSeparate pascalRow(n)
+and we compute the triangle
+  for i in 0..7 repeat displayRow i
+giving the pretty result:
+   Compiling function pascalRow with type NonNegativeInteger -> List 
+      OutputForm 
+   Compiling function displayRow with type NonNegativeInteger -> Void 
+                                     1
+                                  1    1
+                                1    2    1
+                             1    3    3    1
+                           1    4    6    4    1
+                        1    5   10   10    5    1
+                      1    6   15   20   15    6    1
+                   1    7   21   35   35   21    7    1
+See Also:
+o )show CombinatorialFunction
+o )d op binomial
+o )show OutputForm
+o )help set
@@ -6351,52 +6490,11 @@ CoerceVectorMatrixPackage(R : CommutativeRing): public 
== private where
 \cross{COMBF}{?**?} &&
-<<package COMBF CombinatorialFunction>>=
-)abbrev package COMBF CombinatorialFunction
-++ Provides the usual combinatorial functions
-++ Author: Manuel Bronstein, Martin Rubey
-++ Date Created: 2 Aug 1988
-++ Date Last Updated: 30 October 2005
-++ Description:
-++   Provides combinatorial functions over an integral domain.
-++ Keywords: combinatorial, function, factorial.
-++ Examples:  )r COMBF INPUT
-CombinatorialFunction(R, F): Exports == Implementation where
-  R: Join(OrderedSet, IntegralDomain)
-  F: FunctionSpace R
-  OP  ==> BasicOperator
-  K   ==> Kernel F
-  SE  ==> Symbol
-  O   ==> OutputForm
-  SMP ==> SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R, K)
-  Z   ==> Integer
-  POWER        ==> "%power"::Symbol
-  OPEXP        ==> "exp"::Symbol
-  SPECIALDIFF  ==> "%specialDiff"
-  SPECIALDISP  ==> "%specialDisp"
-  SPECIALEQUAL ==> "%specialEqual"
-  Exports ==> with
-    belong?    : OP -> Boolean
-      ++ belong?(op) is true if op is a combinatorial operator;
-    operator   : OP -> OP
-      ++ operator(op) returns a copy of op with the domain-dependent
-      ++ properties appropriate for F;
-      ++ error if op is not a combinatorial operator;
-    "**"       : (F, F) -> F
-      ++ a ** b is the formal exponential a**b;
-    binomial   : (F, F) -> F
-      ++ binomial(n, r) returns the number of subsets of r objects
-      ++ taken among n objects, i.e. n!/(r! * (n-r)!);
 We currently simplify binomial coefficients only for non-negative integral
 second argument, using the formula
 $$ \binom{n}{k}=\frac{1}{k!}\prod_{i=0..k-1} (n-i),$$
-except if the second argument is symbolic: in this case [[binomial(n,n)]] is
+except if the second argument is symbolic: in this case binomial(n,n) is
 simplified to one.
 Note that there are at least two different ways to define binomial coefficients
@@ -6411,7 +6509,7 @@ second argument. This is, partially, also the approach 
taken in
       m = 0 => 1
-Of course, here [[n]] and [[m]] are integers. This definition agrees with the
+Of course, here $n$ and $m$ are integers. This definition agrees with the
@@ -6433,11 +6531,116 @@ $\Gamma(n_0+1)$ is unbounded.
 However, since for $k\in {\bf Z}$, $n\in {\bf Z}$ and $0 < k < n$ both
 definitions agree, one could also combine them. This is what, for example,
-Mathematica does. It seems that MuPAD sets [[binomial(n,n)=1]] for all
-arguments [[n]], and returns [[binomial(-2, n)]] unevaluated. Provisos may help
+Mathematica does. It seems that MuPAD sets binomial(n,n)=1 for all
+arguments $n$, and returns binomial(-2, n) unevaluated. Provisos may help
+\subsubsection{dvsum and dvdsum}
+The dvsum and dvdsum operations implement differentiation of sums with 
+and without bounds. Note that the function
+$$n\mapsto\sum_{k=1}^n f(k,n)$$
+is well defined only for integral values of $n$ greater than or equal to zero.
