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[Axiom-developer] 20090222.02.tpd.patch (bookvol10.3 add regression, he

From: daly
Subject: [Axiom-developer] 20090222.02.tpd.patch (bookvol10.3 add regression, help, ...)
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2009 20:32:39 -0600

This patch is the start of a deeper documentation effort for the algebra.
More operations are documented by extending the inherited signatures in
domains to include documentation strings. With this change

stack,  pop!, extract!, push!, insert!, inspect, top, depth, less?,
more?, size?, bag, empty?, empty, sample, copy, eq?, map, map!, =, ~=,
every?, any?, count, #, parts, members, and member? all now show explicit
examples for Stack as part of the )display operation command.

In addition, a new help file and a new regression test file was created.

This technique will be extended to additional domains.


diff --git a/books/bookvol10.3.pamphlet b/books/bookvol10.3.pamphlet
index 8f77e34..23ee487 100644
--- a/books/bookvol10.3.pamphlet
+++ b/books/bookvol10.3.pamphlet
@@ -1595,6 +1595,150 @@ Any(): SetCategory with
 \section{domain ASTACK ArrayStack}
+)sys rm -f ArrayStack.output
+)spool ArrayStack.output
+)set message test on
+)set message auto off
+)clear all
+--S 1 of 44
+a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+--R   (1)  [1,2,3,4,5]
+--R                                                          Type: Stack 
+--E 1
+--S 2 of 44
+pop! a
+--R   (2)  1
+--R                                                        Type: 
+--E 2
+--S 3 of 44
+--R   (3)  [2,3,4,5]
+--R                                                          Type: Stack 
+--E 3
+--S 4 of 44
+--R   (4)  9
+--R                                                        Type: 
+--E 4
+--S 5 of 44
+--R   (5)  [9,2,3,4,5]
+--R                                                          Type: Stack 
+--E 5
+--S 6 of 44
+empty? a
+--R   (6)  false
+--R                                                                Type: 
+--E 6
+--S 7 of 44
+b:=empty()$(Stack INT)
+--R   (7)  []
+--R                                                          Type: Stack 
+--E 7
+--S 8 of 44
+empty? b
+--R   (8)  true
+--R                                                                Type: 
+--E 8
+)lisp (bye)
+Stack examples
+A Stack object is represented as a list ordered by last-in, first-out.
+It operates like a pile of books, where the "next" book is the one
+on the top of the pile.
+Here we create a stack of integers from a list. Notice that the
+order in the list is the order in the stack.
+   a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+      (1)  [1,2,3,4,5]
+We can remove the top of the stack using pop!:
+   pop! a
+      (2)  1
+Notice that the use of pop! is destructive (destructive operations
+in Axiom usually end with ! to indicate that the underylying data
+structure is changed).
+   a
+      (3)  [2,3,4,5]
+Next we push a new element on top of the stack:
+   push!(9,a)
+      (4)  9
+Again, the push! operation is destructive so the stack is changed:
+   a
+      (5)  [9,2,3,4,5]
+We can ask if the stack is empty (boolean predicates in Axiom 
+generally end in a question mark):
+   empty? a
+      (6)  false
+We can create a new, empty stack:
+   b:=empty()$(Stack INT)
+      (7)  []
+And we can ask if b is empty:
+   empty? b
+      (8)  true
+See Also:
+o )show Stack
+o )show ArrayStack
+o )show Queue
+o )show Dequeue
+o )show Heap
 {\bf See}\\
@@ -89375,6 +89519,566 @@ SquareMatrix(ndim,R): Exports == Implementation where
 \section{domain STACK Stack}
+-- stack.spad.pamphlet Stack.input
+)sys rm -f Stack.output
+)spool Stack.output
+)set message test on
+)set message auto off
+)clear all
+--S 1 of 41
+a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+--R   (1)  [1,2,3,4,5]
+--R                                                          Type: Stack 
+--E 1
+--S 2 of 41
+pop! a
+--R   (2)  1
+--R                                                        Type: 
+--E 2
+--S 3 of 41
+--R   (3)  [2,3,4,5]
+--R                                                          Type: Stack 
+--E 3
+--S 4 of 41
+extract! a
+--R   (4)  2
+--R                                                        Type: 
+--E 4
+--S 5 of 41
+--R   (5)  [3,4,5]
+--R                                                          Type: Stack 
