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[Axiom-developer] 20090319.01.tpd.patch (bookvol5 move top level command

From: daly
Subject: [Axiom-developer] 20090319.01.tpd.patch (bookvol5 move top level command handling)
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2009 11:01:20 -0600

More of the top level command machinery was moved into book volume 5.
diff --git a/books/bookvol5.pamphlet b/books/bookvol5.pamphlet
index 1b42dec..2875b50 100644
--- a/books/bookvol5.pamphlet
+++ b/books/bookvol5.pamphlet
@@ -511,38 +511,31 @@ has the default function 
 Thus, when a system command is entered this function is called.
 <<defun SpadInterpretStream>>=
 (defun |SpadInterpretStream| (str source interactive?) 
- (prog (|$promptMsg| |$shoeReadLineFunction| |$systemCommandFunction| 
-        |$ncMsgList| |$erMsgToss| |$lastPos| |$inclAssertions| 
-        |$okToExecuteMachineCode| |$newcompErrorCount| |$newcompMode| 
-        |$libQuiet| |$fn|)
+ (let (|$promptMsg| |$shoeReadLineFunction| |$systemCommandFunction| 
+       |$ncMsgList| |$erMsgToss| |$lastPos| |$inclAssertions| 
+       |$okToExecuteMachineCode| |$newcompErrorCount| |$newcompMode| 
+       |$libQuiet| |$fn|)
   (declare (special |$promptMsg| |$shoeReadLineFunction| 
             |$systemCommandFunction| |$ncMsgList| |$erMsgToss| |$lastPos| 
             |$inclAssertions| |$okToExecuteMachineCode| |$newcompErrorCount| 
             |$newcompMode| |$libQuiet| |$fn| |$nopos|))
-   (return 
-    (progn 
-     (setq |$fn| source) 
-     (setq |$libQuiet| (null interactive?)) 
-     (setq |$newcompMode| nil) 
-     (setq |$newcompErrorCount| 0) 
-     (setq |$okToExecuteMachineCode| t) 
-     (setq |$inclAssertions| (list 'aix '|CommonLisp|)) 
-     (setq |$lastPos| |$nopos|) 
-     (setq |$erMsgToss| nil) 
-     (setq |$ncMsgList| nil) 
-     (setq |$systemCommandFunction| #'|InterpExecuteSpadSystemCommand|) 
-     (setq |$shoeReadLineFunction| #'|serverReadLine|) 
-     (setq |$promptMsg| 'S2CTP023) 
-     (cond 
-      (interactive? 
-       (progn 
-        (princ (mkprompt)) 
-        (|intloopReadConsole| "" str) 
-        nil))
-      (t 
-       (progn 
-        (|intloopInclude| source 0) 
-        nil)))))))
+  (setq |$fn| source) 
+  (setq |$libQuiet| (null interactive?)) 
+  (setq |$newcompMode| nil) 
+  (setq |$newcompErrorCount| 0) 
+  (setq |$okToExecuteMachineCode| t) 
+  (setq |$inclAssertions| (list 'aix '|CommonLisp|)) 
+  (setq |$lastPos| |$nopos|) 
+  (setq |$erMsgToss| nil) 
+  (setq |$ncMsgList| nil) 
+  (setq |$systemCommandFunction| #'|InterpExecuteSpadSystemCommand|) 
+  (setq |$shoeReadLineFunction| #'|serverReadLine|) 
+  (setq |$promptMsg| 'S2CTP023) 
+  (if interactive? 
+   (progn 
+     (princ (mkprompt)) 
+     (|intloopReadConsole| "" str))
+   (|intloopInclude| source 0))))
 \section{The Read-Eval-Print Loop}
@@ -855,9 +848,12 @@ See:\\
 \item The \fnref{zsystemdevelopment} command
 (defvar |$systemCommands| nil)
 (eval-when (eval load)
  (setq |$systemCommands|
@@ -901,12 +897,16 @@ See:\\
 This table is used to look up a symbol to see if it might be a command.
-(defvar $SYSCOMMANDS nil)
+(defvar $syscommands nil)
 (eval-when (eval load)
- (setq $SYSCOMMANDS (mapcar #'car |$systemCommands|)))
+ (setq $syscommands (mapcar #'car |$systemCommands|)))
@@ -930,6 +930,68 @@ all kinds of input that will not be acceptable to the 
+The system commands given by the global variable
+\verb|$noParseCommands| require essentially no preprocessing/parsing
+of their arguments. Here we dispatch the functions which implement
+these commands.
+There are four standard commands which receive arguments
+\item boot
+\item lisp
+\item synonym 
+\item system
+There are five standard commands
+which do not receive arguments -- 
+\item quit
+\item fin
+\item pquit
+\item credits
+\item copyright
+As these commands do not necessarily
+exhaust those mentioned in \verb|$noParseCommands|, we provide a
+generic dispatch based on two conventions: commands which do not
+require an argument name themselves, those which do have their names
+prefixed by ``np''. This makes it possible to dynamically define
+new system commands provided you handle the argument parsing.
+<<defun handleNoParseCommands>>=
+(defun |handleNoParseCommands| (unab string)
+ (let (spaceindex funname)
+  (setq string (|stripSpaces| string))
+  (setq spaceindex (search " " string))
+  (cond
+   ((eq unab '|lisp|)
+    (if spaceindex
+     (|nplisp| (|stripLisp| string))
+     (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iv0005 nil)))
+   ((eq unab '|boot|)
+    (if spaceindex
+     (|npboot| (subseq string (1+ spaceindex)))
+     (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iv0005 nil)))
+   ((eq unab '|system|)
+    (if spaceindex
+      (|npsystem| unab string)
+      (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iv0005 nil)))
+   ((eq unab '|synonym|)
+    (if spaceindex
+     (|npsynonym| unab (subseq string (1+ spaceindex)))
+     (|npsynonym| unab "")))
+   ((null spaceindex)
+    (funcall unab))
+   ((|member| unab '(|quit| |fin| |pquit| |credits| |copyright|))
+    (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iv0005 nil))
+   (t
+    (setq funname (intern (concat "np" (string unab))))
+    (funcall funname (subseq string (1+ spaceindex)))))))
 This is a list of the commands that expect the interpreter to parse
 their arguments. Thus the history command expects that Axiom will have
@@ -1033,6 +1095,10 @@ above initial list of synonyms. The user synonyms that 
are added
 during a session are pushed onto this list for later lookup.
 (defvar |$CommandSynonymAlist| nil)
 (eval-when (eval load)
  (setq |$CommandSynonymAlist| (copy-alist |$InitialCommandSynonymAlist|)))
@@ -1061,6 +1127,7 @@ for processing \verb|)read| of input files.
 If we find the prefix string in the whole string starting at position zero
 we return the remainder of the string without the leading prefix.
@@ -1070,6 +1137,37 @@ we return the remainder of the string without the 
leading prefix.
   (subseq whole (length prefix))))
+<<defun selectOptionLC>>=
+(defun |selectOptionLC| (x l errorFunction)
+ (|selectOption| (downcase (|object2Identifier| x)) l errorFunction)) 
+<<defun selectOption>>=
+(defun |selectOption| (x l errorfunction)
+ (let (u y)
+  (cond
+   ((|member| x l) x)
+   ((null (identp x))
+    (cond
+     (errorfunction (funcall errorfunction x u))
+     (t nil)))
+   (t
+    (setq u
+     (let (t0)
+       (do ((t1 l (CDR t1)) (y NIL))
+           ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq y (car t1)) nil)) (nreverse0 t0))
+          (if (|stringPrefix?| (pname x) (pname y))
+             (setq t0 (cons y t0))))))
+    (cond
+     ((and (pairp u) (eq (qcdr u) nil) (progn (setq y (qcar u)) t)) y)
+     (errorfunction (funcall errorfunction x u))
+     (t nil))))))
@@ -1167,36 +1265,6 @@ constructor name {\tt VectorFunctions2} from the system:
-;abbreviationsSpad2Cmd l ==
-;  null l => helpSpad2Cmd '(abbreviations)
-;  abopts := '(query domain category package remove)
-;  quiet := nil
-;  for [opt] in $options repeat
-;    opt := selectOptionLC(opt,'(quiet),'optionError)
-;    opt = 'quiet => quiet := true
-;  l is [opt,:al] =>
-;    key := opOf CAR al
-;    type := selectOptionLC(opt,abopts,'optionError)
-;    type is 'query =>
-;      null al => listConstructorAbbreviations()
-;      constructor := abbreviation?(key) => abbQuery(constructor)
-;      abbQuery(key)
-;    type is 'remove =>
-;    ODDP SIZE al => sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0002",[type])
-;    repeat
-;      null al => return 'fromLoop
-;      [a,b,:al] := al
-;      mkUserConstructorAbbreviation(b,a,type)
-;    null quiet =>
-;      sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0001",[a,type,opOf b])
-;      nil
-;  nil
 <<defun abbreviationsSpad2Cmd>>=
 (defun |abbreviationsSpad2Cmd| (arg)
  (let (abopts quiet opt key type constructor t2 a b al)
@@ -1211,22 +1279,16 @@ constructor name {\tt VectorFunctions2} from the system:
              (progn (setq t1 (car t0)) nil)
              (progn (progn (setq opt (car t1)) t1) nil))
-     (seq
-      (exit
-       (progn
-        (setq opt
-         (|selectOptionLC| opt '(|quiet|) '|optionError|))
-        (cond ((eq opt '|quiet|)
-          (setq quiet t)))))))
-    (cond
-     ((and (pairp arg) 
+      (setq opt (|selectOptionLC| opt '(|quiet|) '|optionError|))
+      (when (eq opt '|quiet|) (setq quiet t)))
+    (when
+     (and (pairp arg) 
             (setq opt (qcar arg))
             (setq al (qcdr arg))
        (setq key (|opOf| (car al)))
-       (setq type
-         (|selectOptionLC| opt abopts '|optionError|))
+       (setq type (|selectOptionLC| opt abopts '|optionError|))
         ((eq type '|query|)
@@ -1237,7 +1299,7 @@ constructor name {\tt VectorFunctions2} from the system:
         ((eq type '|remove|)
          (deldatabase key 'abbreviation))
         ((oddp (size al))
-         (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0002 (cons type nil)))
+         (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0002 (list type)))
          (do () (nil nil)
@@ -1252,11 +1314,8 @@ constructor name {\tt VectorFunctions2} from the system:
                (|mkUserConstructorAbbreviation| b a type)
                (setdatabase b 'abbreviation a)
                (setdatabase b 'constructorkind type))))))
-         (cond ((null quiet)
-          (progn
-           (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0001
-             (cons a (cons type (cons (|opOf| b) nil)))) nil))))))
-     (t nil))))))
+         (unless quiet
+           (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0001 (list a type (|opOf| b)))))))))))
@@ -1658,6 +1717,12 @@ system function and constructor caches.
 \fnref{frame}, and
+(defvar |$clearOptions| '(|modes| |operations| |properties| |types| |values|))
 <<defun clear>>=
 (defun |clear| (l)
@@ -1687,9 +1752,8 @@ system function and constructor caches.
 <<defun clearSpad2Cmd>>=
 (defun |clearSpad2Cmd| (l)
-  (let (|$clearExcept| |opt| |optList| |arg|)
+  (let (|$clearExcept| opt optlist arg)
   (declare (special |$clearExcept| |$options| |$clearOptions|))
-  (setq |$clearExcept| nil)
     (setq |$clearExcept|
@@ -1702,31 +1766,31 @@ system function and constructor caches.
            ((or t1 
                 (atom t2)
                 (progn (setq t3 (car t2)) nil)
-                (progn (progn (setq |opt| (car t3)) t3) nil))
+                (progn (progn (setq opt (car t3)) t3) nil))
         (setq t0
          (and t0 
-               (|selectOptionLC| |opt| '(|except|) '|optionError|)
+               (|selectOptionLC| opt '(|except|) '|optionError|)
    ((null l)
-     (setq |optList|
+     (setq optlist
       (prog (t4)
        (setq t4 nil)
         (do ((t5 |$clearOptions| (cdr t5)) (x nil))
             ((or (atom t5) (progn (setq x (car t5)) nil)) t4)
          (setq t4 (append t4 `(|%l| "       " ,x)))))))
-     (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0010 (cons |optList| nil)))
+     (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0010 (list optlist)))
-     (setq |arg|
+     (setq arg
       (|selectOptionLC| (car l) '(|all| |completely| |scaches|) nil))
-      ((eq |arg| '|all|)        (|clearCmdAll|))
-      ((eq |arg| '|completely|) (|clearCmdCompletely|))
-      ((eq |arg| '|scaches|)    (|clearCmdSortedCaches|))
-      (|$clearExcept|           (|clearCmdExcept| l))
+      ((eq arg '|all|)        (|clearCmdAll|))
+      ((eq arg '|completely|) (|clearCmdCompletely|))
+      ((eq arg '|scaches|)    (|clearCmdSortedCaches|))
+      (|$clearExcept|         (|clearCmdExcept| l))
        (|clearCmdParts| l)
@@ -3174,7 +3238,8 @@ All of the other options are just subcases.