+There is not even consensus how to define this function for $n<0$. Thus, it is
+not differentiable. Therefore, we need to check whether we erroneously are
+differentiating with respect to the upper bound or the lower bound, where the
+same reasoning holds.
+Differentiating a sum with respect to its indexing variable correctly gives
+zero. This is due to the introduction of dummy variables in the internal
+representation of a sum: the operator [[%defsum]] takes 5 arguments, namely
+\item the summands, where each occurrence of the indexing variable is replaced
+  by 
+\item the dummy variable,
+\item the indexing variable,
+\item the lower bound, and
+\item the upper bound.
+\subsubsection{dvprod and dvdprod}
+The dvprod and dvdprod operations implement differentiation of products with 
+and without bounds. Note again, that we cannot even properly define 
+products with bounds that are not integral.
+To differentiate the product, we use Leibniz rule:
+$$\frac{d}{dx}\prod_{i=a}^b f(i,x) = 
+  \sum_{i=a}^b \frac{\frac{d}{dx} f(i,x)}{f(i,x)}\prod_{i=a}^b f(i,x)
+There is one situation where this definition might produce wrong results,
+namely when the product is zero, but axiom failed to recognize it: in this
+  \frac{d}{dx} f(i,x)/f(i,x)  
+is undefined for some $i$. However, I was not able to come up with an
+example. The alternative definition
+  \frac{d}{dx}\prod_{i=a}^b f(i,x) = 
+  \sum_{i=a}^b \left(\frac{d}{dx} f(i,x)\right)\prod_{j=a,j\neq i}^b f(j,x)
+has the slight (display) problem that we would have to come up with a new index
+variable, which looks very ugly. Furthermore, it seems to me that more
+simplifications will occur with the first definition.
+  f := operator 'f
+  D(product(f(i,x),i=1..m),x)
+The dvpow2 operation implements the differentiation of the power operator 
+\verb|%power| with respect to its second argument, i.e., the exponent. 
+It uses the formula
+$$\frac{d}{dx} g(y)^x = \frac{d}{dx} e^{x\log g(y)} = \log g(y) g(y)^x.$$
+If $g(y)$ equals zero, this formula is not valid, since the logarithm is not
+defined there. Although strictly speaking $0^x$ is not differentiable at zero,
+we return zero for convenience. 
 <<package COMBF CombinatorialFunction>>=
+)abbrev package COMBF CombinatorialFunction
+++ Provides the usual combinatorial functions
+++ Author: Manuel Bronstein, Martin Rubey
+++ Date Created: 2 Aug 1988
+++ Date Last Updated: 30 October 2005
+++ Description:
+++   Provides combinatorial functions over an integral domain.
+++ Keywords: combinatorial, function, factorial.
+++ Examples:  )r COMBF INPUT
+CombinatorialFunction(R, F): Exports == Implementation where
+  R: Join(OrderedSet, IntegralDomain)
+  F: FunctionSpace R
+  OP  ==> BasicOperator
+  K   ==> Kernel F
+  SE  ==> Symbol
+  O   ==> OutputForm
+  SMP ==> SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R, K)
+  Z   ==> Integer
+  POWER        ==> "%power"::Symbol
+  OPEXP        ==> "exp"::Symbol
+  SPECIALDIFF  ==> "%specialDiff"
+  SPECIALDISP  ==> "%specialDisp"
+  SPECIALEQUAL ==> "%specialEqual"
+  Exports ==> with
+    belong?    : OP -> Boolean
+      ++ belong?(op) is true if op is a combinatorial operator;
+    operator   : OP -> OP
+      ++ operator(op) returns a copy of op with the domain-dependent
+      ++ properties appropriate for F;
+      ++ error if op is not a combinatorial operator;
+    "**"       : (F, F) -> F
+      ++ a ** b is the formal exponential a**b;
+    binomial   : (F, F) -> F
+      ++ binomial(n, r) returns the number of subsets of r objects
+      ++ taken among n objects, i.e. n!/(r! * (n-r)!);
+      ++
+      ++X [binomial(5,i) for i in 0..5]
     permutation: (F, F) -> F
       ++ permutation(n, r) returns the number of permutations of
       ++ n objects taken r at a time, i.e. n!/(n-r)!;
@@ -6503,25 +6706,14 @@ here.