+--E 5
+--S 6 of 41
+--R   (6)  9
+--R                                                        Type: 
+--E 6
+--S 7 of 41
+--R   (7)  [9,3,4,5]
+--R                                                          Type: Stack 
+--E 7
+--S 8 of 41
+--R   (8)  [8,9,3,4,5]
+--R                                                          Type: Stack 
+--E 8
+--S 9 of 41
+--R   (9)  [8,9,3,4,5]
+--R                                                          Type: Stack 
+--E 9
+--S 10 of 41
+inspect a
+--R   (10)  8
+--R                                                        Type: 
+--E 10
+--S 11 of 41
+empty? a
+--R   (11)  false
+--R                                                                Type: 
+--E 11
+--S 12 of 41
+top a
+--R   (12)  8
+--R                                                        Type: 
+--E 12
+--S 13 of 41
+depth a
+--R   (13)  5
+--R                                                        Type: 
+--E 13
+--S 14 of 41
+--R   (14)  5
+--R                                                        Type: 
+--E 14
+--S 15 of 41
+--R   (15)  true
+--R                                                                Type: 
+--E 15
+--S 16 of 41
+--R   (16)  false
+--R                                                                Type: 
+--E 16
+--S 17 of 41
+--R   (17)  true
+--R                                                                Type: 
+--E 17
+--S 18 of 41
+--R   (18)  false
+--R                                                                Type: 
+--E 18
+--S 19 of 41
+parts a
+--R   (19)  [8,9,3,4,5]
+--R                                                           Type: List 
+--E 19
+--S 20 of 41
+--R   (20)  [5,4,3,2,1]
+--R                                                          Type: Stack 
+--E 20
+--S 21 of 41
+b:=empty()$(Stack INT)
+--R   (21)  []
+--R                                                          Type: Stack 
+--E 21
+--S 22 of 41
+empty? b
+--R   (22)  true
+--R                                                                Type: 
+--E 22
+--S 23 of 41
+--R   (23)  []
+--R                                                          Type: Stack 
+--E 23
+--S 24 of 41
+c:=copy a
+--R   (24)  [8,9,3,4,5]
+--R                                                          Type: Stack 
+--E 24
+--S 25 of 41
+--R   (25)  false
+--R                                                                Type: 
+--E 25
+--S 26 of 41
+--R   (26)  true
+--R                                                                Type: 
+--E 26
+--S 27 of 41
+--R   (27)  true
+--R                                                                Type: 
+--E 27
+--S 28 of 41
+--R   (28)  true
+--R                                                                Type: 
+--E 28
+--S 29 of 41
+--R   (29)  false
+--R                                                                Type: 
+--E 29
+--S 30 of 41
+--R   (30)  true
+--R                                                                Type: 
+--E 30
+--S 31 of 41
+--R   (31)  false
+--R                                                                Type: 
+--E 31
+--S 32 of 41
+--R   (32)  false
+--R                                                                Type: 
+--E 32
+--S 33 of 41
+--R   (33)  1
+--R                                                        Type: 
+--E 33
+--S 34 of 41
+--R   (34)  5
+--R                                                        Type: 
+--E 34
+--S 35 of 41
+--R   (35)  [18,19,13,14,15]
+--R                                                          Type: Stack 
+--E 35
+--S 36 of 41
+--R   (36)  [8,9,3,4,5]
+--R                                                          Type: Stack 
+--E 36
+--S 37 of 41
+--R   (37)  [18,19,13,14,15]
+--R                                                          Type: Stack 
+--E 37
+--S 38 of 41
+--R   (38)  [18,19,13,14,15]
+--R                                                          Type: Stack 
+--E 38
+--S 39 of 41
+members a
+--R   (39)  [18,19,13,14,15]
+--R                                                           Type: List 
+--E 39
+--S 40 of 41
+--R   (40)  true
+--R                                                                Type: 
+--E 40
+--S 41 of 41
+)show Stack
+--R Stack S: SetCategory  is a domain constructor
+--R Abbreviation for Stack is STACK 
+--R This constructor is exposed in this frame.