 There is a slight mismatch between the \$displayOptions list of
 symbols and the options this command accepts so we have a cond
-branch to clean up the option variable.
+branch to clean up the option variable. This allows for the options
+to be plural.
 If we fall all the way thru we use the \$displayOptions list
 to construct a list of strings for the sayMessage function
@@ -3213,6 +3278,20 @@ and tell the user what options are available.
       (format nil "~%  or abbreviations thereof"))))))
+<<defun abbQuery>>=
+(defun |abbQuery| (x)
+ (let (abb)
+  (cond
+   ((setq abb (getdatabase x 'abbreviation))
+    (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0001 (list abb (getdatabase x 'constructorkind) x)))
+   ((setq abb (getdatabase x 'constructor))
+    (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0001 (list x (getdatabase abb 'constructorkind) abb)))
+   (t
+     (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0003 (list x))))))
 This function takes a list of operation names. If the list is null
 we query the user to see if they want all operations printed. Otherwise
@@ -3479,6 +3558,38 @@ calls {\tt emacs} to edit the file.
 \fnref{compiler}, and
+<<defun edit>>=
+(defun |edit| (l) (|editSpad2Cmd| l)) 
+<<defun editSpad2Cmd>>=
+(defun |editSpad2Cmd| (l)
+ (let (olddir filetypes ll rc)
+    (setq l (cond ((null l) /editfile) (t (car l))))
+    (setq l (|pathname| l))
+    (setq olddir (|pathnameDirectory| l))
+    (setq filetypes
+     (cond 
+      ((|pathnameType| l) (list (|pathnameType| l)))
+      ((eq |$UserLevel| '|interpreter|) '("input" "INPUT" "spad" "SPAD"))
+      ((eq |$UserLevel| '|compiler|) '("input" "INPUT" "spad" "SPAD"))
+      (t '("input" "INPUT" "spad" "SPAD" "boot" "BOOT" 
+           "lisp" "LISP" "meta" "META"))))
+    (setq ll
+     (cond
+      ((string= olddir "")
+        (|pathname| ($findfile (|pathnameName| l) filetypes)))
+      (t l)))
+    (setq l (|pathname| ll))
+    (setq /editfile l)
+    (setq rc (|editFile| l))
+    (|updateSourceFiles| l)
+    rc))
@@ -7496,7 +7607,7 @@ explanations see the list structure section 
  (dolist (setdata settree)
   (case (fourth setdata)
-      (if (|functionp| (fifth setdata))
+      (if (functionp (fifth setdata))
         (funcall (fifth setdata) '|%initialize%|))
         (|sayMSG| "   Function not implemented."))
    (INTEGER (set (fifth setdata) (seventh setdata)))
@@ -7554,7 +7665,7 @@ explanations see the list structure section 
     (case (fourth setdata)
-      (if (|functionp| (fifth setdata))
+      (if (functionp (fifth setdata))
         (funcall (fifth setdata) '|%describe%|)
         (|sayMSG| "   Function not implemented.")))
@@ -7612,7 +7723,7 @@ explanations see the list structure section 
      (case (fourth setdata)
        (setq opt
-        (if (|functionp| (fifth setdata))
+        (if (functionp (fifth setdata))
          (funcall (fifth setdata) '|%display%|)
@@ -8706,6 +8817,57 @@ linker       linker arguments (e.g. libraries to search) 
+<<defun setFortTmpDir>>=
+(defun |setFortTmpDir| (arg)
+ (let (mode)
+   (cond
+    ((eq arg '|%initialize%|) (setq |$fortranTmpDir| "/tmp/"))
+    ((eq arg '|%display%|)
+     (if (stringp |$fortranTmpDir|)
+      |$fortranTmpDir|
+      (pname |$fortranTmpDir|)))
+    ((or (null arg) (eq arg '|%describe%|) (eq (car arg) '?))
+     (|describeSetFortTmpDir|))
+    ((null (setq mode (|validateOutputDirectory| arg)))
+     (|sayBrightly| 
+      `(" Sorry, but your argument(s)" ,@(|bright| arg) 
+            "is(are) not valid." |%l|))
+      (|describeSetFortTmpDir|))
+    (t (setq |$fortranTmpDir| mode)))))
+<<defun validateOutputDirectory>>=
+(defun |validateOutputDirectory| (x)
+ (let ((dirname (car x)))
+  (when (and (pathname-directory dirname) (null (probe-file dirname)))
+   dirname)))
+<<defun describeSetFortTmpDir>>=
+(defun |describeSetFortTmpDir| ()
+ (|sayBrightly| (list
+  '|%b| ")set fortran calling tempfile"
+  '|%d| " is used to tell AXIOM where"
+  '|%l| " to place intermediate FORTRAN data files . This must be the "
+  '|%l| " name of a valid existing directory to which you have permission "
+  '|%l| " to write (including the final slash)."
+  '|%l|
+  '|%l| " Syntax:"
+  '|%l| "   )set fortran calling tempfile DIRECTORYNAME"
+  '|%l|
+  '|%l| " The current setting is"
+  '|%b| |$fortranTmpDir|
+  '|%d|)))
 -------------------- The directory Option ---------------------
@@ -8735,6 +8897,47 @@ linker       linker arguments (e.g. libraries to search) 
+<<defun setFortDir>>=
+(defun |setFortDir| (arg)
+ (declare (special |$fortranDirectory|))
+ (let (mode)
+   (COND
+    ((eq arg '|%initialize%|) (setq |$fortranDirectory| "./"))
+    ((eq arg '|%display%|)
+     (if (stringp |$fortranDirectory|) 
+      |$fortranDirectory|
+      (pname |$fortranDirectory|)))
+    ((or (null arg) (eq arg '|%describe%|) (eq (car arg) '?))
+      (|describeSetFortDir|))
+    ((null (setq mode (|validateOutputDirectory| arg)))
+     (|sayBrightly|
+      `(" Sorry, but your argument(s)" ,@(|bright| arg) 
+        "is(are) not valid." |%l|))
+     (|describeSetFortDir|))
+    (t (setq |$fortranDirectory| mode)))))
+<<defun describeSetFortDir>>=
+(defun |describeSetFortDir| ()
+ (declare (special |$fortranDirectory|))
+ (|sayBrightly| (list
+  '|%b| ")set fortran calling directory"
+  '|%d| " is used to tell AXIOM where"
+  '|%l| " to place generated FORTRAN files. This must be the name "
+  '|%l| " of a valid existing directory to which you have permission "
+  '|%l| " to write (including the final slash)."
+  '|%l|
+  '|%l| " Syntax:"
+  '|%l| "   )set fortran calling directory DIRECTORYNAME"
+  '|%l|
+  '|%l| " The current setting is"
+  '|%b| |$fortranDirectory|
+  '|%d|)))
 ---------------------- The linker Option ----------------------
@@ -8766,6 +8969,45 @@ linker       linker arguments (e.g. libraries to search) 
+<<defun setLinkerArgs>>=
+(defun |setLinkerArgs| (arg)
+ (declare (special |$fortranLibraries|))
+ (cond
+  ((eq arg '|%initialize%|) (setq |$fortranLibraries| "-lxlf"))
+  ((eq arg '|%display%|) (|object2String| |$fortranLibraries|))
+  ((or (null arg) (eq arg '|%describe%|) (eq (car arg) '?))
+    (|describeSetLinkerArgs|))
+  ((and (listp arg) (stringp (car arg)))
+    (setq |$fortranLibraries| (car arg)))
+  (t (|describeSetLinkerArgs|)))) 
+<<defun describeSetLinkerArgs>>=
+(defun |describeSetLinkerArgs| ()
+ (declare (special |$fortranLibraries|))
+ (|sayBrightly| (list
+  '|%b| ")set fortran calling linkerargs"
+  '|%d| " is used to pass arguments to the linker"
+  '|%l| " when using "
+  '|%b| "mkFort"
+  '|%d| " to create functions which call Fortran code."
+  '|%l| " For example, it might give a list of libraries to be searched,"
+  '|%l| " and their locations."
+  '|%l| " The string is passed verbatim, so must be the correct syntax for"
+  '|%l| " the particular linker being used."
+  '|%l|
+  '|%l| " Example: )set fortran calling linker \"-lxlf\""
+  '|%l|
+  '|%l| " The current setting is"
+  '|%b| |$fortranLibraries|
+  '|%d|)))
               Current Values of  kernel  Variables                    
@@ -10436,7 +10678,7 @@ prettyprint  prettyprint BOOT func's as they compile    
 (eval-when (eval load)
- (|initializeSetVariables| |$setOptions|)
+ (|initializeSetVariables| |$setOptions|))
@@ -10480,11 +10722,11 @@ which gets called with \verb|%describe%|
    ((null l) (|displaySetVariableSettings| settree '||))
     (setq |$setOptionNames|
-      (do ((t1 settree (cdr t1)) t0 (|x| nil))
-          ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq |x| (car t1)) nil)) (nreverse0 t0))
+      (do ((t1 settree (cdr t1)) t0 (x nil))
+          ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq x (car t1)) nil)) (nreverse0 t0))
-         (setq t0 (cons (elt |x| 0) t0))))))
+         (setq t0 (cons (elt x 0) t0))))))
     (setq arg 
      (|selectOption| (downcase (car l)) |$setOptionNames| '|optionError|))
     (setq setdata (cons arg (lassoc arg settree)))
@@ -10500,7 +10742,7 @@ which gets called with \verb|%describe%|
          (if (eq (elt l 1) 'default) 
           (kdr l)))
-        (if (|functionp| (fifth setdata))
+        (if (functionp (fifth setdata))
           (funcall (fifth setdata) setfunarg)
           (|sayMSG| "   Function not implemented."))