     K2fact    : (K, List SE) -> F
     smpfact   : (SMP, List SE) -> F
-    dummy == new()$SE :: F
-This macro will be used in [[product]] and [[summation]], both the $5$ and $3$
-argument forms. It is used to introduce a dummy variable in place of the
-summation index within the summands. This in turn is necessary to keep the
-indexing variable local, circumventing problems, for example, with
+-- This macro will be used in product and summation, both the 5 and 3
+-- argument forms. It is used to introduce a dummy variable in place of the
+-- summation index within the summands. This in turn is necessary to keep the
+-- indexing variable local, circumventing problems, for example, with
+-- differentiation.
-This works if we don't accidently use such a symbol as a bound of summation or
-Note that up to [[patch--25]] this used to read
-    dummy := new()$SE :: F
-thus introducing the same dummy variable for all products and summations, which
-caused nested products and summations to fail. (Issue~\#72)
+    dummy == new()$SE :: F
-<<package COMBF CombinatorialFunction>>=
     opfact  := operator("factorial"::Symbol)$CommonOperators
     opperm  := operator("permutation"::Symbol)$CommonOperators
     opbinom := operator("binomial"::Symbol)$CommonOperators
@@ -6576,11 +6768,9 @@ caused nested products and summations to fail. 
       dm := dummy
       opsum [eval(x, k := kernel(i)$K, dm), dm, k::F]
-These two operations return the product or the sum as unevaluated operators. A
-dummy variable is introduced to make the indexing variable \lq local\rq.
+-- These two operations return the product or the sum as unevaluated operators
+-- A dummy variable is introduced to make the indexing variable local.
-<<package COMBF CombinatorialFunction>>=
     dvsum(l, x) ==
       opsum [differentiate(first l, x), second l, third l]
@@ -6592,51 +6782,6 @@ dummy variable is introduced to make the indexing 
variable \lq local\rq.
         opdsum [differentiate(first l, x), second l, y, g, h]
-The above two operations implement differentiation of sums with and without
-bounds. Note that the function
-$$n\mapsto\sum_{k=1}^n f(k,n)$$
-is well defined only for integral values of $n$ greater than or equal to zero.
-There is not even consensus how to define this function for $n<0$. Thus, it is
-not differentiable. Therefore, we need to check whether we erroneously are
-differentiating with respect to the upper bound or the lower bound, where the
-same reasoning holds.
-Differentiating a sum with respect to its indexing variable correctly gives
-zero. This is due to the introduction of dummy variables in the internal
-representation of a sum: the operator [[%defsum]] takes 5 arguments, namely
-\item the summands, where each occurrence of the indexing variable is replaced
-  by 
-\item the dummy variable,
-\item the indexing variable,
-\item the lower bound, and
-\item the upper bound.
-Note that up to [[patch--40]] the following incorrect code was used, which 
-tried to parallel the known rules for integration: (Issue~\#180)
-    dvdsum(l, x) ==
-      x = retract(y := third l)@SE => 0
-      k := retract(d := second l)@K
-      differentiate(h := third rest rest l,x) * eval(f := first l, k, h)
-        - differentiate(g := third rest l, x) * eval(f, k, g)
-             + opdsum [differentiate(f, x), d, y, g, h]
-Up to [[patch--45]] a similar mistake could be found in the code for
-differentiation of formal sums, which read
-    dvsum(l, x) ==
-      k  := retract(second l)@K
-      differentiate(third l, x) * summand l
-          + opsum [differentiate(first l, x), second l, third l]
-<<package COMBF CombinatorialFunction>>=
     dvprod(l, x) ==
       dm := retract(dummy)@SE
       f := eval(first l, retract(second l)@K, dm::F)
@@ -6653,42 +6798,9 @@ differentiation of formal sums, which read
         opdsum cons(differentiate(first l, x)/first l, rest l) * opdprod l 
-The above two operations implement differentiation of products with and without
-bounds. Note again, that we cannot even properly define products with bounds
-that are not integral.
