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Re: [Axiom-developer] Using Aldor compiler from within Axiom on amd64

From: Ralf Hemmecke
Subject: Re: [Axiom-developer] Using Aldor compiler from within Axiom on amd64
Date: Sat, 06 Jan 2007 16:21:54 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20061206)

Hallo Christian,

I cannot help with all, but maybe with some of the problems.

Compiling the following short snippet (as

I get

>> System error:
    Unknown bfd format

My guess is that the version of gcl from which Axiom+Aldor was
produced does not specify the appropriate gcc option (-m32 ?) to
ensure that the object file that is created from the Aldor lisp
output can be linked with the Axiom+Aldor binary.

oh, besides the aldor compiler, axiom also uses gcl to compile aldor sources?

Aldor is only called to produce .ao, .asy, and .lsp files. Axiom starts gcl in a second pass to make an .o file out of .lsp.


Then you must follow the procedure at

to link Axiom with Aldor.

I tried to follow that guide, but ran into trouble already at step 5 “Update your axiom source code to patch 44”, as for a fresh install, of course I could not “tla update”. I tried with the silver sources instead. Building axiom aborted, and make complained about denied permission to modify
/home/tmgisi/axiom64/axiom.silver/axiom/mnt/linux/bin/tex/.svn/prop-base/axiom.sty.svn-base /home/tmgisi/axiom64/axiom.silver/axiom/mnt/linux/bin/tex/.svn/text-base/axiom.sty.svn-base

That is a bug that I fixed in revision 75 of branches/build-improvements at sourceforge.

  Removed the line
        @cp -pr ${SRC}/scripts/* ${MNT}/${SYS}/bin
  from the target "rootdirs".

  Replace the "all" target code by the following two targets.

all: ${OUT}/Makefile.pamphlet
        address@hidden -p ${OUT}/tex

        @echo 1 making ${SRC}/scripts
        cp -pr * ${OUT}

There is actually another change in src/doc/Makefile.pamphlet, but maybe the two files above suffice.

Maybe it is easier to use svk instead of svn. svk does not put .svn directories inside the checked out tree.

chmodding everything within /hemo/tmgisi/axiom64 to 777, make got past this point but make did not proceed for more than 24-hours at:

make[3]: Entering directory `/home/tmgisi/axiom64/axiom.silver/axiom/src/doc' 1 making /home/tmgisi/axiom64/axiom.silver/axiom/int/doc/axiom.bib from /home/tmgisi/axiom64/axiom.silver/axiom/src/doc/axiom.bib.pamphlet 2 making /home/tmgisi/axiom64/axiom.silver/axiom/mnt/linux/bin/tex/axiom.sty from /home/tmgisi/axiom64/axiom.silver/axiom/src/doc/axiom.sty.pamphlet 3 making /home/tmgisi/axiom64/axiom.silver/axiom/mnt/linux/doc/DeveloperNotes.dvi from /home/tmgisi/axiom64/axiom.silver/axiom/src/doc/DeveloperNotes.pamphlet
The root module <<*>> was not defined.
4 making /home/tmgisi/axiom64/axiom.silver/axiom/mnt/linux/doc/book.dvi from /home/tmgisi/axiom64/axiom.silver/axiom/src/doc/book.pamphlet 4 making /home/tmgisi/axiom64/axiom.silver/axiom/mnt/linux/doc/bookvol1.dvi from /home/tmgisi/axiom64/axiom.silver/axiom/src/doc/bookvol1.pamphlet

So obviously, at step 5 of
I chose the wrong sources. Would the golden one be the correct one then?

At least I compiled axiom--main--1--patch-50 (which is the current Gold version) exactly as described on (including the compilation of

I haven't yet tried Silver.

Good luck

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