         (when |$displaySetValue|
@@ -11208,7 +11450,7 @@ This reports the traced functions
 (defun |trace1| (arg)
  (prog (|$traceNoisely| constructor |ops| |lops| temp1 opt a 
         |oldL| |newOptions| |domain| |traceList| |optionList| |domainList| 
-        |opList| |y| |varList| |argument|)
+        |opList| y |varList| |argument|)
   (declare (special |$traceNoisely|))
@@ -11327,8 +11569,8 @@ This reports the traced functions
                 (t nil)))
               (setq |varList|
-                ((setq |y| (lassoc '|vars| |optionList|))
-                  (list (cons '|vars| |y|)))
+                ((setq y (lassoc '|vars| |optionList|))
+                  (list (cons '|vars| y)))
                 (t nil)))
               (append |domainList| (append |opList| |varList|)))))
          (|optionList| (append |traceList| |optionList|))
@@ -11534,59 +11776,59 @@ This reports the traced functions
 <<defun getTraceOption>>=
 (defun |getTraceOption| (arg)
- (prog (|l| |opts| key a |n|)
+ (prog (l |opts| key a |n|)
      (setq key (car arg))
-     (setq |l| (cdr arg))
+     (setq l (cdr arg))
      (setq key
        (|selectOptionLC| key |$traceOptionList| '|traceOptionError|))
-     (setq arg (cons key |l|))
+     (setq arg (cons key l))
       ((memq key '(|nonquietly| |timer| |nt|)) arg)
       ((eq key '|break|)
-        ((null |l|) (cons '|break| (cons '|before| nil)))
+        ((null l) (cons '|break| (cons '|before| nil)))
           (setq |opts|
            (prog (t0)
             (setq t0 nil)
-             (do ((t1 |l| (cdr t1)) (|y| nil))
+             (do ((t1 l (cdr t1)) (y nil))
                  ((or (atom t1)
-                      (progn (setq |y| (car t1)) nil))
+                      (progn (setq y (car t1)) nil))
                     (nreverse0 t0))
                 (setq t0 
-                  (|selectOptionLC| |y| '(|before| |after|) nil) t0))))))))
+                  (|selectOptionLC| y '(|before| |after|) nil) t0))))))))
            ((prog (t2)
              (setq t2 t)
-              (do ((t3 nil (null t2)) (t4 |opts| (cdr t4)) (|y| nil))
-                  ((or t3 (atom t4) (progn (setq |y| (car t4)) nil)) t2)
+              (do ((t3 nil (null t2)) (t4 |opts| (cdr t4)) (y nil))
+                  ((or t3 (atom t4) (progn (setq y (car t4)) nil)) t2)
-                   (setq t2 (and t2 (identp |y|))))))))
+                   (setq t2 (and t2 (identp y))))))))
               (cons '|break| |opts|))
             (|stackTraceOptionError| (cons 's2it0008 (cons nil nil))))))))
       ((eq key '|restore|)
-        ((null |l|) arg)
+        ((null l) arg)
           (cons 's2it0009 
            (cons (cons (strconc ")" (|object2String| key)) nil) nil))))))
-      ((eq key '|only|) (cons '|only| (|transOnlyOption| |l|)))
+      ((eq key '|only|) (cons '|only| (|transOnlyOption| l)))
       ((eq key '|within|)
-         ((and (pairp |l|) 
-               (eq (qcdr |l|) nil)
-               (progn (setq a (qcar |l|)) t)
+         ((and (pairp l) 
+               (eq (qcdr l) nil)
+               (progn (setq a (qcar l)) t)
                (identp a))
@@ -11598,10 +11840,10 @@ This reports the traced functions
           ((eq key '|cond|) '|when|)
           (t key)))
-         ((and (pairp |l|) 
-               (eq (qcdr |l|) nil)
-               (progn (setq a (qcar |l|)) t))
-            (cons key |l|))
+         ((and (pairp l) 
+               (eq (qcdr l) nil)
+               (progn (setq a (qcar l)) t))
+            (cons key l))
            (cons 's2it0011
@@ -11610,9 +11852,9 @@ This reports the traced functions
               (|object2String| key)) nil) nil))))))
       ((eq key '|depth|)
-         ((and (pairp |l|) 
-               (eq (qcdr |l|) nil)
-               (progn (setq |n| (qcar |l|)) t)
+         ((and (pairp l) 
+               (eq (qcdr l) nil)
+               (progn (setq |n| (qcar l)) t)
                (fixp |n|))
@@ -11620,10 +11862,10 @@ This reports the traced functions
            (cons 's2it0012 (cons (cons ")depth" nil) nil))))))
       ((eq key '|count|)
-         ((or (null |l|) 
-              (and (pairp |l|) 
-                   (eq (qcdr |l|) nil)
-                   (progn (setq |n| (qcar |l|)) t)
+         ((or (null l) 
+              (and (pairp l) 
+                   (eq (qcdr l) nil)
+                   (progn (setq |n| (qcar l)) t)
                    (fixp |n|)))
@@ -11634,17 +11876,17 @@ This reports the traced functions
          (prog (t5)
           (setq t5 nil)
-           (do ((t6 |l| (cdr t6)) (|y| nil))
-               ((or (atom t6) (progn (setq |y| (car t6)) nil)) (nreverse0 t5))
+           (do ((t6 l (cdr t6)) (y nil))
+               ((or (atom t6) (progn (setq y (car t6)) nil)) (nreverse0 t5))
-              (setq t5 (cons (|getTraceOption,hn| |y|) t5)))))))))
+              (setq t5 (cons (|getTraceOption,hn| y) t5)))))))))
       ((memq key '(|local| |ops| |vars|))
-         ((or (null |l|)
-              (and (pairp |l|) (eq (qcdr |l|) nil) (eq (qcar |l|) '|all|)))
+         ((or (null l)
+              (and (pairp l) (eq (qcdr l) nil) (eq (qcar l) '|all|)))
            (cons key '|all|))
-         ((|isListOfIdentifiersOrStrings| |l|) arg)
+         ((|isListOfIdentifiersOrStrings| l) arg)
             (cons 's2it0015
@@ -11652,10 +11894,10 @@ This reports the traced functions
               (cons (strconc ")" (|object2String| key)) nil) nil))))))
       ((eq key '|varbreak|)
-         ((or (null |l|) 
-              (and (pairp |l|) (eq (qcdr |l|) nil) (eq (qcar |l|) '|all|)))
+         ((or (null l) 
+              (and (pairp l) (eq (qcdr l) nil) (eq (qcar l) '|all|)))
            (cons '|varbreak| '|all|))
-         ((|isListOfIdentifiers| |l|) arg)
+         ((|isListOfIdentifiers| l) arg)
             (cons 's2it0016
@@ -11663,7 +11905,7 @@ This reports the traced functions
               (cons (strconc ")" (|object2String| key)) nil) nil))))))
       ((eq key '|mathprint|)
-         ((null |l|) arg)
+         ((null l) arg)
             (cons 's2it0009
@@ -11851,20 +12093,20 @@ This reports the traced functions
 <<defun transOnlyOption>>=
 (defun |transOnlyOption| (arg)
- (prog (|y| |n|)
+ (prog (y |n|)
     ((and (pairp arg) 
-          (progn (setq |n| (qcar arg)) (setq |y| (qcdr arg)) t))
+          (progn (setq |n| (qcar arg)) (setq y (qcdr arg)) t))
        ((fixp |n|)
-         (cons |n| (|transOnlyOption| |y|)))
+         (cons |n| (|transOnlyOption| y)))
        ((memq (setq |n| (upcase |n|)) '(V A C))
-         (cons |n| (|transOnlyOption| |y|)))
+         (cons |n| (|transOnlyOption| y)))
            (cons 's2it0006 (cons (cons |n| nil) nil)))
-         (|transOnlyOption| |y|))))
+         (|transOnlyOption| y))))
     (t nil))))) 
@@ -11915,17 +12157,17 @@ This reports the traced functions
 <<defun domainToGenvar>>=
 (defun |domainToGenvar| (arg)
- (prog (|$doNotAddEmptyModeIfTrue| |y| |g|)
+ (prog (|$doNotAddEmptyModeIfTrue| y |g|)
   (declare (special |$doNotAddEmptyModeIfTrue|))
     (setq |$doNotAddEmptyModeIfTrue| t)
-     ((and (setq |y| (|unabbrevAndLoad| arg))
-           (eq (getdatabase (|opOf| |y|) 'constructorkind) '|domain|))
+     ((and (setq y (|unabbrevAndLoad| arg))
+           (eq (getdatabase (|opOf| y) 'constructorkind) '|domain|))
-        (setq |g| (|genDomainTraceName| |y|))
-        (set |g| (|evalDomain| |y|)) |g|))))))) 
+        (setq |g| (|genDomainTraceName| y))
+        (set |g| (|evalDomain| y)) |g|))))))) 
@@ -12020,7 +12262,7 @@ This reports the traced functions
 <<defun transTraceItem>>=
 (defun |transTraceItem| (x)
- (prog (|$doNotAddEmptyModeIfTrue| |value| |y|)
+ (prog (|$doNotAddEmptyModeIfTrue| |value| y)
   (declare (special |$doNotAddEmptyModeIfTrue|))
@@ -12033,18 +12275,18 @@ This reports the traced functions
                 '((|Mode|) (|Domain|) (|SubDomain| (|Domain|)))))
           (setq x (|objVal| |value|))
-           ((setq |y| (|domainToGenvar| x)) |y|)
+           ((setq y (|domainToGenvar| x)) y)
            (t x)))
         ((upper-case-p (elt (stringimage x) 0))
-          (setq |y| (|unabbrev| x))
+          (setq y (|unabbrev| x))
-           ((|constructor?| |y|) |y|)
-           ((and (pairp |y|) (|constructor?| (car |y|))) (car |y|))
-           ((setq |y| (|domainToGenvar| x)) |y|)
+           ((|constructor?| y) y)
+           ((and (pairp y) (|constructor?| (car y))) (car y))
+           ((setq y (|domainToGenvar| x)) y)
            (t x)))
         (t x)))
      ((vecp (car x)) (|transTraceItem| (|devaluate| (car x))))
-     ((setq |y| (|domainToGenvar| x)) |y|)
+     ((setq y (|domainToGenvar| x)) y)
      (t (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2it0018 (cons x nil)))))))) 
@@ -12217,16 +12459,16 @@ This reports the traced functions
 <<defun coerceTraceFunValue2E>>=
 (defun |coerceTraceFunValue2E| (|traceName| |subName| |value|)
- (prog (name |u|)
+ (prog (name u)
     ((memq (setq name |subName|) |$mathTraceList|)
        ((spadsysnamep (pname |traceName|)) (|coerceSpadFunValue2E| |value|))
-       ((setq |u| (lassoc |subName| |$tracedMapSignatures|))
+       ((setq u (lassoc |subName| |$tracedMapSignatures|))
-           (|objNewWrap| |value| (CAR |u|))
+           (|objNewWrap| |value| (CAR u))
        (t |value|)))
     (t |value|))))) 
@@ -12393,10 +12635,10 @@ This reports the traced functions
 <<defun lassocSub>>=
 (defun |lassocSub| (x |subs|)
- (prog (|y|) 
+ (prog (y) 
-    ((setq |y| (lassq x |subs|)) |y|)
+    ((setq y (lassq x |subs|)) y)
     (t x))))) 
@@ -12410,10 +12652,10 @@ This reports the traced functions
 <<defun rassocSub>>=
 (defun |rassocSub| (x |subs|)
- (prog (|y|)
+ (prog (y)
-    ((setq |y| (|rassoc| x |subs|)) |y|)
+    ((setq y (|rassoc| x |subs|)) y)
     (t x))))) 
@@ -12576,16 +12818,16 @@ This reports the traced functions
      (prog (t0)
       (setq t0 nil)
-       (do ((t1 ops (cdr t1)) (|u| nil))
-           ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq |u| (car t1)) nil)) (nreverse0 t0))
+       (do ((t1 ops (cdr t1)) (u nil))
+           ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq u (car t1)) nil)) (nreverse0 t0))
-           ((and (pairp |u|)
+           ((and (pairp u)
-                  (setq tmp1 (qcar |u|))
+                  (setq tmp1 (qcar u))
                   (and (pairp tmp1) (equal (qcar tmp1) opname))))
-             (setq t0 (cons |u| t0)))))))))))))) 
+             (setq t0 (cons u t0)))))))))))))) 
@@ -13171,25 +13413,25 @@ This reports the traced functions
 <<defun letPrint>>=
 (defun |letPrint| (x |val| |currentFunction|)
- (prog (|y|)
+ (prog (y)
     (cond ((and |$letAssoc| 
-                 (setq |y| (lassoc |currentFunction| |$letAssoc|))
-                 (setq |y| (lassoc '|all| |$letAssoc|))))
+                 (setq y (lassoc |currentFunction| |$letAssoc|))
+                 (setq y (lassoc '|all| |$letAssoc|))))
-      ((and (or (eq |y| '|all|)
-                 (memq x |y|))
+      ((and (or (eq y '|all|)
+                 (memq x y))
              (or (is_genvar x) (|isSharpVarWithNum| x) (gensymp x))))
         (|sayBrightlyNT| (append (|bright| x) (cons '|: | nil)))
         (prin0 (|shortenForPrinting| |val|))
-      ((and (setq |y| (|hasPair| 'break |y|))
-            (or (eq |y| '|all|)
-                (and (memq x |y|)
+      ((and (setq y (|hasPair| 'break y))
+            (or (eq y '|all|)
+                (and (memq x y)
                      (null (memq (elt (pname x) 0) '($ |#|)))
                      (null (gensymp x)))))
@@ -13228,18 +13470,18 @@ This reports the traced functions
 <<defun letPrint2>>=
 (defun |letPrint2| (x |printform| |currentFunction|)
- (prog (|$BreakMode| |flag| |y|)
+ (prog (|$BreakMode| |flag| y)