-To differentiate the product, we use Leibniz rule:
-$$\frac{d}{dx}\prod_{i=a}^b f(i,x) = 
-  \sum_{i=a}^b \frac{\frac{d}{dx} f(i,x)}{f(i,x)}\prod_{i=a}^b f(i,x)
-There is one situation where this definition might produce wrong results,
-namely when the product is zero, but axiom failed to recognize it: in this
-  \frac{d}{dx} f(i,x)/f(i,x)  
-is undefined for some $i$. However, I was not able to come up with an
-example. The alternative definition
-  \frac{d}{dx}\prod_{i=a}^b f(i,x) = 
-  \sum_{i=a}^b \left(\frac{d}{dx} f(i,x)\right)\prod_{j=a,j\neq i}^b f(j,x)
-has the slight (display) problem that we would have to come up with a new index
-variable, which looks very ugly. Furthermore, it seems to me that more
-simplifications will occur with the first definition.
-  f := operator 'f
-  D(product(f(i,x),i=1..m),x)
-Note that up to [[patch--45]] these functions did not exist and products were
-differentiated according to the usual chain rule, which gave incorrect
-results. (Issue~\#211)
+-- These four operations handle the conversion of sums and products to
+-- OutputForm
-<<package COMBF CombinatorialFunction>>=
     dprod l ==
       prod(summand(l)::O, third(l)::O)
@@ -6701,33 +6813,26 @@ results. (Issue~\#211)
     ddsum l ==
       sum(summand(l)::O, third(l)::O = fourth(l)::O, fourth(rest l)::O)
-These four operations handle the conversion of sums and products to
-[[OutputForm]]. Note that up to [[patch--45]] the definitions for sums and
-products without bounds were missing and output was illegible.
+-- The two operations handle the testing for equality of sums and products.
+-- The corresponding property \verb|%specialEqual| set below is checked in
+-- Kernel. Note that we can assume that the operators are equal, since this is
+-- checked in Kernel itself.
-<<package COMBF CombinatorialFunction>>=
     equalsumprod(s1, s2) ==
       l1 := argument s1
       l2 := argument s2
       (eval(first l1, retract(second l1)@K, second l2) = first l2)
     equaldsumprod(s1, s2) ==
       l1 := argument s1
       l2 := argument s2
       ((third rest l1 = third rest l2) and
        (third rest rest l1 = third rest rest l2) and
        (eval(first l1, retract(second l1)@K, second l2) = first l2))
-The preceding two operations handle the testing for equality of sums and
-products. This functionality was missing up to [[patch--45]]. (Issue~\#213) The
-corresponding property [[%specialEqual]] set below is checked in
-[[Kernel]]. Note that we can assume that the operators are equal, since this is
-checked in [[Kernel]] itself.
-<<package COMBF CombinatorialFunction>>=
+-- These two operations return the product or the sum as unevaluated operators
+-- A dummy variable is introduced to make the indexing variable local.
     product(x:F, s:SegmentBinding F) ==
       k := kernel(variable s)$K
       dm := dummy
@@ -6738,11 +6843,6 @@ checked in [[Kernel]] itself.
       dm := dummy
       opdsum [eval(x,k,dm), dm, k::F, lo segment s, hi segment s]
-These two operations return the product or the sum as unevaluated operators. A
-dummy variable is introduced to make the indexing variable \lq local\rq.
-<<package COMBF CombinatorialFunction>>=
     smpfact(p, l) ==
       map(K2fact(#1, l), #1::F, p)$PolynomialCategoryLifting(
         IndexedExponents K, K, R, SMP, F)
@@ -6889,15 +6989,9 @@ dummy variable is introduced to make the indexing 
variable \lq local\rq.