+--R Issue )edit bookvol10.3.spad.pamphlet to see algebra source code for STACK 
+--R------------------------------- Operations --------------------------------
+--R bag : List S -> %                     copy : % -> %
+--R depth : % -> NonNegativeInteger       empty : () -> %
+--R empty? : % -> Boolean                 eq? : (%,%) -> Boolean
+--R extract! : % -> S                     insert! : (S,%) -> %
+--R inspect : % -> S                      map : ((S -> S),%) -> %
+--R pop! : % -> S                         push! : (S,%) -> S
+--R sample : () -> %                      stack : List S -> %
+--R top : % -> S                         
+--R #? : % -> NonNegativeInteger if $ has finiteAggregate
+--R ?=? : (%,%) -> Boolean if S has SETCAT
+--R any? : ((S -> Boolean),%) -> Boolean if $ has finiteAggregate
+--R coerce : % -> OutputForm if S has SETCAT
+--R count : (S,%) -> NonNegativeInteger if $ has finiteAggregate and S has 
+--R count : ((S -> Boolean),%) -> NonNegativeInteger if $ has finiteAggregate
+--R eval : (%,List S,List S) -> % if S has EVALAB S and S has SETCAT
+--R eval : (%,S,S) -> % if S has EVALAB S and S has SETCAT
+--R eval : (%,Equation S) -> % if S has EVALAB S and S has SETCAT
+--R eval : (%,List Equation S) -> % if S has EVALAB S and S has SETCAT
+--R every? : ((S -> Boolean),%) -> Boolean if $ has finiteAggregate
+--R hash : % -> SingleInteger if S has SETCAT
+--R latex : % -> String if S has SETCAT
+--R less? : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean
+--R map! : ((S -> S),%) -> % if $ has shallowlyMutable
+--R member? : (S,%) -> Boolean if $ has finiteAggregate and S has SETCAT
+--R members : % -> List S if $ has finiteAggregate
+--R more? : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean
+--R parts : % -> List S if $ has finiteAggregate
+--R size? : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean
+--R ?~=? : (%,%) -> Boolean if S has SETCAT
+--E 41
+)lisp (bye)
+Stack examples
+A Stack object is represented as a list ordered by last-in, first-out.
+It operates like a pile of books, where the "next" book is the one
+on the top of the pile.
+Here we create a stack of integers from a list. Notice that the
+order in the list is the order in the stack.
+   a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+      [1,2,3,4,5]
+We can remove the top of the stack using pop!:
+   pop! a
+      1
+Notice that the use of pop! is destructive (destructive operations
+in Axiom usually end with ! to indicate that the underylying data
+structure is changed).
+   a
+      [2,3,4,5]
+The extract! operation is another name for the pop! operation and
+has the same effect. This operation treats the stack as a BagAggregate:
+o   extract! a
+      2
+and you can see that it also has destructively modified the stack:
+   a
+      [3,4,5]
+Next we push a new element on top of the stack:
+   push!(9,a)
+      9
+Again, the push! operation is destructive so the stack is changed:
+   a
+      [9,2,3,4,5]
+Another name for push! is insert!, which treats the stack as a BagAggregate:
+   insert!(8,a)
+      [8,9,3,4,5]
+and it modifies the stack:
+   a
+      [8,9,3,4,5]
+The inspect function returns the top of the stack without modification,
+viewed as a BagAggregate:
+   inspect a
+      8
+The empty? operation returns true only if there are no element on the
+stack, otherwise it returns false:
+   empty? a
+      false
+The top operation returns the top of stack without modification, viewed
+as a Stack:
+   top a
+      8
+The depth operation returns the number of elements on the stack:
+   depth a
+      5
+which is the same as the # (length) operation:
+   #a
+       5
+The less? predicate will compare the stack length to an integer:
+   less?(a,9)
+        true
+The more? predicate will compare the stack length to an integer:
+   more?(a,9)
+        false
+The size? operation will compare the stack length to an integer:
+   size?(a,#a)
+        true
+and since the last computation must alwasy be true we try:
+   size?(a,9)
+        false
+The parts function will return  the stack as a list of its elements:
+   parts a
+        [8,9,3,4,5]
+If we have a BagAggregate of elements we can use it to construct a stack.