   (declare (special |$BreakMode|))
     (setq |$BreakMode| nil)
      ((and |$letAssoc| 
-           (or (setq |y| (lassoc |currentFunction| |$letAssoc|))
-               (setq |y| (lassoc '|all| |$letAssoc|))))
+           (or (setq y (lassoc |currentFunction| |$letAssoc|))
+               (setq y (lassoc '|all| |$letAssoc|))))
-          (or (eq |y| '|all|) (memq x |y|))
+          (or (eq y '|all|) (memq x y))
           (null (or (is_genvar x) (|isSharpVarWithNum| x) (gensymp x))))
          (setq |$BreakMode| '|letPrint2|)
          (setq |flag| nil)
@@ -13250,10 +13492,10 @@ This reports the traced functions
           (t nil))))
-         (setq |y| (|hasPair| 'break |y|))
-         (or (eq |y| '|all|)
+         (setq y (|hasPair| 'break y))
+         (or (eq y '|all|)
-              (memq x |y|)
+              (memq x y)
               (null (memq (elt (pname x) 0) '($ |#|)))
               (null (gensymp x)))))
@@ -13290,18 +13532,18 @@ This reports the traced functions
 <<defun letPrint3>>=
 (defun |letPrint3| (x |xval| |printfn| |currentFunction|)
- (prog (|$BreakMode| |flag| |y|)
+ (prog (|$BreakMode| |flag| y)
   (declare (special |$BreakMode|))
     (setq |$BreakMode| nil)
      ((and |$letAssoc| 
-       (or (setq |y| (lassoc |currentFunction| |$letAssoc|))
-           (setq |y| (lassoc '|all| |$letAssoc|))))
+       (or (setq y (lassoc |currentFunction| |$letAssoc|))
+           (setq y (lassoc '|all| |$letAssoc|))))
-           (or (eq |y| '|all|) (memq x |y|))
+           (or (eq y '|all|) (memq x y))
            (null (or (is_genvar x) (|isSharpVarWithNum| x) (gensymp x))))
           (setq |$BreakMode| '|letPrint2|)
           (setq |flag| nil)
@@ -13314,11 +13556,11 @@ This reports the traced functions
            (t nil))))
-          (setq |y| (|hasPair| 'break |y|))
+          (setq y (|hasPair| 'break y))
-           (eq |y| '|all|)
+           (eq y '|all|)
-            (memq x |y|)
+            (memq x y)
             (null (memq (elt (pname x) 0) '($ |#|)))
             (null (gensymp x)))))
@@ -13461,7 +13703,7 @@ This reports the traced functions
 <<defun reportSpadTrace>>=
 (defun |reportSpadTrace| (|header| t0)
- (prog (|op| |sig| |n| |t| |msg| |namePart| |y| |tracePart|)
+ (prog (|op| |sig| |n| |t| |msg| |namePart| y |tracePart|)
     (setq |op| (car t0))
@@ -13485,11 +13727,11 @@ This reports the traced functions
       (setq |namePart| nil)
       (setq |tracePart|
-        ((and (pairp |t|) (progn (setq |y| (qcar |t|)) t) (null (null |y|)))
+        ((and (pairp |t|) (progn (setq y (qcar |t|)) t) (null (null y)))
-           ((eq |y| '|all|)
+           ((eq y '|all|)
              (cons '|%b| (cons '|all| (cons '|%d| (cons '|vars| nil)))))
-           (t (cons '| vars: | (cons |y| nil)))))
+           (t (cons '| vars: | (cons y nil)))))
         (t nil)))
       (|sayBrightly| (append |msg| (append |namePart| |tracePart|))))))))) 
@@ -13921,7 +14163,7 @@ This reports the traced functions
 <<defun ?t>>=
 (defun |?t| ()
- (prog (|llm| x |d| |l| |suffix|)
+ (prog (|llm| x |d| l |suffix|)
@@ -13948,7 +14190,7 @@ This reports the traced functions
           ((and (pairp x) 
-                (progn (setq |d| (qcar x)) (setq |l| (qcdr x)) t)
+                (progn (setq |d| (qcar x)) (setq l (qcdr x)) t)
                 (|isDomainOrPackage| |d|))
             (setq |suffix| (cond ((|isDomain| |d|) "domain") (t "package")))
@@ -13959,7 +14201,7 @@ This reports the traced functions
                 (cons (|devaluate| |d|) 
                  (cons '|%d| 
                   (cons ":" nil)))))))
-            (do ((t2 (|orderBySlotNumber| |l|) (cdr t2)) (x nil))
+            (do ((t2 (|orderBySlotNumber| l) (cdr t2)) (x nil))
                 ((or (atom t2) (progn (setq x (car t2)) nil)) nil)
@@ -13990,7 +14232,7 @@ This reports the traced functions
 <<defun tracelet>>=
 (defun |tracelet| (|fn| |vars|)
- (prog ($traceletflag |$QuickLet| |l|)
+ (prog ($traceletflag |$QuickLet| l)
   (declare (special $traceletflag |$QuickLet|))
@@ -14006,7 +14248,7 @@ This reports the traced functions
        (setq |vars|
           ((eq |vars| '|all|) '|all|)
-          ((setq |l| (lassoc |fn| |$letAssoc|)) (|union| |vars| |l|))
+          ((setq l (lassoc |fn| |$letAssoc|)) (|union| |vars| l))
           (t |vars|)))
        (setq |$letAssoc| (cons (cons |fn| |vars|) |$letAssoc|))
        (cond (|$letAssoc| (setletprintflag t)))
@@ -14357,13 +14599,13 @@ recordFrame(systemNormal) ==
                 (prog (tmp2)
                  (setq tmp2 nil)
-                  (do ((tmp3 (cdr x) (cdr tmp3)) (|y| nil))
+                  (do ((tmp3 (cdr x) (cdr tmp3)) (y nil))
                       ((or (atom tmp3) 
-                           (progn (setq |y| (car tmp3)) nil))
+                           (progn (setq y (car tmp3)) nil))
                         (nreverse0 tmp2))
-                     (setq tmp2 (cons (cons (car |y|) (cdr |y|)) tmp2))))))))
+                     (setq tmp2 (cons (cons (car y) (cdr y)) tmp2))))))))
        (car |$frameRecord|))))))) 
@@ -15053,6 +15295,13 @@ The command synonym  {\tt )apropos} is equivalent to
 \fnref{set}, and
+(defvar |$whatOptions| '(|operations| |categories| |domains| |packages| 
+                         |commands| |synonyms| |things|))
 what l == whatSpad2Cmd l
@@ -15175,17 +15424,17 @@ 
filterAndFormatConstructors(constrType,label,patterns) ==
 <<defun filterAndFormatConstructors>>=
 (defun |filterAndFormatConstructors| (|constrType| |label| |patterns|)
- (prog (|l|)
+ (prog (l)
    (progn (|centerAndHighlight| |label| $linelength 
            (|specialChar| '|hbar|))
-    (setq |l|
+    (setq l
      (|filterListOfStringsWithFn| |patterns|
        (|whatConstructors| |constrType|)
        (|function| cdr)))
     (cond (|patterns|
-      ((null |l|)
+      ((null l)
         (cons "   No "
          (cons |label|
@@ -15204,7 +15453,7 @@ filterAndFormatConstructors(constrType,label,patterns) 
              (cons '|%b|
               (append (|blankList| |patterns|)
                (cons '|%d| nil))))))))))))
-    (cond (|l| (|pp2Cols| |l|)))))))
+    (cond (l (|pp2Cols| l)))))))
@@ -15695,13 +15944,131 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the 
exposure group information.
+\chapter{Special Lisp Functions}
+<<defmacro identp>>=
+(defmacro identp (x) 
+ (if (atom x)
+  `(and ,x (symbolp ,x))
+   (let ((xx (gensym)))
+    `(let ((,xx ,x))
+      (and ,xx (symbolp ,xx))))))
+<<defun concat>>=
+(defun concat (a b &rest l)
+ (if (bit-vector-p a)
+   (if l 
+     (apply #'concatenate 'bit-vector a b l)
+     (concatenate 'bit-vector a b))
+   (if l 
+     (apply #'system:string-concatenate a b l)
+     (system:string-concatenate a b))))
+<<defun functionp>>=
+(defun |functionp| (fn)
+ (if (identp fn)
+  (and (fboundp fn) (not (macro-function fn)))
+  (functionp fn)))
+;; --------------------> NEW DEFINITION (override in msgdb.boot.pamphlet)
+<<defun brightprint>>=
+(defun brightprint (x)
+ (messageprint x))
+;; --------------------> NEW DEFINITION (override in msgdb.boot.pamphlet)
+<<defun brightprint-0>>=
+(defun brightprint-0 (x)
+ (messageprint-1 x))
+<<defun member>>=
+(defun |member| (item sequence)
+ (cond
+   ((symbolp item) (member item sequence :test #'eq))
+   ((stringp item) (member item sequence :test #'equal))
+   ((and (atom item) (not (arrayp item))) (member item sequence))
+   (t (member item sequence :test #'equalp))))
+<<defun messageprint>>=
+(defun messageprint (x)
+ (mapc #'messageprint-1 x))
+<<defun messageprint-1>>=
+(defun messageprint-1 (x)
+ (cond
+  ((or (eq x '|%l|) (equal x "%l")) (terpri))
+  ((stringp x) (princ x))
+  ((identp x) (princ x))
+  ((atom x) (princ x))
+  ((princ "(") 
+   (messageprint-1 (car x))
+   (messageprint-2 (cdr x))
+   (princ ")"))))
+<<defun messageprint-2>>=
+(defun messageprint-2 (x)
+  (if (atom x)
+   (unless x (progn (princ " . ") (messageprint-1 x)))
+   (progn (princ " ") (messageprint-1 (car x)) (messageprint-2 (cdr x)))))
+<<defun sayBrightly1>>=
+(defun sayBrightly1 (x *standard-output*)
+  (if (atom x)
+   (progn (brightprint-0 x) (terpri) (force-output))
+   (progn (brightprint   x) (terpri) (force-output))))
+(defvar |$algebraOutputStream| *standard-output*)
+<<defun sayMSG>>=
+(defun |sayMSG| (x)
+ (declare (special |$algebraOutputStream|))
+ (when x (sayBrightly1 x |$algebraOutputStream|)))
 \chapter{The Interpreter}
 (in-package "BOOT")
 <<defmacro funfind>>
+<<defmacro identp>>
+<<defun abbQuery>>
 <<defun abbreviations>>
 <<defun abbreviationsSpad2Cmd>>
 <<defun addInputLibrary>>
@@ -15712,6 +16079,8 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the exposure 
group information.
 <<defun break>>
 <<defun breaklet>>
+<<defun brightprint>>
+<<defun brightprint-0>>
 <<defun browse>>
 <<defun changeHistListLen>>
@@ -15739,6 +16108,7 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the exposure 
group information.
 <<defun compileBoot>>
 <<defun compiler>>
 <<defun compileSpadLispCmd>>
+<<defun concat>>
 <<defun copyright>>
 <<defun createCurrentInterpreterFrame>>
 <<defun credits>>
@@ -15746,6 +16116,9 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the exposure 
group information.
 <<defun describeAsharpArgs>>
 <<defun describeInputLibraryArgs>>
 <<defun describeOutputLibraryArgs>>
+<<defun describeSetFortDir>>
+<<defun describeSetFortTmpDir>>
+<<defun describeSetLinkerArgs>>
 <<defun dewritify>>
 <<defun dewritify,dewritifyInner>>
 <<defun dewritify,is?>>
@@ -15764,6 +16137,8 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the exposure 
group information.
 <<defun domainToGenvar>>
 <<defun dropInputLibrary>>
+<<defun edit>>
+<<defun editSpad2Cmd>>
 <<defun emptyInterpreterFrame>>
 <<defun fetchOutput>>
@@ -15784,6 +16159,7 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the exposure 
group information.
 <<defun frameName>>
 <<defun frameNames>>
 <<defun frameSpad2Cmd>>
+<<defun functionp>>
 <<defun funfind,LAM>>
 <<defun genDomainTraceName>>
@@ -15799,6 +16175,7 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the exposure 
group information.
 <<defun getTraceOption,hn>>
 <<defun getTraceOptions>>
+<<defun handleNoParseCommands>>
 <<defun hasPair>>
 <<defun help>>
 <<defun helpSpad2Cmd>>
@@ -15840,6 +16217,10 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the 
exposure group information.
 <<defun makeHistFileName>>
 <<defun makeInitialModemapFrame>>
 <<defun mapLetPrint>>
+<<defun member>>
+<<defun messageprint>>
+<<defun messageprint-1>>
+<<defun messageprint-2>>
 <<defun ncIntLoop>>
 <<defun ncloopCommand>>
@@ -15897,8 +16278,12 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the 
exposure group information.
 <<defun safeWritify>>
 <<defun saveHistory>>
 <<defun saveMapSig>>
+<<defun sayBrightly1>>
 <<defun sayExample>>
+<<defun sayMSG>>
 <<defun ScanOrPairVec>>
+<<defun selectOption>>
+<<defun selectOptionLC>>
 <<defun set>>
 <<defun set1>>
 <<defun setAsharpArgs>>
@@ -15910,8 +16295,11 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the 
exposure group information.
 <<defun setExposeDrop>>
 <<defun setExposeDropConstr>>
 <<defun setExposeDropGroup>>
+<<defun setFortDir>>
+<<defun setFortTmpDir>>
 <<defun setHistoryCore>>
 <<defun setInputLibrary>>
+<<defun setLinkerArgs>>
 <<defun setIOindex>>
 <<defun setOutputLibrary>>
 <<defun set-restart-hook>>
@@ -15974,6 +16362,8 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the exposure 
group information.
 <<defun updateHist>>
 <<defun updateInCoreHist>>
+<<defun validateOutputDirectory>>
 <<defun what>>
 <<defun whatConstructors>>
 <<defun whatSpad2Cmd>>
@@ -15995,6 +16385,8 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the exposure 
group information.