                => ibinom l
            binomial(r1::R, r2::R)::F
-[[iibinom]] checks those cases in which the binomial coefficient may be
-evaluated explicitly. Note that up to [[patch--51]], the case where the second
-argument is a positive integer was not checked.(Issue~\#336) Currently, the
-naive iterative algorithm is used to calculate the coefficient, there is room
-for improvement here.
-<<package COMBF CombinatorialFunction>>=
+-- iibinom checks those cases in which the binomial coefficient may
+-- be evaluated explicitly. Currently, the naive iterative algorithm is
+-- used to calculate the coefficient, there is room for improvement here.
          iibinom l ==
@@ -6926,23 +7020,6 @@ for improvement here.
                     log(first l) * first(l) ** second(l)
-This operation implements the differentiation of the power operator [[%power]]
-with respect to its second argument, i.e., the exponent. It uses the formula
-$$\frac{d}{dx} g(y)^x = \frac{d}{dx} e^{x\log g(y)} = \log g(y) g(y)^x.$$
-If $g(y)$ equals zero, this formula is not valid, since the logarithm is not
-defined there. Although strictly speaking $0^x$ is not differentiable at zero,
-we return zero for convenience. 
-Note that up to [[patch--25]] this used to read
-    if F has ElementaryFunctionCategory then
-      dvpow2 l == log(first l) * first(l) ** second(l)
-which caused differentiating $0^x$ to fail. (Issue~\#19)
-<<package COMBF CombinatorialFunction>>=
     evaluate(opfact, iifact)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
     evaluate(oppow, iipow)
     evaluate(opperm, iiperm)
@@ -6952,17 +7029,18 @@ which caused differentiating $0^x$ to fail. (Issue~\#19)
     evaluate(opprod, iprod)
     evaluate(opdprod, iidprod)
     derivative(oppow, [dvpow1, dvpow2])
+-- These four properties define special differentiation rules for sums and 
+-- products. 
     setProperty(opsum,   SPECIALDIFF, dvsum@((List F, SE) -> F) pretend None)
     setProperty(opdsum,  SPECIALDIFF, dvdsum@((List F, SE)->F) pretend None)
     setProperty(opprod,  SPECIALDIFF, dvprod@((List F, SE)->F) pretend None)
     setProperty(opdprod, SPECIALDIFF, dvdprod@((List F, SE)->F) pretend None)
-The last four properties define special differentiation rules for sums and
-products. Note that up to [[patch--45]] the rules for products were missing.
-Thus products were differentiated according the usual chain-rule, which gave
-incorrect results.
-<<package COMBF CombinatorialFunction>>=
+-- Set the properties for displaying sums and products and testing for
+-- equality.
     setProperty(opsum,   SPECIALDISP, dsum@(List F -> O) pretend None)
     setProperty(opdsum,  SPECIALDISP, ddsum@(List F -> O) pretend None)
     setProperty(opprod,  SPECIALDISP, dprod@(List F -> O) pretend None)
@@ -6973,10 +7051,6 @@ incorrect results.
     setProperty(opdprod, SPECIALEQUAL, equaldsumprod@((K,K) -> Boolean) 
pretend None)
-Finally, we set the properties for displaying sums and products and testing for
 "COMBF" [color="#FF4488",href="bookvol10.4.pdf#nameddest=COMBF"]
 "FS" [color="#4488FF",href="bookvol10.2.pdf#nameddest=FS"]
@@ -43431,6 +43505,107 @@ IntegerBits: with
 \section{package COMBINAT IntegerCombinatoricFunctions}
+)set break resume
+)sys rm -f IntegerCombinatoricFunctions.output
+)spool IntegerCombinatoricFunctions.output
+)set message test on
+)set message auto off
+)clear all
+--S 1 of 4
+)set expose add constructor OutputForm
+--I   OutputForm is already explicitly exposed in frame frame0 
+--E 1
+--S 2 of 4
+pascalRow(n) == [right(binomial(n,i),4) for i in 0..n]
+--R                                                                   Type: 
+--E 2
+--S 3 of 4
+displayRow(n)==output center blankSeparate pascalRow(n)
+--R                                                                   Type: 
+--E 3
+--S 4 of 4
+for i in 0..7 repeat displayRow i
+--R   Compiling function pascalRow with type NonNegativeInteger -> List 
+--R      OutputForm 
+--R   Compiling function displayRow with type NonNegativeInteger -> Void 
+--R                                     1
+--R                                  1    1
+--R                                1    2    1
+--R                             1    3    3    1
+--R                           1    4    6    4    1
+--R                        1    5   10   10    5    1
+--R                      1    6   15   20   15    6    1
+--R                   1    7   21   35   35   21    7    1
+--R                                                                   Type: 
+--E 4
+)lisp (bye)
+IntegerCombinatoricFunctions examples
+The binomial(n, r) returns the number of subsets of r objects
+taken among n objects, i.e. n!/(r! * (n-r)!)