+Notice that the elements are pushed in reverse order:
+   bag([1,2,3,4,5])$Stack(INT)
+        [5,4,3,2,1]
+The empty function will construct an empty stack of a given type:
+   b:=empty()$(Stack INT)
+        []
+and the empty? predicate allows us to find out if a stack is empty:
+   empty? b
+        true
+The sample function returns a sample, empty stack:
+   sample()$Stack(INT)
+        []
+We can copy a stack and it does not share storage so subsequent
+modifications of the original stack will not affect the copy:
+   c:=copy a
+        [8,9,3,4,5]
+The eq? function is only true if the lists are the same reference,
+so even though c is a copy of a, they are not the same:
+   eq?(a,c)
+        false
+However, a clearly shares a reference with itself:
+   eq?(a,a)
+        true
+But we can compare a and c for equality:
+   (a=c)@Boolean
+        true
+and clearly a is equal to itself:
+   (a=a)@Boolean
+        true
+and since a and c are equal, they are clearly NOT not-equal:
+   a~=c
+        false
+We can use the any? function to see if a predicate is true for any element:
+   any?(x+->(x=4),a)
+        true
+or false for every element:
+   any?(x+->(x=11),a)
+        false
+We can use the every? function to check every element satisfies a predicate:
+   every?(x+->(x=11),a)
+        false
+We can count the elements that are equal to an argument of this type:
+   count(4,a)
+        1
+or we can count against a boolean function:
+   count(x+->(x>2),a)
+        5
+You can also map a function over every element, returning a new stack:
+   map(x+->x+10,a)
+        [18,19,13,14,15]
+Notice that the orignal stack is unchanged:
+   a
+        [8,9,3,4,5]
+You can use map! to map a function over every element and change
+the original stack since map! is destructive:
+   map!(x+->x+10,a)
+       [18,19,13,14,15]
+Notice that the orignal stack has been changed:
+   a
+       [18,19,13,14,15]
+The member function can also get the element of the stack as a list:
+   members a
+       [18,19,13,14,15]
+and using member? we can test if the stack holds a given element:
+   member?(14,a)
+       true
+See Also:
+o )show Stack
+o )show ArrayStack
+o )show Queue
+o )show Dequeue
+o )show Heap
+o )show BagAggregate
 {\bf See}\\
@@ -89421,9 +90125,9 @@ SquareMatrix(ndim,R): Exports == Implementation where
 <<domain STACK Stack>>=
 )abbrev domain STACK Stack
-++ Author: Michael Monagan and Stephen Watt
+++ Author: Michael Monagan, Stephen Watt, Timothy Daly
 ++ Date Created:June 86 and July 87
-++ Date Last Updated:Feb 92
+++ Date Last Updated:Feb 09
 ++ Basic Operations:
 ++ Related Domains:
 ++ Also See:
@@ -89441,7 +90145,132 @@ Stack(S:SetCategory): StackAggregate S with
       ++ stack([x,y,...,z]) creates a stack with first (top)
       ++ element x, second element y,...,and last element z.
-      ++E a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+      ++X a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+ -- Inherited Signatures repeated for examples documentation
+    pop_! : % -> S
+      ++
+      ++X a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+      ++X pop! a
+      ++X a
+    extract_! : % -> S
+      ++
+      ++X a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+      ++X extract! a
+      ++X a
+    push_! : (S,%) -> S
+      ++
+      ++X a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+      ++X push! a
+      ++X a
+    insert_! : (S,%) -> %
+      ++
+      ++X a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+      ++X insert! a
+      ++X a
+    inspect : % -> S
+      ++
+      ++X a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+      ++X inspect a
+    top : % -> S
+      ++
+      ++X a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+      ++X top a
+    depth : % -> NonNegativeInteger
+      ++
+      ++X a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+      ++X depth a
+    less? : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean
+      ++
+      ++X a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+      ++X less?(a,9)
+    more? : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean
+      ++
+      ++X a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+      ++X more?(a,9)
+    size? : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean
+      ++
+      ++X a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+      ++X size?(a,5)
+    bag : List S -> %
+      ++
+      ++X bag([1,2,3,4,5])$Stack(INT)
+    empty? : % -> Boolean
+      ++
+      ++X a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+      ++X empty? a
+    empty : () -> %
+      ++
+      ++X b:=empty()$(Stack INT)
+    sample : () -> %
+      ++
+      ++X sample()$Stack(INT)
+    copy : % -> %
+      ++
+      ++X a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+      ++X copy a
+    eq? : (%,%) -> Boolean
+      ++