 <<defun zsystemdevelopment1>>
 <<defun zsystemDevelopmentSpad2Cmd>>
 \chapter{The Global Variables}
 \section{Star Global Variables}
diff --git a/changelog b/changelog
index 5c3e7c9..4f0404f 100644
--- a/changelog
+++ b/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+20090319 tpd src/axiom-website/patches.html 20090319.01.tpd.patch
+20090319 tpd src/interp/vmlisp.lisp move top level cmd handling
+20090319 tpd src/interp/setvars.boot move top level cmd handling
+20090319 tpd src/interp/macros.lisp move top level cmd handling
+20090319 tpd src/interp/intint.lisp move top level cmd handling
+20090319 tpd src/interp/i-syscmd.boot move top level cmd handling
+20090319 tpd src/interp/g-cndata.boot move top level cmd handling
+20090319 tpd src/interp/bootfuns.lisp move top level cmd handling
+20090319 tpd src/input/unittest1.input move top level cmd handling
+20090319 tpd books/bookvol5 move top level cmd handling
 20090317 tpd src/axiom-website/patches.html 20090317.01.tpd.patch
 20090317 tpd books/bookvol5 rewrite generated lisp into readable form
 20090316 tpd src/axiom-website/patches.html 20090316.02.tpd.patch
diff --git a/src/axiom-website/patches.html b/src/axiom-website/patches.html
index 74c25dd..acb665a 100644
--- a/src/axiom-website/patches.html
+++ b/src/axiom-website/patches.html
@@ -1011,5 +1011,7 @@ bookvol5 add )expose, add )set break resume<br/>
 sockio.lisp restore sock-send-int<br/>
 <a href="patches/20090317.01.tpd.patch">20090317.01.tpd.patch</a>
 bookvol5 rewrite generated lisp into readable form<br/>
+<a href="patches/20090319.01.tpd.patch">20090319.01.tpd.patch</a>
+bookvol5 move top level command handling<br/>
diff --git a/src/input/unittest1.input.pamphlet 
index de5d841..c5d0dfa 100644
--- a/src/input/unittest1.input.pamphlet
+++ b/src/input/unittest1.input.pamphlet
@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 )set mes auto off
 )clear all
---S 1 of 47
+--S 1 of 70
 )with API
 --R   )library cannot find the file API.
 --E 1
---S 2 of 47
+--S 2 of 70
 )apropos matrix
 --ROperations whose names satisfy the above pattern(s):
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --E 2
---S 3 of 47
+--S 3 of 70
 )what categories set
 --R------------------------------- Categories --------------------------------
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --R TSETCAT  TriangularSetCategory
 --E 3
---S 4 of 47
+--S 4 of 70
 )what commands set
 --R--------------- System Commands for User Level: development ---------------
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --E 4
---S 5 of 47
+--S 5 of 70
 )what domains set
 --R--------------------------------- Domains ---------------------------------
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --R WUTSET   WuWenTsunTriangularSet
 --E 5
---S 6 of 47
+--S 6 of 70
 )what operations set
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --R      issue the command )display op ruleset 
 --E 6
---S 7 of 47
+--S 7 of 70
 )what packages set
 --R-------------------------------- Packages ---------------------------------
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --R SRDCMPK  SquareFreeRegularSetDecompositionPackage
 --E 7
---S 8 of 47
+--S 8 of 70
 )what synonym set
 --R------------------------- System Command Synonyms -------------------------
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --E 8
---S 9 of 47
+--S 9 of 70
 )what things set
@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --E 9
---S 10 of 47
+--S 10 of 70
 )apropos set
@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --E 10
---S 11 of 47
+--S 11 of 70
 --R---------------------------- The prompt Option ----------------------------
@@ -616,13 +616,13 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --E 11
---S 12 of 47
+--S 12 of 70
 --IValue = "Saturday February 21, 2009 at 17:59:27 "
 --E 12
---S 13 of 47
+--S 13 of 70
 )zsys )from )c
@@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --E 13
---S 14 of 47
+--S 14 of 70
 )zsys )from )d
@@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --E 14
---S 15 of 47
+--S 15 of 70
 )zsys )from )dt
@@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --E 15
---S 16 of 47
+--S 16 of 70
 )zsys )from )ct
@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --E 16
---S 17 of 47
+--S 17 of 70
 )zsys )from )ctl
@@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --E 17
---S 18 of 47
+--S 18 of 70
 )zsys )from )ec
@@ -688,7 +688,7 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --E 18
---S 19 of 47
+--S 19 of 70
 )zsys )from )ect
@@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --E 19
---S 20 of 47
+--S 20 of 70
 )zsys )from )e
@@ -710,12 +710,12 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --E 20
---S 21 of 47
+--S 21 of 70
 )zsys )from )version
 --E 21
---S 22 of 47
+--S 22 of 70
 )zsys )from )update
@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --E 22
---S 23 of 47
+--S 23 of 70
 )zsys )from )patch
@@ -737,7 +737,7 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --E 23
---S 24 of 47
+--S 24 of 70
 )zsys )from )there 1
@@ -746,24 +746,24 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --E 24
---S 25 of 47
+--S 25 of 70
 )zsys )from )compare
 --R   An argument is required for compare 
 --E 25
---S 26 of 47
+--S 26 of 70
 )zsys )from )record
 --R   An argument is required for record 
 --E 26
---S 27 of 47
+--S 27 of 70
 --E 27
---S 28 of 47
+--S 28 of 70
 --RAn alphabetical listing of contributors to AXIOM:
 --RCyril Alberga          Roy Adler              Christian Aistleitner
@@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --RBruno Zuercher         Dan Zwillinger
 --E 28
---S 29 of 47
+--S 29 of 70
 )set expose
 --R---------------------------- The expose Option ----------------------------
@@ -879,7 +879,7 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --R      for more information.
 --E 29
---S 30 of 47
+--S 30 of 70
 )set expose add
 --R----------------------------- The add Option ------------------------------
 --R   The following groups are explicitly exposed in the current frame 
@@ -903,7 +903,7 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --R      for more information.
 --E 30
---S 31 of 47
+--S 31 of 70
 )set expose drop
 --R----------------------------- The drop Option -----------------------------
 --R   The following constructors are explicitly hidden in the current 
@@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --R      for more information.
 --E 31
---S 32 of 47
+--S 32 of 70
 )set expose add group
 --R---------------------------- The group Option -----------------------------
 --R   The following groups are explicitly exposed in the current frame 
@@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --E 32
---S 33 of 47
+--S 33 of 70
 )set expose add constructor
 --R------------------------- The constructor Option --------------------------
 --R   The following constructors are explicitly exposed in the current 
@@ -949,7 +949,7 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --R               there are no explicitly exposed constructors                
 --E 33
---S 34 of 47
+--S 34 of 70
 )set expose drop group
 --R---------------------------- The group Option -----------------------------
 --R   When followed by one or more exposure group names, this option 
@@ -964,7 +964,7 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --R                                   anna                                    
 --E 34
---S 35 of 47
+--S 35 of 70
 )set expose drop constructor
 --R------------------------- The constructor Option --------------------------
 --R   When followed by one or more constructor names, this option allows 
@@ -979,7 +979,7 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --R                there are no explicitly hidden constructors                
 --E 35
---S 36 of 47
+--S 36 of 70
 --R SquareMatrix(ndim: NonNegativeInteger,R: Ring)  is a domain constructor
 --R Abbreviation for SquareMatrix is SQMATRIX 
@@ -1078,12 +1078,12 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --E 36
---S 37 of 47
+--S 37 of 70
 )set expose add constructor SQMATRIX
 --I   SquareMatrix is now explicitly exposed in frame frame0 
 --E 37
---S 38 of 47
+--S 38 of 70
 --R SquareMatrix(ndim: NonNegativeInteger,R: Ring)  is a domain constructor
 --R Abbreviation for SquareMatrix is SQMATRIX 
@@ -1182,7 +1182,7 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --E 38
---S 39 of 47
+--S 39 of 70
 )set expose add
 --R----------------------------- The add Option ------------------------------
 --R   The following groups are explicitly exposed in the current frame 
@@ -1206,12 +1206,12 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --R      for more information.
 --E 39
---S 40 of 47
+--S 40 of 70
 )set expose drop constructor SQMATRIX
 --I   SquareMatrix is now explicitly hidden in frame frame0 
 --E 40
---S 41 of 47
+--S 41 of 70
 --R SquareMatrix(ndim: NonNegativeInteger,R: Ring)  is a domain constructor
 --R Abbreviation for SquareMatrix is SQMATRIX 
@@ -1310,7 +1310,7 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --E 41
---S 42 of 47
+--S 42 of 70
 )set expose
 --R---------------------------- The expose Option ----------------------------
@@ -1341,12 +1341,12 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --R      for more information.
 --E 42
---S 43 of 47
+--S 43 of 70
 )set expose drop group anna
 --I   anna is no longer an exposure group for frame frame0 
 --E 43
---S 44 of 47
+--S 44 of 70
 )set expose
 --R---------------------------- The expose Option ----------------------------
@@ -1376,7 +1376,7 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --R      for more information.
 --E 44
---S 45 of 47
+--S 45 of 70
 )set expose add group
 --R---------------------------- The group Option -----------------------------
 --R   The following groups are explicitly exposed in the current frame 
@@ -1396,12 +1396,12 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --E 45
---S 46 of 47
+--S 46 of 70
 )set expose add group anna
 --I   anna is now an exposure group for frame frame0 
 --E 46
---S 47 of 47
+--S 47 of 70
 )set expose
 --R---------------------------- The expose Option ----------------------------
@@ -1432,6 +1432,301 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 --R      for more information.
 --E 47
+--S 48 of 70
+  )display keyword arguments are
+     abbreviations
+     all
+     macros
+     modes
+     names
+     operations
+     properties
+     types
+     values
+  or abbreviations thereof
+--E 48
+--S 49 of 70
+)display abb
+   You have requested that all abbreviations be displayed. As there are
+      several hundred abbreviations, please confirm your request by 
+      typing y or yes and then pressing Enter :
+   Since you did not respond with y or yes the list of abbreviations 
+      will not be displayed.
+--E 49
+--S 50 of 70
+)display all
+Properties of %e :
+   This is a system-defined macro.
+   macro %e () == exp(1)
+Properties of %i :
+   This is a system-defined macro.
+   macro %i () == complex(0,1)
+Properties of %infinity :
+   This is a system-defined macro.
+   macro %infinity () == infinity()
+Properties of %minusInfinity :
+   This is a system-defined macro.
+   macro %minusInfinity () == minusInfinity()
+Properties of %pi :
+   This is a system-defined macro.
+   macro %pi () == pi()
+Properties of %plusInfinity :
+   This is a system-defined macro.
+   macro %plusInfinity () == plusInfinity()
+Properties of SF :
+   This is a system-defined macro.
+   macro SF () == DoubleFloat()
+--E 50
+--S 51 of 70
+)display macros
+System-defined macros:
+   macro %e () == exp(1)
+   macro %i () == complex(0,1)
+   macro %infinity () == infinity()
+   macro %minusInfinity () == minusInfinity()
+   macro %pi () == pi()
+   macro %plusInfinity () == plusInfinity()
+   macro SF () == DoubleFloat()
+--E 51
+--S 52 of 70
+)display modes
+   Type of value of %e:  (none)
+   Type of value of %i:  (none)
+   Type of value of %infinity:  (none)
+   Type of value of %minusInfinity:  (none)
+   Type of value of %pi:  (none)
+   Type of value of %plusInfinity:  (none)
+   Type of value of SF:  (none)
+--E 52
+--S 53 of 70
+)display names
+Names of User-Defined Objects in the Workspace:
+   * None *
+Names of System-Defined Objects in the Workspace:
+%e                %i                %infinity         %minusInfinity    
+%pi               %plusInfinity     SF                
+--E 53
+--S 54 of 70
+)display operations
+   You have requested that all information about all AXIOM operations 
+      (functions) be displayed. As there are several hundred 
+      operations, please confirm your request by typing y or yes and 
+      then pressing Enter :
+   Since you did not respond with y or yes the list of operations will 
+      not be displayed.
+--E 54
+--S 55 of 70
+)display properties
+Properties of %e :
+   This is a system-defined macro.
+   macro %e () == exp(1)
+Properties of %i :
+   This is a system-defined macro.
+   macro %i () == complex(0,1)
+Properties of %infinity :
+   This is a system-defined macro.
+   macro %infinity () == infinity()
+Properties of %minusInfinity :
+   This is a system-defined macro.
+   macro %minusInfinity () == minusInfinity()
+Properties of %pi :
+   This is a system-defined macro.
+   macro %pi () == pi()
+Properties of %plusInfinity :
+   This is a system-defined macro.
+   macro %plusInfinity () == plusInfinity()
+Properties of SF :
+   This is a system-defined macro.