+The binomial coefficients are the coefficients of the series expansion
+of a power of a binomial, that is
+    n
+   --+    / n \   k             n
+   >     |     | x    =  (1 + x)
+   --+    \ k /
+   k= 0
+This leads to the famous pascal triangle. First we expose the OutputForm
+domain, which is normally hidden, so we can use it to format the lines.
+  )set expose add constructor OutputForm
+Next we define a function that will output the list of binomial coefficients
+right justified with proper spacing:
+  pascalRow(n) == [right(binomial(n,i),4) for i in 0..n]
+and now we format the whole line so that it looks centered:
+  displayRow(n)==output center blankSeparate pascalRow(n)
+and we compute the triangle
+  for i in 0..7 repeat displayRow i
+giving the pretty result:
+   Compiling function pascalRow with type NonNegativeInteger -> List 
+      OutputForm 
+   Compiling function displayRow with type NonNegativeInteger -> Void 
+                                     1
+                                  1    1
+                                1    2    1
+                             1    3    3    1
+                           1    4    6    4    1
+                        1    5   10   10    5    1
+                      1    6   15   20   15    6    1
+                   1    7   21   35   35   21    7    1
+See Also:
+o )show IntegerCombinatoricFunctions
+o )d op binomial
+o )show OutputForm
+o )help set
@@ -43469,6 +43644,8 @@ IntegerCombinatoricFunctions(I:IntegerNumberSystem): 
       ++ \spad{binomial(n,r)} returns the binomial coefficient
       ++ \spad{C(n,r) = n!/(r! (n-r)!)}, where \spad{n >= r >= 0}.
       ++ This is the number of combinations of n objects taken r at a time.
+      ++
+      ++X [binomial(5,i) for i in 0..5]
    factorial: I -> I
       ++ \spad{factorial(n)} returns \spad{n!}. this is the product of all
       ++ integers between 1 and n (inclusive). 
@@ -123791,7 +123968,7 @@ PolynomialNumberTheoryFunctions(): Exports == 
Implementation where
  Exports ==> with
   bernoulli : I -> SUP RN
     ++ bernoulli(n) returns the nth Bernoulli polynomial \spad{B[n](x)}.
-    ++ Note: Bernoulli polynomials denoted \spad{B(n,x)} computed by solving 
+    ++ Bernoulli polynomials denoted \spad{B(n,x)} computed by solving the
     ++ differential equation  \spad{differentiate(B(n,x),x) = n B(n-1,x)} where
     ++ \spad{B(0,x) = 1} and initial condition comes from \spad{B(n) = B(n,0)}.