+      ++X a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+      ++X b:=copy a
+      ++X eq?(a,b)
+    map :  ((S -> S),%) -> %
+      ++
+      ++X a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+      ++X map(x+->x+10,a)
+      ++X a
+    if $ has shallowlyMutable then
+      map! :  ((S -> S),%) -> %
+        ++
+        ++X a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+        ++X map!(x+->x+10,a)
+        ++X a
+    if S has SetCategory then
+      "=": (%,%) -> Boolean
+        ++
+        ++X a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+        ++X b:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+        ++X (a=b)@Boolean
+      "~=" : (%,%) -> Boolean
+        ++
+        ++X a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+        ++X b:=copy a
+        ++X (a~=b)
+    if % has finiteAggregate then
+      every? : ((S -> Boolean),%) -> Boolean
+        ++
+        ++X a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+        ++X every?(x+->(x=4),a)
+      any? : ((S -> Boolean),%) -> Boolean
+        ++
+        ++X a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+        ++X any?(x+->(x=4),a)
+      count :  ((S -> Boolean),%) -> NonNegativeInteger
+        ++
+        ++X a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+        ++X count(x+->(x>2),a)
+      _# : % -> NonNegativeInteger
+        ++
+        ++X a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+        ++X #a
+      parts : % -> List S
+        ++
+        ++X a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+        ++X parts a
+      members : % -> List S
+        ++
+        ++X a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+        ++X members a
+    if % has finiteAggregate and S has SetCategory then
+      member? : (S,%) -> Boolean
+        ++
+        ++X a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+        ++X member?(3,a)
+      count : (S,%) -> NonNegativeInteger
+        ++
+        ++X a:Stack INT:= stack [1,2,3,4,5]
+        ++X count(4,a)
   == add
     Rep := Reference List S
@@ -89465,6 +90294,9 @@ Stack(S:SetCategory): StackAggregate S with
     empty() == ref nil()$List(S)
     empty? s == null deref s
     stack s == ref copy s
+    parts s == copy deref s
+    map(f,s) == ref map(f,deref s)
+    map!(f,s) == ref map!(f,deref s)
diff --git a/changelog b/changelog
index a73b55d..0cf904a 100644
--- a/changelog
+++ b/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+20090222 tpd src/axiom-website/patches.html 20090222.02.tpd.patch
+20090222 tpd src/interp/Makefile add regression, help for Stack
+20090222 tpd books/bookvol10.3 add regression, help, examples for Stack
 20090222 tpd src/axiom-website/patches.html 20090222.01.tpd.patch
 20090222 tpd src/interp/setq.lisp Stephen Buchwald to credits
 20090222 tpd readme add Stephen Buchwald to credits
diff --git a/src/algebra/Makefile.pamphlet b/src/algebra/Makefile.pamphlet
index 952fd83..841a1c1 100644
--- a/src/algebra/Makefile.pamphlet
+++ b/src/algebra/Makefile.pamphlet
@@ -16459,7 +16459,7 @@ SPADHELP=\
  ${HELP}/ \
  ${HELP}/                    ${HELP}/ \
  ${HELP}/            ${HELP}/ \
- ${HELP}/ \
+ ${HELP}/ ${HELP}/ \
  ${HELP}/                 ${HELP}/ \
  ${HELP}/            ${HELP}/ \
  ${HELP}/                  ${HELP}/ \
@@ -16525,7 +16525,7 @@ REGRESS=\
  RomanNumeral.regress           Segment.regress \
  Set.regress                    SingleInteger.regress \
  SparseTable.regress            SquareMatrix.regress \
- SquareFreeRegularTriangularSet.regress \
+ SquareFreeRegularTriangularSet.regress Stack.regress \
  Stream.regress                 String.regress \
  StringTable.regress            Symbol.regress \
  Table.regress                  TextFile.regress \
@@ -17408,6 +17408,15 @@ ${HELP}/ 
        @echo "SquareFreeRegularTriangularSet (SREGSET)" >>${HELPFILE}
+${HELP}/ ${BOOKS}/bookvol10.3.pamphlet
+       @echo 7078 create from ${BOOKS}/bookvol10.3.pamphlet
+       @${TANGLE} -R"" ${BOOKS}/bookvol10.3.pamphlet \
+           >${HELP}/
+       @-cp ${HELP}/ ${HELP}/
+       @${TANGLE} -R"Stack.input" ${BOOKS}/bookvol10.3.pamphlet \
+            >${INPUT}/Stack.input
+       @echo "Stack (STACK)" >>${HELPFILE}
 ${HELP}/ ${BOOKS}/bookvol10.3.pamphlet
        @echo 7078 create from ${BOOKS}/bookvol10.3.pamphlet
        @${TANGLE} -R"" ${BOOKS}/bookvol10.3.pamphlet \
diff --git a/src/axiom-website/patches.html b/src/axiom-website/patches.html
index a861a06..a8c96df 100644
--- a/src/axiom-website/patches.html
+++ b/src/axiom-website/patches.html
@@ -955,5 +955,7 @@ remove bookvol5 dvi creation<br/>
 add Scott Morrison's original hypertex plan<br/>
 <a href="patches/20090222.01.tpd.patch">20090222.01.tpd.patch</a>
 add Stephen Buchwald to credits<br/>
+<a href="patches/20090222.02.tpd.patch">20090222.02.tpd.patch</a>
+bookvol10.3 add regression, help, examples for Stack<br/>

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