+   macro SF () == DoubleFloat()
+--E 55
+--S 56 of 70
+)display types
+   Type of value of %e:  (none)
+   Type of value of %i:  (none)
+   Type of value of %infinity:  (none)
+   Type of value of %minusInfinity:  (none)
+   Type of value of %pi:  (none)
+   Type of value of %plusInfinity:  (none)
+   Type of value of SF:  (none)
+--E 56
+--S 57 of 70
+)display values
+   Value of %e:  (none)
+   Value of %i:  (none)
+   Value of %infinity:  (none)
+   Value of %minusInfinity:  (none)
+   Value of %pi:  (none)
+   Value of %plusInfinity:  (none)
+   Value of SF:  (none)
+--E 57
+--S 58 of 70
+)display abb DHMATRIX
+   DHMATRIX abbreviates domain DenavitHartenbergMatrix 
+--E 58
+--S 59 of 70
+)display abb DenavitHartenbergMatrix
+   DHMATRIX abbreviates domain DenavitHartenbergMatrix 
+--E 59
+--S 60 of 70
+)display operations rotatex
+There is one exposed function called rotatex :
+   [1] D1 -> DenavitHartenbergMatrix D1 from DenavitHartenbergMatrix D1
+            if D1 has Join(Field,TranscendentalFunctionCategory)
+Examples of rotatex from DenavitHartenbergMatrix
+--E 60
+--S 61 of 70
+)set fortran calling
+                   Current Values of  calling  Variables                   
+Variable     Description                                Current Value
+tempfile     set location of temporary data files       /tmp/ 
+directory    set location of generated FORTRAN files    ./ 
+linker       linker arguments (e.g. libraries to search) -lxlf 
+--E 61
+--S 62 of 70
+)set fortran calling tempfile
+--------------------------- The tempfile Option ---------------------------
+ Description: set location of temporary data files
+ )set fortran calling tempfile  is used to tell AXIOM where
+ to place intermediate FORTRAN data files . This must be the 
+ name of a valid existing directory to which you have permission 
+ to write (including the final slash).
+ Syntax:
+   )set fortran calling tempfile DIRECTORYNAME
+ The current setting is /tmp/ 
+--E 62
+--S 63 of 70
+)set fortran calling tempfile /home/daly
+--E 63
+--S 64 of 70
+)set fortran calling tempfile
+--------------------------- The tempfile Option ---------------------------
+ Description: set location of temporary data files
+ )set fortran calling tempfile  is used to tell AXIOM where
+ to place intermediate FORTRAN data files . This must be the 
+ name of a valid existing directory to which you have permission 
+ to write (including the final slash).
+ Syntax:
+   )set fortran calling tempfile DIRECTORYNAME
+ The current setting is /home/daly/ 
+--E 64
+--S 65 of 70
+)set fortran calling directory
+-------------------------- The directory Option ---------------------------
+ Description: set location of generated FORTRAN files
+ )set fortran calling directory  is used to tell AXIOM where
+ to place generated FORTRAN files. This must be the name 
+ of a valid existing directory to which you have permission 
+ to write (including the final slash).
+ Syntax:
+   )set fortran calling directory DIRECTORYNAME
+ The current setting is ./ 
+--E 65
+--S 66 of 70
+)set fortran calling directory /home/daly/
+--E 66
+--S 67 of 70
+)set fortran calling directory
+-------------------------- The directory Option ---------------------------
+ Description: set location of generated FORTRAN files
+ )set fortran calling directory  is used to tell AXIOM where
+ to place generated FORTRAN files. This must be the name 
+ of a valid existing directory to which you have permission 
+ to write (including the final slash).
+ Syntax:
+   )set fortran calling directory DIRECTORYNAME
+ The current setting is /home/daly/
+--E 67
+--S 68 of 70
+)set fortran calling linker
+---------------------------- The linker Option ----------------------------
+ Description: linker arguments (e.g. libraries to search)
+ )set fortran calling linkerargs  is used to pass arguments to the linker
+ when using  mkFort  to create functions which call Fortran code.
+ For example, it might give a list of libraries to be searched,
+ and their locations.
+ The string is passed verbatim, so must be the correct syntax for
+ the particular linker being used.
+ Example: )set fortran calling linker "-lxlf"
+ The current setting is -lxlf 
+--E 68
+--S 69 of 70
+)set fortran calling linker "-TPD"
+--E 69
+--S 70 of 70
+)set fortran calling linker
+---------------------------- The linker Option ----------------------------
+ Description: linker arguments (e.g. libraries to search)
+ )set fortran calling linkerargs  is used to pass arguments to the linker
+ when using  mkFort  to create functions which call Fortran code.
+ For example, it might give a list of libraries to be searched,
+ and their locations.
+ The string is passed verbatim, so must be the correct syntax for
+ the particular linker being used.
+ Example: )set fortran calling linker "-lxlf"
+ The current setting is -TPD 
+--E 70
 )lisp (bye)
diff --git a/src/interp/bootfuns.lisp.pamphlet 
index e94b453..654856c 100644
--- a/src/interp/bootfuns.lisp.pamphlet
+++ b/src/interp/bootfuns.lisp.pamphlet
@@ -85,9 +85,6 @@ which will walk the structure $Y$ looking for this constant.
 (def-boot-val |$timerTicksPerSecond| INTERNAL-TIME-UNITS-PER-SECOND
-(def-boot-val |$timerTicksPerSecond| 1000
 (def-boot-val $boxString
   (concatenate 'string (list (code-char #x1d) (code-char #xe2)))
   "this string of 2 chars displays as a box")
@@ -391,7 +388,6 @@ for primitive domains.      Also used by 
putInLocalDomainReferences and optCal.")
 (def-boot-var |$suffix|                                    "???")
 (def-boot-val |$Symbol| '(|Symbol|)                "???")
 (def-boot-val |$SymbolOpt| '(|Symbol| . OPT)       "???")
-;(def-boot-var |$systemCommands|                           
 (def-boot-val |$systemCreation| (currenttime)      "???")
 (def-boot-val |$systemLastChanged|
          |$systemCreation|                     "???")
@@ -459,9 +455,7 @@ for primitive domains.      Also used by 
putInLocalDomainReferences and optCal.")
   (if (memq u '(|%display%| |%describe%|)) 
         (if |$printLoadMsgs| "on" "off")
-          (setq |$printLoadMsgs| (and (listp u) (equal (car u) '|on|)))
-#+:CCL    (verbos (if |$printLoadMsgs| 2 0))
+          (setq |$printLoadMsgs| (and (listp u) (equal (car u) '|on|))))))
diff --git a/src/interp/g-cndata.boot.pamphlet 
index 7e09df9..4469086 100644
--- a/src/interp/g-cndata.boot.pamphlet
+++ b/src/interp/g-cndata.boot.pamphlet
@@ -126,11 +126,6 @@ mkUserConstructorAbbreviation(c,a,type) ==
-abbQuery(x) ==
-   sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0001",[abb,GETDATABASE(x,'CONSTRUCTORKIND),x])
-  sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0003",[x])
 installConstructor(cname,type) ==
   (entry := getCDTEntry(cname,true)) => entry
   item := [cname,GETDATABASE(cname,'ABBREVIATION),nil]
diff --git a/src/interp/i-syscmd.boot.pamphlet 
index 19de874..a73b79d 100644
--- a/src/interp/i-syscmd.boot.pamphlet
+++ b/src/interp/i-syscmd.boot.pamphlet
@@ -9,82 +9,6 @@
-This file contains the BOOT code for the Axiom system command
-and synonym processing facility.  The code for )trace is in the file
-TRACE BOOT.  The list of system commands is $SYSCOMMANDS which is
-initialized in SETQ LISP.
-\section{Filenames change}
-It appears that probe-file is now case-sensitive. In order to get around
-this we include the file extensions in both upper and lower case in the
-search lists. Lower case names are preferred.
-The system commands given by the global variable
-[[|$noParseCommands|]]\cite{1} require essentially no
-preprocessing/parsing of their arguments. Here we dispatch the
-functions which implement these commands.
-There are four standard commands which receive arguments -- [[lisp]],
-[[synonym]], [[system]] and [[boot]]. There are five standard commands
-which do not receive arguments -- [[quit]], [[fin]], [[pquit]],
-[[credits]] and [[copyright]]. As these commands do not necessarily
-exhaust those mentioned in [[|$noParseCommands|]], we provide a
-generic dispatch based on two conventions: commands which do not
-require an argument name themselves, those which do have their names
-prefixed by [[np]].
-handleNoParseCommands(unab, string) ==
-  string := stripSpaces string
-  spaceIndex := SEARCH('" ", string)
-  unab = "lisp" =>
-    if (null spaceIndex) then
-      sayKeyedMsg("S2IV0005", NIL)
-      nil
-    else nplisp(stripLisp string)
-  unab = "boot" =>
-    if (null spaceIndex) then
-      sayKeyedMsg("S2IV0005", NIL)
-      nil
-    else npboot(SUBSEQ(string, spaceIndex+1))
-  unab = "system" =>
-    if (null spaceIndex) then
-      sayKeyedMsg("S2IV0005", NIL)
-      nil
-    else npsystem(unab, string)
-  unab = "synonym" =>
-    npsynonym(unab, (null spaceIndex => '""; SUBSEQ(string, spaceIndex+1)))
-  null spaceIndex =>
-    FUNCALL unab
-  MEMBER(unab, '( quit     _
-                  fin      _
-                 pquit    _
-                 credits  _
-                 copyright )) => 
-    sayKeyedMsg("S2IV0005", NIL)
-    nil
-  funName := INTERN CONCAT('"np",STRING unab)
-  FUNCALL(funName, SUBSEQ(string, spaceIndex+1))
-\section{TRUENAME change}
-This change was made to make the open source Axiom work with the 
-new aldor compiler.z
-This used to read:
-     STRCONC(TRUENAME(STRCONC(GETENV('"AXIOM"),'"/compiler/bin/")),"axiomxl ", 
asharpArgs, '" ", namestring args)
-but now reads:
-<<remove TRUENAME>>=
-               "aldor ", asharpArgs, '" ", namestring args)
-Notice that we've introduced the [[ALDORROOT]] shell variable.
-This will have to be pushed down from the top level Makefile.
 -- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd.