   chebyshevT: I -> SUP I
@@ -129823,49 +130000,45 @@ RandomFloatDistributions(): Cat == Body where
 ++ Description:
 ++ This package exports integer distributions
 RandomIntegerDistributions(): with
-        uniform:   Segment Integer           -> (() -> Integer)
-               ++ uniform(s) \undocumented
-        binomial:  (Integer, RationalNumber) -> (() -> Integer)
-               ++ binomial(n,f) \undocumented
-        poisson:   RationalNumber          -> (() -> Integer)
-               ++ poisson(f) \undocumented
-        geometric: RationalNumber          -> (() -> Integer)
-               ++ geometric(f) \undocumented
-        ridHack1:  (Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer) -> Integer
-               ++ ridHack1(i,j,k,l) \undocumented
-    == add
-        import RandomNumberSource()
-        import IntegerBits()
-        -- Compute uniform(a..b) as
-        --
-        --     l + U0 + w*U1 + w**2*U2 +...+ w**(n-1)*U-1 + w**n*M
-        --
-        -- where
-        --     l = min(a,b)
-        --     m = abs(b-a) + 1
-        --     w**n < m < w**(n+1)
-        --     U0,...,Un-1  are uniform on  0..w-1
-        --     M            is  uniform on  0..(m quo w**n)-1
-        uniform aTob ==
-            a := lo aTob;  b := hi aTob
-            l := min(a,b); m := abs(a-b) + 1
-            w := 2**(bitLength size() quo 2)::NonNegativeInteger
-            n  := 0
-            mq := m  -- m quo w**n
-            while (mqnext := mq quo w) > 0 repeat
-                n  := n + 1
-                mq := mqnext
-            ridHack1(mq, n, w, l)
-        ridHack1(mq, n, w, l) ==
-            r := randnum mq
-            for i in 1..n repeat r := r*w + randnum w
-            r + l
+   uniform:   Segment Integer           -> (() -> Integer)
+     ++ uniform(s) as
+     ++     l + u0 + w*u1 + w**2*u2 +...+ w**(n-1)*u-1 + w**n*m
+     ++ where
+     ++     s = a..b
+     ++     l = min(a,b)
+     ++     m = abs(b-a) + 1
+     ++     w**n < m < w**(n+1)
+     ++     u0,...,un-1  are uniform on  0..w-1
+     ++     m            is  uniform on  0..(m quo w**n)-1
+   binomial:  (Integer, RationalNumber) -> (() -> Integer)
+     ++ binomial(n,f) \undocumented
+   poisson:   RationalNumber          -> (() -> Integer)
+     ++ poisson(f) \undocumented
+   geometric: RationalNumber          -> (() -> Integer)
+     ++ geometric(f) \undocumented
+   ridHack1:  (Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer) -> Integer
+     ++ ridHack1(i,j,k,l) \undocumented
+ == add
+   import RandomNumberSource()
+   import IntegerBits()
+   uniform aTob ==
+       a := lo aTob;  b := hi aTob
+       l := min(a,b); m := abs(a-b) + 1
+       w := 2**(bitLength size() quo 2)::NonNegativeInteger
+       n  := 0
+       mq := m  -- m quo w**n
+       while (mqnext := mq quo w) > 0 repeat
+           n  := n + 1
+           mq := mqnext
+       ridHack1(mq, n, w, l)
+   ridHack1(mq, n, w, l) ==
+       r := randnum mq
+       for i in 1..n repeat r := r*w + randnum w
+       r + l
diff --git a/changelog b/changelog
index 7e8e2d2..fed1b33 100644
--- a/changelog
+++ b/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+20090417 tpd src/axiom-website/patches.html 20090417.01.tpd.patch
+20090417 tpd src/algebra/Makefile add help, regression tests
+20090417 tpd books/bookvol10.4 document binomial
+20090417 tpd books/bookvol10.2 document binomial
 20090416 tpd src/axiom-website/patches.html 20090416.03.tpd.patch
 20090416 tpd books/bookvol10.4 update bezier documentation
 20090416 tpd books/ps/v104beziermove.eps graph the bezier curves
diff --git a/src/algebra/Makefile.pamphlet b/src/algebra/Makefile.pamphlet
index f454c55..8af306b 100644
--- a/src/algebra/Makefile.pamphlet
+++ b/src/algebra/Makefile.pamphlet
@@ -16445,6 +16445,7 @@ SPADHELP=\
  ${HELP}/       ${HELP}/ \
  ${HELP}/        ${HELP}/ \
  ${HELP}/         ${HELP}/ \
+ ${HELP}/ \
  ${HELP}/                ${HELP}/ \
  ${HELP}/        ${HELP}/ \
  ${HELP}/       ${HELP}/ \
@@ -16463,7 +16464,9 @@ SPADHELP=\
  ${HELP}/ \
  ${HELP}/                   ${HELP}/ \
  ${HELP}/ \
- ${HELP}/                ${HELP}/ \
+ ${HELP}/ \
+ ${HELP}/ \
+ ${HELP}/ \
  ${HELP}/ \
  ${HELP}/                 ${HELP}/ \
  ${HELP}/ \
@@ -16536,6 +16539,7 @@ REGRESS=\
  BinarySearchTree.regress       CardinalNumber.regress \
  CartesianTensor.regress        Character.regress \
  CharacterClass.regress         CliffordAlgebra.regress \
+ CombinatorialFunction.regress \
  Complex.regress                ContinuedFraction.regress \
  CycleIndicators.regress        DeRhamComplex.regress \
  DecimalExpansion.regress       Dequeue.regress \
@@ -16553,7 +16557,8 @@ REGRESS=\
  GroebnerPackage.regress \
  Heap.regress                   HexadecimalExpansion.regress \
  HomogeneousDistributedMultivariatePolynomial.regress \
- Integer.regress                IntegerLinearDependence.regress \
+ Integer.regress                IntegerCombinatoricFunctions.regress \
+ IntegerLinearDependence.regress \
  IntegerNumberTheoryFunctions.regress \
  Kernel.regress                 KeyedAccessFile.regress \
  LazardSetSolvingPackage.regress \
@@ -16744,6 +16749,18 @@ ${HELP}/ 
        @echo "CliffordAlgebra (CLIF)" >>${HELPFILE}
+${HELP}/ ${BOOKS}/bookvol10.4.pamphlet
+       @echo 7010 create from \
+          ${BOOKS}/bookvol10.4.pamphlet
+       @${TANGLE} -R"" \
+          ${BOOKS}/bookvol10.4.pamphlet \
+            >${HELP}/
+       @cp ${HELP}/ ${HELP}/
+       @${TANGLE} -R"CombinatorialFunction.input" \
+           ${BOOKS}/bookvol10.4.pamphlet \
+            >${INPUT}/CombinatorialFunction.input
+       @echo "CombinatorialFunction (COMBF)" >>${HELPFILE}
 ${HELP}/ ${BOOKS}/bookvol10.3.pamphlet
        @echo 7011 create from ${BOOKS}/bookvol10.3.pamphlet
        @${TANGLE} -R"" ${BOOKS}/bookvol10.3.pamphlet \
@@ -17028,6 +17045,18 @@ ${HELP}/ ${BOOKS}/bookvol10.3.pamphlet
        @echo "Integer (INT)" >>${HELPFILE}
+${HELP}/ ${BOOKS}/bookvol10.4.pamphlet
+       @echo 7039 create from \
+           ${BOOKS}/bookvol10.4.pamphlet
+       @${TANGLE} -R"" \
+           ${BOOKS}/bookvol10.4.pamphlet \
+           >${HELP}/
+       @cp ${HELP}/ ${HELP}/
+       @${TANGLE} -R"IntegerCombinatoricFunctions.input" \
+           ${BOOKS}/bookvol10.4.pamphlet \
+            >${INPUT}/IntegerCombinatoricFunctions.input
+       @echo "IntegerCombinatoricFunctions (COMBINAT)" >>${HELPFILE}
 ${HELP}/ ${BOOKS}/bookvol10.4.pamphlet
        @echo 7039 create from \
diff --git a/src/axiom-website/patches.html b/src/axiom-website/patches.html
index 758d24e..d8cd037 100644
--- a/src/axiom-website/patches.html
+++ b/src/axiom-website/patches.html
@@ -1094,5 +1094,7 @@ regress.lisp tighten checks on regression tests<br/>
 bookvol5 move more interpreter code<br/>
 <a href="patches/20090416.03.tpd.patch">20090416.03.tpd.patch</a>
 bookvol10.4 update bezier documentation<br/>
+<a href="patches/20090416.03.tpd.patch">20090416.03.tpd.patch</a>
+bookvol10.4, 10.2 document binomial<br/>

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