@@ -130,24 +54,6 @@ SETANDFILEQ($compileRecurrence,true)
-SETANDFILEQ($whatOptions, '( _
-    operations _
-    categories _
-    domains _
-    packages _
-    commands _
-    synonyms _
-    things _
-    ))
-SETANDFILEQ($clearOptions, '( _
-  modes _
-  operations _
-  properties _
-  types _
-  values  _
-  ))
 SETANDFILEQ($countAssoc,'( (cache countCache) ))
 --% Top level system command
@@ -211,19 +117,6 @@ hasOption(al,opt) ==
     stringPrefix?(PNAME CAR pair,optPname) => found := pair
-selectOptionLC(x,l,errorFunction) ==
-  selectOption(DOWNCASE object2Identifier x,l,errorFunction)
-selectOption(x,l,errorFunction) ==
-  MEMBER(x,l) => x                   --exact spellings are always OK
-  null IDENTP x =>
-    errorFunction => FUNCALL(errorFunction,x,u)
-    nil
-  u := [y for y in l | stringPrefix?(PNAME x,PNAME y)]
-  u is [y] => y
-  errorFunction => FUNCALL(errorFunction,x,u)
-  nil
 terminateSystemCommand() == TERSYSCOMMAND()
 commandUserLevelError(x,u) == userLevelErrorMessage("command",x,u)
@@ -460,30 +353,6 @@ displayValue($op,u,omitVariableNameIfTrue) ==
---% )edit
-edit l == editSpad2Cmd l
-editSpad2Cmd l ==
-  l:= 
-    null l => _/EDITFILE
-    CAR l
-  l := pathname l
-  oldDir := pathnameDirectory l
-  fileTypes :=
-    pathnameType l => [pathnameType l]
-    $UserLevel = 'interpreter => '("input" "INPUT" "spad" "SPAD")
-    $UserLevel = 'compiler    => '("input" "INPUT" "spad" "SPAD")
-    '("input" "INPUT" "spad" "SPAD" "boot" "BOOT" "lisp" "LISP" "meta" "META")
-  ll := 
-       oldDir = '"" => pathname $FINDFILE (pathnameName l, fileTypes)
-       l
-  l := pathname ll
-  rc := editFile l
-  updateSourceFiles l
-  rc
 --% )load
 load args == loadSpad2Cmd args
@@ -960,8 +829,6 @@ doSystemCommand string ==
 npboot str ==
   sex := string2BootTree str
   FORMAT(true, '"~&~S~%", sex)
diff --git a/src/interp/intint.lisp.pamphlet b/src/interp/intint.lisp.pamphlet
index a4e29f5..c3973f8 100644
--- a/src/interp/intint.lisp.pamphlet
+++ b/src/interp/intint.lisp.pamphlet
@@ -48,104 +48,68 @@
 (in-package "BOOT")
+(eval-when (eval load)
+  (setq |$useNewParser| T))
+(defun |rePackageTran| (sex package)
+ (let (*package*)
+  (declare (special *package*))
+  (setq *package* (find-package (string package)))
+  (|packageTran| sex)))
+(defun |packageTran| (sex)
+ (prog () 
+  (return
+   (cond
+    ((symbolp sex)
+     (cond
+      ((eq *package* (symbol-package sex)) sex)
+      (t (intern (string sex)))))
+    ((consp sex)
+      (rplaca sex (|packageTran| (car sex)))
+      (rplacd sex (|packageTran| (cdr sex)))
+      sex)
+    (t sex)))))
+(defun |zeroOneTran| (sex)
+ (nsubst '|$EmptyMode| '? sex))
 (defun |intSayKeyedMsg| (key args)
   (|sayKeyedMsg| (|packageTran| key) (|packageTran| args)))
-;;(defun |intMakeFloat| (int frac len exp)
-;;  (MAKE-FLOAT int frac len exp))
-;;(defun |intSystemCommand| (command)
-;;  (catch 'SPAD_READER
-;;    (|systemCommand| (|packageTran| command))))
-;;(defun |intUnAbbreviateKeyword| (keyword)
-;;  (|unAbbreviateKeyword| (|packageTran| keyword)))
 (defun |intProcessSynonyms| (str)
   (let ((LINE str))
     (declare (special LINE))
-;; (defun |intNoParseCommands| ()
-;;   |$noParseCommands|)
-;;(defun |intTokenCommands| ()
-;; |$tokenCommands|)
 (defun |intInterpretPform| (pf)
   (|processInteractive| (|zeroOneTran| (|packageTran| (|pf2Sex| pf))) pf))
-;;(defun |intSpadThrow| ()
-;;  (|spadThrow|))
-;;(defun |intMKPROMPT| (should? step)
-;;  (if should? (PRINC (MKPROMPT))))
 (defvar |$intCoerceFailure| '|coerceFailure|)
 (defvar |$intTopLevel| '|top_level|)
 (defvar |$intSpadReader| 'SPAD_READER)
 (defvar |$intRestart| '|restart|)
-;;(defun |intString2BootTree| (str)
-;;  (|string2BootTree| str))
-;;(defun |intPackageTran| (sex)
-;;  (|packageTran| sex))
-;;(defvar |$SessionManager| |$SessionManager|)
-;;(defvar |$EndOfOutput| |$EndOfOutput|)
-;;(defun |intServerReadLine| (foo)
-;;  (|serverReadLine| foo))
-;; (defun |intProcessSynonym| (str)
-;;   (|npProcessSynonym| str))
 (defun |SpadInterpretFile| (fn)
       (|SpadInterpretStream| 1 fn nil) )
 (defun |intNewFloat| ()
   (list '|Float|))
-;; (defun |intDoSystemCommand| (string)
-;;   (|doSystemCommand| string))
 (defun |intSetNeedToSignalSessionManager| ()
   (setq |$NeedToSignalSessionManager| T))
-;; (defun |intKeyedSystemError| (msg args)
-;;   (|keyedSystemError| msg args))
-;;(defun |stashInputLines| (l)
-;;  (|stashInputLines| l))
-;;(defun |setCurrentLine| (s)
-;;  (setq |$currentLine| s))
 (defun |intnplisp| (s)
  (setq |$currentLine| s)
  (|nplisp| |$currentLine|))
-;; (defun |intResetStackLimits| () (|resetStackLimits|))
 (defun |intSetQuiet| ()
   (setq |$QuietCommand| T))
 (defun |intUnsetQuiet| ()
   (setq |$QuietCommand| NIL))
-;; (defun |expandTabs| (s)
-;;   (expand-tabs s))
-;; #-:CCL
-;; (defun |leaveScratchpad| ()
-;;   (|leaveScratchpad|))
-;;(defun |readingFile?| ()
-;;  |$ReadingFile|)
diff --git a/src/interp/macros.lisp.pamphlet b/src/interp/macros.lisp.pamphlet
index 117408c..3b06048 100644
--- a/src/interp/macros.lisp.pamphlet
+++ b/src/interp/macros.lisp.pamphlet
@@ -149,8 +149,6 @@ ends up being [[CONTAINED |$EmptyMode| Y]].
 (defmacro |function| (name) `(FUNCTION ,name))
 (defmacro |dispatchFunction| (name) `(FUNCTION ,name))
-(defun |functionp| (fn)
-   (if (identp fn) (and (fboundp fn) (not (macro-function fn))) (functionp 
 (defun |macrop| (fn) (and (identp fn) (macro-function fn)))
@@ -1261,22 +1259,12 @@ LP  (COND ((NULL X)
 (defun sayBrightlyNT1 (X *standard-output*)
-(defun sayBrightly1 (X *standard-output*)
-    (if (ATOM X)
-       (progn (BRIGHTPRINT-0 X) (TERPRI) (force-output))
-      (progn (BRIGHTPRINT X) (TERPRI) (force-output))))
-(defvar |$algebraOutputStream| *standard-output*)
 (defun |saySpadMsg| (X)
   (if (NULL X) NIL (sayBrightly1 X |$algebraOutputStream|)))
 (defun |sayALGEBRA| (X) "Prints on Algebra output stream."
   (if (NULL X) NIL (sayBrightly1 X |$algebraOutputStream|)))
-(defun |sayMSG| (X)
-  (if (NULL X) NIL (sayBrightly1 X |$algebraOutputStream|)))
 (defun |sayMSGNT| (X)
   (if (NULL X) NIL (sayBrightlyNT1 X |$algebraOutputStream|)))
@@ -1307,29 +1295,8 @@ LP  (COND ((NULL X)
 ;; the following are redefined in MSGDB BOOT
-;; --------------------> NEW DEFINITION (override in msgdb.boot.pamphlet)
-;; --------------------> NEW DEFINITION (override in msgdb.boot.pamphlet)
 (defun SAY (&rest x) (progn (MESSAGEPRINT X) (TERPRI)))
-(DEFUN MESSAGEPRINT (X) (mapc #'messageprint-1 X))
-  (COND ((OR (EQ X '|%l|) (EQUAL X "%l")) (TERPRI))
-        ((STRINGP X) (PRINC X))
-        ((IDENTP X) (PRINC X))
-        ((ATOM X) (PRINC X))
-        ((PRINC "(") (MESSAGEPRINT-1 (CAR X))
-        (MESSAGEPRINT-2 (CDR X)) (PRINC ")"))))
-  (if (ATOM X)
-      (if (NULL X) NIL (progn (PRINC " . ") (MESSAGEPRINT-1 X)))
-      (progn (PRINC " ") (MESSAGEPRINT-1 (CAR X)) (MESSAGEPRINT-2 (CDR X)))))
 (DEFUN BLANKS (N &optional (stream *standard-output*)) "Print N blanks."
     (do ((i 1 (the fixnum(1+ i))))
        ((> i N))(declare (fixnum i n)) (princ " " stream)))
diff --git a/src/interp/setvars.boot.pamphlet b/src/interp/setvars.boot.pamphlet
index f5e8b35..6d2e935 100644
--- a/src/interp/setvars.boot.pamphlet
+++ b/src/interp/setvars.boot.pamphlet
@@ -74,140 +74,6 @@ See the section expose in setvart.boot.pamphlet\cite{1}
    for more information.
-\section{fortran calling}
-See the section calling in servart.boot.pamphlet.
-              Current Values of  calling  Variables                   
-Variable     Description                           Current Value
-tempfile     set location of temporary data files       /tmp/ 
-directory    set location of generated FORTRAN files    ./ 
-linker       linker arguments (e.g. libraries to search) -lxlf 
-setFortTmpDir arg ==
-  arg = "%initialize%" =>
-    $fortranTmpDir := '"/tmp/"
-  arg = "%display%" =>
-    STRINGP $fortranTmpDir => $fortranTmpDir
-    PNAME $fortranTmpDir
-  (null arg) or (arg = "%describe%") or (first arg = '_?) =>
-    describeSetFortTmpDir()
-  -- try to figure out what the argument is
-  -- VM code - must be an accessed disk mode [mode]
-  not (mode := validateOutputDirectory arg) =>
-    sayBrightly ['" Sorry, but your argument(s)",:bright arg,
-      '"is(are) not valid.",'%l]
-    describeSetFortTmpDir()
-  $fortranTmpDir := mode
-validateOutputDirectory x ==
(PROBE_-FILE(CAR(x)))) =>
-    CAR(x)
-  NIL
-describeSetFortTmpDir() ==
-  sayBrightly LIST (
-   '%b,'")set fortran calling tempfile",'%d,_
-   '" is used to tell AXIOM where",'%l,_
-   '" to place intermediate FORTRAN data files . This must be the ",'%l,_
-   '" name of a valid existing directory to which you have permission ",'%l,_
-   '" to write (including the final slash).",'%l,'%l,_
-   '" Syntax:",'%l,_
-   '"   )set fortran calling tempfile DIRECTORYNAME",'%l,'%l,_
-   '" The current setting is",'%b,$fortranTmpDir,'%d)
-setFortDir arg ==
-  arg = "%initialize%" =>
-    $fortranDirectory := '"./"
-  arg = "%display%" =>
-    STRINGP $fortranDirectory => $fortranDirectory
-    PNAME $fortranDirectory
-  (null arg) or (arg = "%describe%") or (first arg = '_?) =>
-    describeSetFortDir()
-  -- try to figure out what the argument is
-  -- VM code - must be an accessed disk mode [mode]
-  not (mode := validateOutputDirectory arg) =>
-    sayBrightly ['" Sorry, but your argument(s)",:bright arg,
-      '"is(are) not valid.",'%l]
-    describeSetFortDir()
-  $fortranDirectory := mode
-describeSetFortDir() ==
-  sayBrightly LIST (
-   '%b,'")set fortran calling directory",'%d,_
-   '" is used to tell AXIOM where",'%l,_
-   '" to place generated FORTRAN files. This must be the name ",'%l,_
-   '" of a valid existing directory to which you have permission ",'%l,_
-   '" to write (including the final slash).",'%l,'%l,_
-   '" Syntax:",'%l,_
-   '"   )set fortran calling directory DIRECTORYNAME",'%l,'%l,_
-   '" The current setting is",'%b,$fortranDirectory,'%d)
-setLinkerArgs arg ==
-  arg = "%initialize%" =>
-    $fortranLibraries := '"-lxlf"
-  arg = "%display%" => object2String $fortranLibraries
-  (null arg) or (arg = "%describe%") or (first arg = '_?) =>
-    describeSetLinkerArgs()
-  LISTP(arg) and STRINGP(first arg) => 
-    $fortranLibraries := first(arg)
-  describeSetLinkerArgs()
-describeSetLinkerArgs() ==
-  sayBrightly LIST (
-   '%b,'")set fortran calling linkerargs",'%d,_
-   '" is used to pass arguments to the linker",'%l,_
-   '" when using ",'%b,'"mkFort",'%d,_
-   '" to create functions which call Fortran code.",'%l,_
-   '" For example, it might give a list of libraries to be searched,",'%l,_
-   '" and their locations.",'%l,_
-   '" The string is passed verbatim, so must be the correct syntax for",'%l,_
-   '" the particular linker being used.",'%l,'%l,_
-   '" Example: )set fortran calling linker _"-lxlf_"",'%l,'%l,_
-   '" The current setting is",'%b,$fortranLibraries,'%d)
 See the section functions in setvart.boot.pamphlet\cite{1}
@@ -1377,7 +1243,6 @@ describeSetStreamsCalculate() == 
@@ -1396,95 +1261,6 @@ describeSetStreamsCalculate() == 
-;setFortTmpDir arg ==
-;  arg = "%initialize%" =>
-;    $fortranTmpDir := '"/tmp/"
-;  arg = "%display%" =>
-;    STRINGP $fortranTmpDir => $fortranTmpDir
-;    PNAME $fortranTmpDir
-;  (null arg) or (arg = "%describe%") or (first arg = '_?) =>
-;    describeSetFortTmpDir()
-;  -- try to figure out what the argument is
-;  -- VM code - must be an accessed disk mode [mode]
-;  not (mode := validateOutputDirectory arg) =>
-;    sayBrightly ['" Sorry, but your argument(s)",:bright arg,
-;      '"is(are) not valid.",'%l]
-;    describeSetFortTmpDir()
-;  $fortranTmpDir := mode
-(DEFUN |setFortTmpDir| (|arg|) (PROG (|mode|) (RETURN (COND ((BOOT-EQUAL |arg| 
(QUOTE |%initialize%|)) (SPADLET |$fortranTmpDir| (MAKESTRING "/tmp/"))) 
((BOOT-EQUAL |arg| (QUOTE |%display%|)) (COND ((STRINGP |$fortranTmpDir|) 
|$fortranTmpDir|) ((QUOTE T) (PNAME |$fortranTmpDir|)))) ((OR (NULL |arg|) 
(BOOT-EQUAL |arg| (QUOTE |%describe%|)) (BOOT-EQUAL (CAR |arg|) (QUOTE ?))) 
(|describeSetFortTmpDir|)) ((NULL (SPADLET |mode| (|validateOutputDirectory| 
|arg|))) (|sayBrightly| (CONS (MAKESTRING " Sorry, but your argument(s)") 
(APPEND (|bright| |arg|) (CONS (MAKESTRING "is(are) not valid.") (CONS (QUOTE 
|%l|) NIL))))) (|describeSetFortTmpDir|)) ((QUOTE T) (SPADLET |$fortranTmpDir| 
-;validateOutputDirectory x ==
(PROBE_-FILE(CAR(x)))) =>
-;    CAR(x)
-;  NIL
-(DEFUN |validateOutputDirectory| (|x|) (COND ((AND (PATHNAME-DIRECTORY 
|x|)) ((QUOTE T) NIL))) 
-;describeSetFortTmpDir() ==
-;  sayBrightly LIST (
-;   '%b,'")set fortran calling tempfile",'%d,_
-;   '" is used to tell AXIOM where",'%l,_
-;   '" to place intermediate FORTRAN data files . This must be the ",'%l,_
-;   '" name of a valid existing directory to which you have permission ",'%l,_
-;   '" to write (including the final slash).",'%l,'%l,_
-;   '" Syntax:",'%l,_
-;   '"   )set fortran calling tempfile DIRECTORYNAME",'%l,'%l,_
-;   '" The current setting is",'%b,$fortranTmpDir,'%d)
-(DEFUN |describeSetFortTmpDir| NIL (|sayBrightly| (LIST (QUOTE |%b|) 
(MAKESTRING ")set fortran calling tempfile") (QUOTE |%d|) (MAKESTRING " is used 
to tell AXIOM where") (QUOTE |%l|) (MAKESTRING " to place intermediate FORTRAN 
data files . This must be the ") (QUOTE |%l|) (MAKESTRING " name of a valid 
existing directory to which you have permission ") (QUOTE |%l|) (MAKESTRING " 
to write (including the final slash).") (QUOTE |%l|) (QUOTE |%l|) (MAKESTRING " 
Syntax:") (QUOTE |%l|) (MAKESTRING "   )set fortran calling tempfile 
DIRECTORYNAME") (QUOTE |%l|) (QUOTE |%l|) (MAKESTRING " The current setting 
is") (QUOTE |%b|) |$fortranTmpDir| (QUOTE |%d|)))) 
-;setFortDir arg ==
-;  arg = "%initialize%" =>
-;    $fortranDirectory := '"./"
-;  arg = "%display%" =>
-;    STRINGP $fortranDirectory => $fortranDirectory
-;    PNAME $fortranDirectory
-;  (null arg) or (arg = "%describe%") or (first arg = '_?) =>
-;    describeSetFortDir()
-;  -- try to figure out what the argument is
-;  -- VM code - must be an accessed disk mode [mode]
-;  not (mode := validateOutputDirectory arg) =>
-;    sayBrightly ['" Sorry, but your argument(s)",:bright arg,
-;      '"is(are) not valid.",'%l]
-;    describeSetFortDir()
-;  $fortranDirectory := mode
-(DEFUN |setFortDir| (|arg|) (PROG (|mode|) (RETURN (COND ((BOOT-EQUAL |arg| 
(QUOTE |%initialize%|)) (SPADLET |$fortranDirectory| (MAKESTRING "./"))) 
((BOOT-EQUAL |arg| (QUOTE |%display%|)) (COND ((STRINGP |$fortranDirectory|) 
|$fortranDirectory|) ((QUOTE T) (PNAME |$fortranDirectory|)))) ((OR (NULL 
|arg|) (BOOT-EQUAL |arg| (QUOTE |%describe%|)) (BOOT-EQUAL (CAR |arg|) (QUOTE 
?))) (|describeSetFortDir|)) ((NULL (SPADLET |mode| (|validateOutputDirectory| 
|arg|))) (|sayBrightly| (CONS (MAKESTRING " Sorry, but your argument(s)") 
(APPEND (|bright| |arg|) (CONS (MAKESTRING "is(are) not valid.") (CONS (QUOTE 
|%l|) NIL))))) (|describeSetFortDir|)) ((QUOTE T) (SPADLET |$fortranDirectory| 
-;describeSetFortDir() ==
-;  sayBrightly LIST (
-;   '%b,'")set fortran calling directory",'%d,_
-;   '" is used to tell AXIOM where",'%l,_
-;   '" to place generated FORTRAN files. This must be the name ",'%l,_
-;   '" of a valid existing directory to which you have permission ",'%l,_
-;   '" to write (including the final slash).",'%l,'%l,_
-;   '" Syntax:",'%l,_
-;   '"   )set fortran calling directory DIRECTORYNAME",'%l,'%l,_
-;   '" The current setting is",'%b,$fortranDirectory,'%d)
-(DEFUN |describeSetFortDir| NIL (|sayBrightly| (LIST (QUOTE |%b|) (MAKESTRING 
")set fortran calling directory") (QUOTE |%d|) (MAKESTRING " is used to tell 
AXIOM where") (QUOTE |%l|) (MAKESTRING " to place generated FORTRAN files. This 
must be the name ") (QUOTE |%l|) (MAKESTRING " of a valid existing directory to 
which you have permission ") (QUOTE |%l|) (MAKESTRING " to write (including the 
final slash).") (QUOTE |%l|) (QUOTE |%l|) (MAKESTRING " Syntax:") (QUOTE |%l|) 
(MAKESTRING "   )set fortran calling directory DIRECTORYNAME") (QUOTE |%l|) 
(QUOTE |%l|) (MAKESTRING " The current setting is") (QUOTE |%b|) 
|$fortranDirectory| (QUOTE |%d|)))) 
-;setLinkerArgs arg ==
-;  arg = "%initialize%" =>
-;    $fortranLibraries := '"-lxlf"
-;  arg = "%display%" => object2String $fortranLibraries
-;  (null arg) or (arg = "%describe%") or (first arg = '_?) =>
-;    describeSetLinkerArgs()
-;  LISTP(arg) and STRINGP(first arg) =>
-;    $fortranLibraries := first(arg)
-;  describeSetLinkerArgs()
-(DEFUN |setLinkerArgs| (|arg|) (COND ((BOOT-EQUAL |arg| (QUOTE 
|%initialize%|)) (SPADLET |$fortranLibraries| (MAKESTRING "-lxlf"))) 
((BOOT-EQUAL |arg| (QUOTE |%display%|)) (|object2String| |$fortranLibraries|)) 
((OR (NULL |arg|) (BOOT-EQUAL |arg| (QUOTE |%describe%|)) (BOOT-EQUAL (CAR 
|arg|) (QUOTE ?))) (|describeSetLinkerArgs|)) ((AND (LISTP |arg|) (STRINGP (CAR 
|arg|))) (SPADLET |$fortranLibraries| (CAR |arg|))) ((QUOTE T) 
-;describeSetLinkerArgs() ==
-;  sayBrightly LIST (
-;   '%b,'")set fortran calling linkerargs",'%d,_
-;   '" is used to pass arguments to the linker",'%l,_
-;   '" when using ",'%b,'"mkFort",'%d,_
-;   '" to create functions which call Fortran code.",'%l,_
-;   '" For example, it might give a list of libraries to be searched,",'%l,_
-;   '" and their locations.",'%l,_
-;   '" The string is passed verbatim, so must be the correct syntax for",'%l,_
-;   '" the particular linker being used.",'%l,'%l,_
-;   '" Example: )set fortran calling linker _"-lxlf_"",'%l,'%l,_
-;   '" The current setting is",'%b,$fortranLibraries,'%d)
-(DEFUN |describeSetLinkerArgs| NIL (|sayBrightly| (LIST (QUOTE |%b|) 
(MAKESTRING ")set fortran calling linkerargs") (QUOTE |%d|) (MAKESTRING " is 
used to pass arguments to the linker") (QUOTE |%l|) (MAKESTRING " when using ") 
(QUOTE |%b|) (MAKESTRING "mkFort") (QUOTE |%d|) (MAKESTRING " to create 
functions which call Fortran code.") (QUOTE |%l|) (MAKESTRING " For example, it 
might give a list of libraries to be searched,") (QUOTE |%l|) (MAKESTRING " and 
their locations.") (QUOTE |%l|) (MAKESTRING " The string is passed verbatim, so 
must be the correct syntax for") (QUOTE |%l|) (MAKESTRING " the particular 
linker being used.") (QUOTE |%l|) (QUOTE |%l|) (MAKESTRING " Example: )set 
fortran calling linker \"-lxlf\"") (QUOTE |%l|) (QUOTE |%l|) (MAKESTRING " The 
current setting is") (QUOTE |%b|) |$fortranLibraries| (QUOTE |%d|)))) 
 ;setFunctionsCache arg ==
 ;  $options : local := NIL
 ;  arg = "%initialize%" =>
diff --git a/src/interp/vmlisp.lisp.pamphlet b/src/interp/vmlisp.lisp.pamphlet
index 2478e04..9ee26d5 100644
--- a/src/interp/vmlisp.lisp.pamphlet
+++ b/src/interp/vmlisp.lisp.pamphlet
@@ -343,13 +343,6 @@ the calculation by repeated divisions using the radix 
 (defmacro |idChar?| (x)
  `(or (alphanumericp ,x) (member ,x '(#\? #\% #\' #\!) :test #'char=)))
-(defmacro identp (x) 
- (if (atom x)
-  `(and ,x (symbolp ,x))
-   (let ((xx (gensym)))
-    `(let ((,xx ,x))
-      (and ,xx (symbolp ,xx))))))
 (defmacro ifcar (x)
   (if (atom x)
       `(and (consp ,x) (qcar ,x))
@@ -1055,11 +1048,6 @@ the calculation by repeated divisions using the radix 
 (defun QSREMAINDER (a b) (the fixnum (rem (the fixnum a) (the fixnum b))))
-;(defun IFCAR (x) (if (consp x) (car (the cons x))))
-;(defun IFCDR (x) (if (consp x) (cdr (the cons x))))
 ; 13.3 Updating
@@ -1077,20 +1065,6 @@ the calculation by repeated divisions using the radix 
 (defun VEC2LIST (vec) (coerce vec 'list))
-; note default test for union, intersection and set-difference is eql
-;; following are defined so as to preserve ordering in union.lisp
-;;(defun SETDIFFERENCE (l1 l2) (set-difference l1 l2 :test #'equalp))
-;;(defun SETDIFFERENCEQ (l1 l2) (set-difference l1 l2 :test #'eq))
-;;(defun |union| (l1 l2) (union l1 l2 :test #'equalp))
-;;(defun UNIONQ (l1 l2) (union l1 l2 :test #'eq))
-;;(defun |intersection| (l1 l2) (intersection l1 l2 :test #'equalp))
-;;(defun INTERSECTIONQ (l1 l2) (intersection l1 l2 :test #'eq))
-(defun |member| (item sequence)
-   (cond ((symbolp item) (member item sequence :test #'eq))
-        ((stringp item) (member item sequence :test #'equal))
-        ((and (atom item) (not (arrayp item))) (member item sequence))
-        (T (member item sequence :test #'equalp))))
 (defun |remove| (list item &optional (count 1))
   (if (integerp count)
       (remove item list :count count :test #'equalp)
@@ -1103,14 +1077,10 @@ the calculation by repeated divisions using the radix 
 ; 14.2 Accessing
-;(define-function 'lastnode #'last)
-;(define-function 'lastpair #'last)
 (defun |last| (x) (car (lastpair x)))
 ; 14.3 Searching
-#+:CCL (DEFMACRO |assoc| (X Y) `(ASSOC** ,X ,Y))
 (DEFUN |assoc| (X Y)
   "Return the pair associated with key X in association list Y."
   ; ignores non-nil list terminators
@@ -1226,29 +1196,10 @@ can be restored.
 ; 17.1 Creation
-(defun concat (a b &rest l)
-   (let ((type (cond ((bit-vector-p a) 'bit-vector) (t 'string))))
-      (cond ((eq type 'string)
-            (setq a (string a) b (string b))
-             (if l (setq l (mapcar #'string l)))))
-      (if l (apply #'concatenate type a b l)
-       (concatenate type a b))) )
-(defun concat (a b &rest l)
-  (if (bit-vector-p a)
-      (if l (apply #'concatenate 'bit-vector a b l)
-       (concatenate 'bit-vector a b))
-    (if l (apply #'system:string-concatenate a b l)
-      (system:string-concatenate a b))))
 (define-function 'strconc #'concat)
 (defun make-cvec (sint) (make-array sint :fill-pointer 0 :element-type 
-;(define-function 'CVECP #'stringp)
 (define-function 'getstr #'make-cvec)
 (defun make-full-cvec (sint &optional (char #\space))

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